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Thread: please rate my diet and workout routine!!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    please rate my diet and workout routine!!!!

    here it is. i am trying to cut and keep/increase my strength. i dont know how much protein i get though becuase i haven't done the math yet but here is the list of my supps.

    xenadrine nrg 4 pills a day 2 in the morn 2 eight or so hours later
    cellucor p6 3 caps a day
    glutamine 8-10 grams a day
    kre-alkalyn creatine 4 caps a day
    centrum multivitimin 2 caps a day
    falx oil caps 3-4 a day
    vitamin c 2-4 caps a day
    whey protein and met-rx meal replacement

    now onto my diet and training routine. it differs everyday cuz i have weights class at school 1st hour mon. wed. fri. during this time, i would just take no-xplode and not eat breakfast b/c u shouldn't eat b4 taking no-xplode.

    diet. (tuesday,thursday,sat.,sun.)

    5:30 am xenadrine nrg then 45-60 min of gazelle on empty stomach

    7 am 1/2 cup oats 1/2 cup skim milk 1 scoop whey

    10 am protein bar ( i try to avoid this but i have school and i don't get off till 10:40 am) it has 20g pro 19g carbs 5 g fat

    1:00 pm 4oz. chic breast 4 egg whites 2 slices of turkey ham 1 scoop of whey 1 pill of flax oil

    4 pm 1/2 cup oats 1/2 cup skim milk 1 scoop whey 4 egg whites and 2 slices of turkey ham

    7 pm 4oz. chic breast 1 scoop whey 4 egg whites 2 slices of turkey ham and 1 scoop whey

    10 pm 1/2 cup cottage cheese 1 can of tuna with reduced fat mayo(2g fat per serving) 1 scoop whey 2 pills flax oil

    diet (mon, wed, fri)

    5:30 xenadrine nrg plus 45-60 min gazelle

    7:10 am no-xplode

    8:15 am met-rx white box meal replacement (cuz i am still at school at this time)

    11 am 1 can tuna w reduced fat mayo

    1 pm 4oz. chic breast 1 scoop whey 4 egg whites 2 slices of turkey ham 1 scoop whey 1/3 cup oats 1/3 cup skim milk

    4 pm 1/2 cup oats 1/2 cup skim milk 1 scoop whey 4 egg whites and 2 slices of turkey ham

    7 pm 4oz. chic breast 1 scoop whey 4 egg whites 2 slices of turkey ham and 1 scoop whey

    10 pm 1/2 cup cottage cheese 1 can of tuna with reduced fat mayo(2g fat per serving) 1 scoop whey 2 pills flax oil

    as you can see, i try to avoid carbs at night but i end up getting about 10g of carbs on my last meal dues to shake and cottage cheese. i sometimes also do 45 min of gazelle at night at around 8 pm

    here is my training routine. i give each muscle groups 3 full days of rest b4 working out again. here is an example:

    mon- chest and back


    dumbbell bench warm up sets 50's on each side 10 reps 2 sets
    4-6 reps of 75 3 sets
    dumbell decline
    4-6 reps of 65-70(depends on energy level) 2 sets
    incline dumbells
    4-6 reps of 55 2 sets


    lat pull warm up sets 110 10 reps 2 sets
    4-6 reps of 155 3 sets (my back is very weak so feel free to make fun of me)
    v bar pull
    4-6 reps of 150 2 sets
    dumbell rows
    4-6 reps of 70 2 sets

    sometimes i like to switch up dumbell rows with cable rows

    tues. shoulders and traps

    dumbell shoulder press warm up sets 10 reps of 35 2 sets
    4-6 reps of 55 3 sets
    Standing Side Lateral Dumbbell Raises
    4-6 reps of 30 2 sets
    Seated Bent-over Rear Lateral Raises
    4-6 reps of 30 2 sets (i always have a tough time executing this one. i really dislike working out my rear delts cuz i don't get much overload)


    upright rows
    4-6 reps of 85 2-3 sets
    seated dumbell shrugs
    4-6 reps of 75 on each hand 3 sets

    wed. biceps and triceps


    cable pushdowns warm up 10 reps of 35 2 sets
    4-6 reps of 62 1/2 three sets ( i like to use the rope)
    cable pushdowns(not the rope)
    4-6 reps of 67 1/2 2 sets ( i think i could do more weight if i dont use the rope.)
    skull crushers
    4-6 reps of 75 3 sets


    straight bar curls warm up sets 10 reps of 50 2 sets
    4-6 reps of 80-85 3 sets
    ex curl bar curl
    4-6 reps of 80 2-3 sets
    hammer curls
    4-6 reps of 35 2 sets

    thursday off

    friday back to day one
    sat. back to day 2
    sun back to day 3

    and so on..... you kinda get the idea. 3 days on 1 day off

    i also workout my abs during my own time not in the gym. i do abs every other day and i do include the side crunches and lower abs. but the only thing that i don't work out is my legs. they are pretty big right now and i want then to shrink. my calves are humongous and there some veins running down it's disgusting.... i want then to kind of shrink just a little bit so i am probably going to take a month off from leg training. that's pretty much it.

