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  1. #1
    mwolffey's Avatar
    mwolffey is offline Anabolic Member
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    Please Help Me cut guys Rewiew my diet

    HEY guys please help me here. after a full year of bulking (i was up around 208 when i started cutting after haveing the flu. this my third week of cutting and now im down to 190, and i have lost a small amount of strength not alot but a little, just a little, so i dont know if i am losing muscle????!!!!) I wanna cut, i bought bodyfat calipers cause the person who was measuring me said i was 11-12 percent did not know jack, i measured myself and i was around 18 !!!!!. im all natural now and have been serious for 4 years please help.Here is my diet....and training(2 days of back or 2 days of shoulders alternating cause both suck on me)And about 20-25 total sets each workout total(thats what works for me).

    MONDAY-Back,calves, immediatly after workout 25minutes of cardio at medium intensity(60-70%heart rate)
    TUESDAY-Chest, abs, immediatly after workout 25minutes of cardio at medium intensity(60-70%heart rate)
    WEDNESDAY-Quads, Hams, Forearms
    THURSDAY-Shoulders, abs, immediatly after workout 25minutes of cardio at medium intensity(60-70%heart rate)
    FRIDAY-Bi's, Tri's, Calves, immediatly after workout 25minutes of cardio at medium intensity(60-70%heart rate)
    SATURDAY-Back,immediatly after workout 25minutes of cardio at medium intensity(60-70%heart rate)

    (EVERY DAY MODAY THROUGH SATURDAY THE SAME, AND MOST OF SUNDAY, i have 1 cheat meal that day and take off from training)I am at college and have no access to alot of whole foods so please work with me on this one, some times i can get hardboiled eggs or chicken but it is Very hard as i am a while from home.)Meals are about 2hrs apart and usually in between classes. hence the whey
    Meal 1-40g of Whey, 2 pieces of Wheat bread, 2tbsp Natty PB
    Meal 2-40g of Whey
    Meal 3-Roastbeef on 2 pieces of wheat, fishoil
    Meal 4-40g of Whey
    Meal 5-40g of Whey, 1/2 cup of plain oatmeal with sugar free maple syrup
    Meal 6-Endurox(mixture of simple carbs and 13g of whey) immediatley after workout on wednesdays, and after cardio the rest of the days.
    Meal 7-(30 minutes after gym) 40g of Whey, 2pieces of wheat, Fishoil.
    Meal 8-Probolic Sr(Casin and Whey) and zma 30 minutes prior
    =2945 calories
    260 carbs
    287 g of protein
    61g of fat
    Please help me guys and be easy on me not getting very many whole foods as i do everything i can to get the right diet in.
    Also could i have a cheat day once a week i was planning to lose 2-3 lbs a week but obviously its currently more than that hence the need for help i dont know what i am doing wrong and have not cycled anything and am all natural, THANKS GUYS!!!!!

  2. #2
    mwolffey's Avatar
    mwolffey is offline Anabolic Member
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    big bump

  3. #3
    mwolffey's Avatar
    mwolffey is offline Anabolic Member
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    one more thing being that my diet was extremly clean before had a pretty clean bulk i would consider so i can see some of the weight being water but i think some of you will agree that 18 lbs in 2 and 1/2 weeks is a bit excessive for only dropping 300 cals under maintinece and on 25 minutes of modeate cardio

  4. #4
    mwolffey's Avatar
    mwolffey is offline Anabolic Member
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  5. #5
    FranKieC's Avatar
    FranKieC is offline "AR's Pretty Boy"
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    Someplace Civilized
    You are really mixing macros. If you find yourself at a standstill try going with the Pro/Carb Pro/fat meathod.

    I mix macros but not to the extent you do. I would also try getting in more solid foods.

  6. #6
    mwolffey's Avatar
    mwolffey is offline Anabolic Member
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    Dec 2005
    thanks frankie c

  7. #7
    IronAdam's Avatar
    IronAdam is offline Member
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    Meal 1-40g of Whey, 2 pieces of Wheat bread, 2tbsp Natty PB (Leave out the PB and get a better source of complex carbs, like oats)
    Meal 2-40g of Whey (Eat some complex carbs or fat with this shake)
    Meal 3-Roastbeef on 2 pieces of wheat, fishoil (lose the wheat keep the oils add some veggies)
    Meal 4-40g of Whey (add some oats)
    Meal 5-40g of Whey, 1/2 cup of plain oatmeal with sugar free maple syrup (skip)
    Meal 6-Endurox(mixture of simple carbs and 13g of whey) immediatley after workout on wednesdays, and after cardio the rest of the days.(30g whey/60g maltodextrin PWO, stick to protein/fat meals after cardio if you can, especially this late in the day)
    Meal 7-(30 minutes after gym) 40g of Whey, 2pieces of wheat, Fishoil.(have some lean protein here with complex carbs...too much powder protein)
    Meal 8-Probolic Sr(Casin and Whey) and zma 30 minutes prior
    =2945 calories
    260 carbs
    287 g of protein
    61g of fat

    I added my 2 cents in the need more real food if you can get it in...and the late workout makes the whole pwo and ppwo carbs tricky since your cutting. Whats your day look like?

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