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Thread: What do you think about this meal?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    New Hampshire

    What do you think about this meal?

    Macaroni, canned diced tomatoes, and hamburgh (93% lean beef). I'm trying to gain weight as you may have read in my other threads. The reason I posted this is because this happens to be my favorite meal (yes I have simple taste) and it seems to be a good way to include the lean beef.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Land of milk and honey.
    Top siloin steak, whole wheat pasta, organic pasta sause with organic salsa, black beans, and walnuts mixed in. That would be my preference over what you posted.

    Your question is too general, you need to post your complete diet for several days.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    From what I know about you and your metabolism to date, by all means enjoy the hell out of that.

    Don't just eat a shitload at once, make sure they amounts you eat are in line w/your goals per meal. Eat it over the course of many meals, not a ton at once.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    New Hampshire
    Quote Originally Posted by sp9
    Top siloin steak, whole wheat pasta, organic pasta sause with organic salsa, black beans, and walnuts mixed in. That would be my preference over what you posted.

    Your question is too general, you need to post your complete diet for several days.

    I really wish I could afford to eat what you listed, however, I'll be the first to admit I'm "some poor folk." I've priced organic products and they basically tend to cost about twice that of a non-organic product. Top sirlion steak... sounds delicious, I'll have to price that out.

    The meal I cooked basically cost me $3 for the beef, $1 for the tomatoes, and $1.50 for the pasta. Unfortunately I have to go "economical" when shopping.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Land of milk and honey.
    I just took a look at your other thread. After leaning a little more about you I would say that other thread is a great start.

    I understand about the economical part. Keep at it. I was 85 lbs in 7th grade. I mean I have pictures I look at now that are hard to even glimpse at, I look like I was from a 3rd world country where there was no food. I graduated high school at 17, 6'3" and about 150 lbs. It took me a long time to slowly change my diet and workout and get them in order. I got up to 215, which is alot of weight for me considering where I started and my smaller bone structure. I researched here, tweaked my diet and workouts for over 18 months before I tried any not so legal supplements.

    Keep up the hard work.
    Last edited by sp9; 02-17-2006 at 08:01 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Long Beach, Ca
    BB foods are the cheapest to purchase ... its the snack foods that are costly...

    Buy in bulk ... lean meats / chicken / tuna / nat PB / eggs

    pasta / potatoes/ rice / beans / yams / oats / Whole grain bread

    Bags of frozen veggies

    Water on tap is free or .35 a gallon for filtered

    Good luck ..


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