    by the way, i am 18 5 foot 6 weighing at around 165 at 15% bodyfat. i would like to get somewhere around 9-10% by the end of march. please rate my diet and training. thanks
    Last edited by lc1987; 03-01-2006 at 03:58 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ON, Canada
    Ok I didnt not have time to read it all. Let me just ask though...when the hell do you train your legs? I would rate your workout routine a 5/10 since you are missing the lower half of your body.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    Ok I didnt not have time to read it all. Let me just ask though...when the hell do you train your legs? I would rate your workout routine a 5/10 since you are missing the lower half of your body.

    if you finish the last part you would have found out about my legs. my legs are prettty damn big compare to my body. this is pretty much the only part of my body that i worked out so much since freshmen year because i need it for basketball. but now, my legs are fairly big and it does not match my body. i would like them to shrink just a bit so my body would match my legs. thanks for reading it though.
    Last edited by lc1987; 03-01-2006 at 07:56 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    Ok I didnt not have time to read it all. Let me just ask though...when the hell do you train your legs? I would rate your workout routine a 5/10 since you are missing the lower half of your body.

    if you finish the last part you would have found out about my legs. my legs are prettty damn big compare to my body. this is pretty much the only part of my body that i worked out so much since freshmen year because i thought it would help me jump higher for basketball. but now, my legs are fairly big and it does not match my upper body. i would like them to shrink just a bit so my body would match my legs. thanks for reading it though.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ON, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by lc1987
    if you finish the last part you would have found out about my legs. my legs are prettty damn big compare to my body. this is pretty much the only part of my body that i worked out so much since freshmen year because i thought it would help me jump higher for basketball. but now, my legs are fairly big and it does not match my upper body. i would like them to shrink just a bit so my body would match my legs. thanks for reading it though.
    LOL, my bad man. Sorry bout that. I didnt have much time so I just skimmed it. Well I would still say you should work out your legs. Just to keep the blood flowing through them. Maybe decrease the intensity if you truly dont want them to get any bigger, but it helps to release testosterone into the body and will allow the rest of your body to develop as well. But ya your routine did look pretty good from what i quickly browsed.

    I would add some fly's into your chest routine though and also add another excercise into you back routine. I would suggest deadlifts. Your lats are a large muscle group and require more work than say your biceps. Also you cant neglect the muscles that make up your erector spinae, thus do deadlifts. I would also suggest, in general that you do at least 3 sets of each excercise and not only 2 for those ones that you indicated only 2.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    LOL, my bad man. Sorry bout that. I didnt have much time so I just skimmed it. Well I would still say you should work out your legs. Just to keep the blood flowing through them. Maybe decrease the intensity if you truly dont want them to get any bigger, but it helps to release testosterone into the body and will allow the rest of your body to develop as well. But ya your routine did look pretty good from what i quickly browsed.

    I would add some fly's into your chest routine though and also add another excercise into you back routine. I would suggest deadlifts. Your lats are a large muscle group and require more work than say your biceps. Also you cant neglect the muscles that make up your erector spinae, thus do deadlifts. I would also suggest, in general that you do at least 3 sets of each excercise and not only 2 for those ones that you indicated only 2.

    thanks man. i will add leg routine from now on but i will do more reps so it does not get any bigger. bout how about my diet man. i am trying to cut on some fat and i am not sure if my diet is good enough. should i add more carbs ? cuz i only get about 110g of carbs and maybe 270g protein. i am trying to get down to at least 9-10% and i am currently 15%. how long will it take if i stick to it?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ON, Canada
    Diet doesnt seem too bad at all man. Thats the way to go for sure. Just make sure your carbs are around half of what your protein is and limit your carb intake to earlier in the day and in PWO nutrition. That has always worked well for me. Doing a diet with about 400g protein and 250g carbs allowed me to drop 20lbs in 3 weeks at one point. It also depends on your cardio etc.

