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  1. #1
    daytrader's Avatar
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    Exclamation How'm I doin on this bros??

    I guess it takes seeing a pic of yourself sometimes to realize what you really look like..i saw a pic of me at a party last so bloated looking its ridiculous... im so bloated i look like frankenstine....any who i REALLY REALLY need your guys help with my diet... i know some of you experts can help me.... For the past 7 months ive been bulking like a mad man(naturally) went from 6'3 200 to 238 right now id estimate 15-17% bf..... my old diet of bulking in this time included 8 nice sized meals a day,lots of carbs, lots of fat lots of cals lots of protein!.. you get the idea... i acheived my goal of mass now i look like shit and need to dial it in not looking to get ripped but down to around 10-11% while continuing to make gains at the gym! Helpppp meeee.... here is my outline what do you think?? also should i incorpate some carb or protein cycling... thanks brosss... this would be a TYPICAL day.... also how many and when cheat meals??

    1: 930 am 1 cup of oatmeal, 30g protein scoop, 8ozmilk (blended)

    2:Lean turkey burger breast, whole wheat bagel, handful of nuts

    3: Can of tuna, brown rice

    4: Pre workout : Balnce Bar(15g pro, 27Carbs, 7gs fat), 1 scoop of protein(17gs), creatine(20carbs)

    5:Post workout: 35g protein scoop, 20oz gatorade, 8oz milk

    6inner, My mommy makes me dinner every other day .... so well say chicken and potatoes or spageti and chicken or lean ground beef along those lines, figure around 50gs protein, 50 carbs somethin like that

    7: 3 egg white, 2 whole egss(5 total), lean turkey burger(25gs prot, 2gs of fat), fruit cup or 1/2 cup oatmeal

    8:b4 bed protein shake.... w/milk

    Also if im not liftin that day i DO eat in meal slots 4 and 5,,, maybe canned chicken and rice or somthin like that.... SO what do you guys think?? also im gonna start doingcardio 3-4 times a wekk 15-20mins at a time

    Like i said before im not looking to get CUT because im need to achieve things in the gym still... but looking to lower the bf and reduce the ****ing bloat in my face

  2. #2
    lucabratzi's Avatar
    lucabratzi is offline Anabolic Member
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    meal 1. put in water...
    meal 7. take out the fruit/oatmeal
    but if i was cuttin i would do cardio before meal one. and have meal one a pro/carb meal. and have meal 3 a pro/fat i have to jerk off cause of ur avatar...

  3. #3
    C_Bino's Avatar
    C_Bino is offline $BAM-7246~AR-Hall of Famer
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    I would add cardio to your routine in the mornings b4 food like Lucabratzi said. JusYour diet doesnt look that bad, I dont see why your ballooned up so much. Your protein I would say is only at 300g per day MAX. You are over 200 lbs so I would definitely increase your protein, try for 400g a day and just cut down on same fats and add more complex carbs into your diet. Take out the bagel and replace it with oatmeal.


  4. #4
    1buffsob's Avatar
    1buffsob is offline Mr.Modesty
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    Look behind you.
    Wait, are you trying to cut weight with this diet???

  5. #5
    daytrader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1buffsob
    Wait, are you trying to cut weight with this diet???
    Yup lol ... if you saw what i ate bulking youd see a huge difference lol..Im not looking to "cut" as most people would call it... just lean out gradually...I think i tried to get too big too fast and maybe thats why i balloned up... or maybe its the new creatine ive been taking.... i also Eat or did Eat a LOT of bakebeans... i was told to cut those out..... thanks for the advice guys..... and yes ashlee simpson is extremley Hot.. i dont know why people hate... ... and ya im gonna add 3-4 days of cardio for about 15-20mins....also what about HIIT... anyone do that

  6. #6
    1buffsob's Avatar
    1buffsob is offline Mr.Modesty
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    A couple of suggestions bro.
    First, the macros on your carbs seem way high. The macros for your protein and EFA's seem too low. I know you said you were looking to lean out gradually, but dropping a pound of fat a month seems like a waste to me. JMHO.
    Second, you're mixing macros. If you've cut before and find you are one who can do this and still see results, then ok. But I believe results come quicker when you don't.
    Thirdly, 15-20 minutes of cardio won't do shit for you. Research shows that actual fat loss doesn't occur until about 20 minutes into cardio. And if you're not doing cardio on an empty stomach, you're just burning the food you just ate.
    My suggestion to you would be to take a good look at the cutting sticky at the top of this forumn and go from there. I really don't see the logic behind your diet bro.

  7. #7
    1buffsob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    I would add cardio to your routine in the mornings b4 food like Lucabratzi said. JusYour diet doesnt look that bad, I dont see why your ballooned up so much. Your protein I would say is only at 300g per day MAX. You are over 200 lbs so I would definitely increase your protein, try for 400g a day and just cut down on same fats and add more complex carbs into your diet. Take out the bagel and replace it with oatmeal.

