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  1. #1
    daytrader's Avatar
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    Thumbs up My diet log... check it out

    Disregard my previous bogus diet i posted... this one i put a lot more effort itnto.. i really want you knowledgable bros feedback.... Let me start by saying i think i know why i was gaining BF... i was eating so much food it was ridiculous... I feel almost starved today but when i added up all the figures i cant belive how much i actually had ingested... this was the weekend too so not quite a typical day...
    My goal with this diet!.... Lose BF while still making gains in the gym.... so not quite a cutter... guess you could call it a clean bulk.... Heres a list of everything that went in my mouth today.... some of the macros are guestimated but im as close as i could get without a scale
    Time Item Fat Carbs Protein
    1115am-1130 3/4 cup oatmeal 5 43 8
    1 1/2 scoop protein 2 5 26
    Chicken breast 1 - 25
    Total 6 48 59

    1250-110- Cardio for 20 mins(jogging)

    130 1 Can Tuna 1 - 37
    Salmon Burger 10 - 23
    Serving Bake Beans 1 30 6
    TOTAL 12 30 66

    315-330 1 zone Bar 7 21 16
    1 cup white rice - 45 4
    Chicken Breast 1 - 50
    TOTAL 8 66 70

    545 3 medium potatoes - 64 8
    2 Big chicken breasts 1 - 60
    TOTAL 1 64 68

    815-830 1 CUP oatmeal 6 54 10
    handful raisains - 12 -
    1 1/2 scoop protein 2 5 26
    1 cup milk 5 12 8
    TOTAL 12 83 44

    1115 5 eggs(2 whole) 10 24.5
    6 spears asspargus 5
    TOTAL 10 5 24.5

    1AM(B4 bed) Chicken breast 1 - 20
    1/2 cup LF yougurt 1 10 5
    TOTAL 2 10 25

    *TOTALS* 57 301 356

    pLEAse critique! I really want to make sure i have this down PAT..... Like i said this was on a sunday so i sleep longer than usual... I probally have time for 1 more meal on a regular day mayb.... Hows it look
    Ooo im 6'3 236lbs and prob 15-17% looking idealy to get to 12% while continually make gains in the gym

  2. #2
    daytrader's Avatar
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    shit ilayed it out better when posting it... when the thread went up all my number jumbled together hope you guys see it

  3. #3
    novastepp's Avatar
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    Ok here is my opinion on this. if you want to lose weight and still keep / make gains in th egym you should eat at your maintenance level. so you're about 400 off of my calculations are right. so based on that...
    make that a whole cup of oatmeal in your first meal,
    make it two scoops of protein in your first meal and the meal around 830,
    maybe eat a few Tablespoons of Natural peanut butter and 1/4 cup of cottage cheese before bed,
    change your white rice to brown rice,
    maybe throw in some flax oil in a pro/fat meal if you indeed add a meal,
    you could amke your 830 meal at 730,
    then make your 1115 meal at 10,
    then you could add in another meal at 1130, maybe 2 tsp of flax oil with some fresh turkey or another of your favorite lean protein sources.
    these are my suggestions, good luck, and i hope the BF drops and you make some solid lean gains!

  4. #4
    daytrader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp
    Ok here is my opinion on this. if you want to lose weight and still keep / make gains in th egym you should eat at your maintenance level. so you're about 400 off of my calculations are right. so based on that...
    make that a whole cup of oatmeal in your first meal,
    make it two scoops of protein in your first meal and the meal around 830,
    maybe eat a few Tablespoons of Natural peanut butter and 1/4 cup of cottage cheese before bed,
    change your white rice to brown rice,
    maybe throw in some flax oil in a pro/fat meal if you indeed add a meal,
    you could amke your 830 meal at 730,
    then make your 1115 meal at 10,
    then you could add in another meal at 1130, maybe 2 tsp of flax oil with some fresh turkey or another of your favorite lean protein sources.
    these are my suggestions, good luck, and i hope the BF drops and you make some solid lean gains!
    Thanks bro good advice!,,, Im out of cottage i will normally take that instead of yougart.... and i will bump the protein powder but this is my first week off from the gym in like 7 months so im gonna try to give my body a little break from the powder this week... Im gonna post my diet as well tommrow on a more typical day... but it wont be That much different... but slitley

  5. #5
    daytrader's Avatar
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    Bump.... howd this day look to everyone?... this was everything i put in my mouth yesterday.... how do my ratios look?

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