    The cutting stickie is a good place to look. I would maybe add some variety into your meals though, yams are a good carb with a low GI value and it tastes better than oats IMO. PWO you should have a sugary source of carbs with your shake, most people use dextrose.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    in a dilapidated apt.
    i would say that going 3 hours after waking up without food on mon/wed/fri is not a good idea. you want to jack your metabolism and i believe the best thing for it is food. i also wouldn't rely so heavily on whey, whole food is probably better, i do understand you are cutting. but be sure and figure your daily calorie needs and just make sure you are under that by about 500 cals. i can't guess because you haven't included the macros of your meals. remember, your body is generally only going to allow you to burn about a pound of fat a week (generally), after that it feasts on muscle some, so just be patient and don't over do it. it sounds like u are a smart kid, and i'm sure you'll be fine. good luck and kick ass boy!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp
    i would say that going 3 hours after waking up without food on mon/wed/fri is not a good idea. you want to jack your metabolism and i believe the best thing for it is food. i also wouldn't rely so heavily on whey, whole food is probably better, i do understand you are cutting. but be sure and figure your daily calorie needs and just make sure you are under that by about 500 cals. i can't guess because you haven't included the macros of your meals. remember, your body is generally only going to allow you to burn about a pound of fat a week (generally), after that it feasts on muscle some, so just be patient and don't over do it. it sounds like u are a smart kid, and i'm sure you'll be fine. good luck and kick ass boy!
    well novastepp here is my revise cutting diet with all the macro and cals:

    Cutting Diet

    7 am
    ½ cup oats 5g pro 27g carbs 3g fat
    ½ cup skim milk 4g pro 5.5 g carbs 0g fat
    1 scoop whey 21.25o 3.75g carbs 4.4g fat
    Total cal = 332 cal

    10 pm
    1 can tuna 26g pro 0g carbs 1g fat
    Mayo 0g 0g 2g
    Total cal = 131 cal
    1 pm
    4.2 oz chic breast 27.5g pro 0g carbs 1.5g fat
    5 oz egg whites 15.1g pro 1.3 g carbs 0g fat
    2oz turkey ham 9.1g pro 0g carbs 2.5g fat
    1 scoop whey 24g pro 4g carbs 1g fat
    ½ cup oats 5g pro 27g carbs 3g fat
    Total cal = 427.1 cal

    ½ cup oats 5g pro 27g carbs 3g fat
    1 scoop whey 24g pro 4g carbs 1g fat
    5 oz egg whites 15.1g pro 1.3 g carbs 0g fat
    2oz turkey ham 9.1g pro 0g carbs 2.5g fat
    Total cal = 399.88 cal

    4.2 oz chic breast 27.5g pro 0g carbs 1.5g fat
    5 oz egg whites 15.1g pro 1.3 g carbs 0g fat
    1 scoop whey 24g pro 4g carbs 1g fat
    2oz turkey ham 9.1g pro 0g carbs 2.5g fat
    Total cal = 369 cal
    10 pm
    ½ cup cottage cheese 13g pro 5g carbs 0g fat
    1 scoop whey 21.25o 3.75g carbs 4.4g fat
    1 can tuna 26g pro 0g carbs 1g fat
    2 pills falx 0g pro 0g carbs 2g fat
    Mayo 0g 0g 2g
    Total cal = 360.6 cal

    Total Cal = 2019.58 cal
    Macronutrients 326.1 pro 114.85 carbs 39.3g fat

    what do you think? is the calroie intake too high? i wanna lose as much weight by the end of march so should i cut some protei shake? I take it about 5 times a day. thanks man

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ON, Canada
    Novastepp gave you some good advice. Although I would say you can lose more than 1lb per week. It all depends on your diet pre-cutting. Think of it in terms of your caloric intake. It takes 3500 cals to make up on pound, thus if you cut down by 500cals per day multiplied by 7 days in a week that makes 3500 and you will lose a pound a week. However if you are cutting it down by more than that you can definitely lose more than a pound a week. Nova is right if you drop too fast you will begin to lose muscle mass, but I dont think there is a set amount you will lose per week, depends on your diet, cardio, genetics and like i said before your pre-cutting diet,cardio etc.


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    in a dilapidated apt.
    looks better, i don't understand why you are combining carbs/fats at1pm? maybe it's preference, but i would take out the oats. i also think you need more fat. contrary to what you may believe or have been told, you need EFA's to burn fat. and increase them gently as fat burning i would add some more to your diet throughout your day. maybe 4 pills in both of your last 2 meals. i would also take out some of that whey you have added in there. that much of it is unmecessary. i would drop it from my 10 am and 10pm meals...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp
    looks better, i don't understand why you are combining carbs/fats at1pm? maybe it's preference, but i would take out the oats. i also think you need more fat. contrary to what you may believe or have been told, you need EFA's to burn fat. and increase them gently as fat burning i would add some more to your diet throughout your day. maybe 4 pills in both of your last 2 meals. i would also take out some of that whey you have added in there. that much of it is unmecessary. i would drop it from my 10 am and 10pm meals...
    oh yeah i forgot to tell you that 1pm is usually my pwo if i don't have weights at gym which is tues thurs. as for not eating for about 3 hours after waking up, i can't really do anything about it cuz i have to work out on an empty stomach at around 5:30 then take a shower at around 6:25 then i have to take bsn no xplode on an empty stomach. but i could do this by eating before doing my cardio. should i eat b4 cardio or always on empty stomach. imean i think it would be better on an empty stomach cuz i only do gazelle which is super low intensity. thanks man

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