    What is your reasoning behind this advice?

  8. #8
    daytrader's Avatar
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    Cool looks like i got some work to do.... i appreciate that advice SOB.... im gonna look into what you said... come up with a better diet and post it... ive NEVER cut b4... i mean ive always been the skinny kid so this was never a issue... now im done playing all sports(iw as a basketball player all my life)... so i dont burn as many calories

  9. #9
    daytrader's Avatar
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    O and for EFAs i forgot to mention im supplementing with fish oil

  10. #10
    daytrader's Avatar
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    I apologize for this shitty post and thread.... Im going to LOG everything i eat this week and it all up then post back... thanks guys

  11. #11
    C_Bino's Avatar
    C_Bino is offline $BAM-7246~AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1buffsob
    What is your reasoning behind this advice?
    Because he's trying to lose weight. Why would you not want complex carbs when you cutting and why would you not wanna cut your fat intake down to EFA's primarily? And if you want to retain muscle mass why would you not try to get 2g protein per lb bodyweight?


  12. #12
    LAGMuXle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by daytrader
    I guess it takes seeing a pic of yourself sometimes to realize what you really look like..i saw a pic of me at a party last so bloated looking its ridiculous... im so bloated i look like frankenstine....any who i REALLY REALLY need your guys help with my diet... i know some of you experts can help me.... For the past 7 months ive been bulking like a mad man(naturally) went from 6'3 200 to 238 right now id estimate 15-17% bf..... my old diet of bulking in this time included 8 nice sized meals a day,lots of carbs, lots of fat lots of cals lots of protein!.. you get the idea... i acheived my goal of mass now i look like shit and need to dial it in not looking to get ripped but down to around 10-11% while continuing to make gains at the gym! Helpppp meeee.... here is my outline what do you think?? also should i incorpate some carb or protein cycling... thanks brosss... this would be a TYPICAL day.... also how many and when cheat meals??

    1: 930 am 1 cup of oatmeal, 30g protein scoop, 8ozmilk (blended)

    I would suggest taking out the milk. I personally have a negative effect with milk, some don't; so this will depend on how you react to it.

    2:Lean turkey burger breast, whole wheat bagel, handful of nuts

    You are mixing your macros here (fats and carbs) if you read the cutting sticky, you will understand why this may be a bad idea.

    3: Can of tuna, brown rice

    4: Pre workout : Balnce Bar(15g pro, 27Carbs, 7gs fat), 1 scoop of protein(17gs), creatine(20carbs)

    Most likely, this balance bar has a lot of sugar. I don't know for sure, but most energy/prtein bars are counterproductive anyway. I would suggest having a protein shake instead.

    5:Post workout: 35g protein scoop, 20oz gatorade, 8oz milk

    This is fine, again the milk; but it's up to you.

    6inner, My mommy makes me dinner every other day .... so well say chicken and potatoes or spageti and chicken or lean ground beef along those lines, figure around 50gs protein, 50 carbs somethin like that

    Depending on your goals this meal might be a problem.

    7: 3 egg white, 2 whole egss(5 total), lean turkey burger(25gs prot, 2gs of fat), fruit cup or 1/2 cup oatmeal

    This will be your third carb meal after you lift, it isn't really neccesary.

    8:b4 bed protein shake.... w/milk

    I would suggest this to be about 40g of Whey and 1.5tblspns of Flax to slow down your protein digestion. This will get you through the night if it's right before bed.

    Also if im not liftin that day i DO eat in meal slots 4 and 5,,, maybe canned chicken and rice or somthin like that.... SO what do you guys think?? also im gonna start doingcardio 3-4 times a wekk 15-20mins at a time

    Like i said before im not looking to get CUT because im need to achieve things in the gym still... but looking to lower the bf and reduce the ****ing bloat in my face

    Just a few things. I may have repeated some of the other opinions here, I am sorry if I did. I didn't take the time to read everything

    I would suggest:

    1. Don't mix your fats and carbs (read the cutting sticky)
    2. Increase your EFAs, decrease your carbs, increase your protein to 1.5g per lb of bodyweight.
    3. Keep your meals 2.5 hours apart.
    4. How many cals do you have here? Do you have a macro breakdown? Might want to look into it at a more detailed level.
    5. Don't worry about losing strength until you actually start losing strength. I would suggest starting right up on a diet that will be focused on cutting. If you are somewhere in the middle, you may not actually get anywhere.
    6. Set a realstic goal weight and BF you want to achieve within 4 months or so. Assume you lose 1-2lbs per week of BF, you might want to aim to lose 20lbs at a time. I wouldn't suggest going longer than this, but it's personal opinion really.

    As far as cheating goes, once a week is fine.

    I don't think I missed anything, if I did, please correct me.

    Good Luck, keep us posted.


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