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  1. #1
    caper is offline Junior Member
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    Round Two: Diet I good to go?

    Meal 1: 7:00AM
    PILLS: 1 capsule of Lipodrene supplement. 1 Centrium

    Meal Option 1:6 Scrambled Egg whites (sometimes mixed with Simply potatoes hash browns for taste), 1/2 cup oatmeal (old fashion with splenda) **(simply potatoes off member stayinstacked post)
    Meal Option 2: ½ cup oats 5g pro 27g carbs 3g fat
    ½ cup skim milk 4g pro 5.5 g carbs 0g fat
    1 scoop whey 21.25o 3.75g carbs 4.4g fat
    Total cal = 332 cal

    Meal 2: 9:00AM
    Protein shake (60 grams of whey protein) (2 tbsp flax mixed in)

    Meal 3: (11:35am) (lunchtime)
    various veggies (baked) and two baked chicken breast with assorted herbs or 1-2 can of tuna with hotsauce and mayo and Protein Shake ( 60 grams with 2 tbsp flax)

    Meal 5: (5:00-6:00) (dinner)
    Veggies w/ olive oil and Mrs.dash (no salt) or with Fat free cheddar cheese, Lean Protein (baked chicken, lean steak, or salmon w/ alittle butter and herbs), 1/2 cup brown rice or oatmeal with splenda.
    PILLS: 1 capsule of LipoDrene supplement

    WORKOUT (see way below)

    Meal 4: (whenever i get home) PWO Nutrition:
    Protein Shake (60grams of whey protein), and lean protein (chicken breast with assorted herbs or salmon or 2 cans of tuna with hot sauce) with wheat bread for my carbs

    Meal 6: (9-10pm)GNC 60grams of Whey protein with Flax Or if full stomach, 2 tablespoons of peanut butter

    **my BMR is about 1900Cals

    WORKOUT : (based off lc1987's with mods)

    45-60 minutes of cardio at a heart rate of 152 so i dont burn muscle (longer for bike, shorter for eliptical or treadmill)
    3 X 25 ab crunches on various machines
    3 X 14 oblique machine (the one where you sit down and twist left and right with resistance)
    3 X 10 Leg press weight depends on energy level

    20 minutes of cardio at 152 heart rate
    Full Upper body WOrkout:

    dumbbell bench warm up sets 50's on each side 10 reps 2 sets
    6 reps of 75 X 3 sets
    dumbell decline
    6 reps of 65-70(depends on energy level) 2 sets
    incline dumbells
    4-6 reps of 55 2 sets


    pull ups (warm up sets): 10 reps 2 sets
    Sitdown Cable Rows:
    7 reps of 100 X 2 sets
    10 reps of 120 x 1 set
    v bar Front pulldowns
    4-6 reps of 120 X 2 sets

    20 minutes of cardio at 152 heart rate


    10 reps of pull ups close grip x 2 sets (warm up)
    10 reps of 35lbs of declined sitdown curls X 3 reps
    10 reps of 40lbs X 3 cable curls...(i dont know the name, its the one that uses the large cross cable work look like your flexing with your arms uup or if in the police arest mode with your hands up and then you extend cable to where your arms are extended then curl them back up and tap your head, hold then extend.) maybe upper arm stance curls?
    10 Reps of 45lbs X 3 straight bar curls


    Rope cable pushdowns warm up 10 reps of 35 X 2 sets
    4-6 reps of 70 X 3 sets
    10-12 reps x 3 (energy level)
    skull crushers
    4-6 reps of 60 X 3 sets

    Saturday and SUnday (rest)

  2. #2
    caper is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2006
    Only question i have is when i should work out...i know you are susposed to do cardio on an empty stomach but im an DEAD tired after work at 4:30pm? should i just pop a Lipodrene and TOUGH it out? then change up my meals for dinner?

    OR can i just take a 2 hour break after i eat after 5-6pm then work out 6pm-8:00pm then have my PWO meal? will that work?

  3. #3
    caper is offline Junior Member
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    double post

  4. #4
    hawktribal's Avatar
    hawktribal is offline Senior Member
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    your diet is coming around quite nicely. i would still lose the wheat bread (even though it's not a bad choice), go with yams or brown rice. looks like you're lifting at 6 and i definitely would not do cardio before you lift at 4:30. it'll hinder your gains. i would strongly suggest trying to work your cardio into the AM. This would also compliment your diet quit well.

  5. #5
    Kakashi...! is offline Junior Member
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    ill chose in meal 1 your first option and as hawk tribal said lose thje whole bread you can get oats or grits :O also cream of wheat ,brown rice etc..

  6. #6
    caper is offline Junior Member
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    GOOD!!! ok i start next still confused on when to use flax... and if i should eat before i work out or workout before i eat

  7. #7
    caper is offline Junior Member
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  8. #8
    Kakashi...! is offline Junior Member
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    I usually eat and the train 1hour and 1/2 later

  9. #9
    Kakashi...! is offline Junior Member
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    and my diet look like this

  10. #10
    Liftnainez's Avatar
    Liftnainez is offline Banned
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    looks good but wheres the leg day!?!

  11. #11
    caper is offline Junior Member
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    legs are tied in with the pure cardio days that go inbetween upper weights.

  12. #12
    novastepp's Avatar
    novastepp is offline Have You Picked a Fight Lately?
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    you shouldn't even want to walk after a leg workout. i would have a day for just a leg workout. some gusy hate training legs, basically because it's hard as hell... but the results are why you do it. you will BLOW UP if you work legs hard.

    the diet is too reliant on whey in my opinion. whole foods will produce better results. i know time and space may be a factor, but try to eat as much whole food as possible.

  13. #13
    caper is offline Junior Member
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    you mean whole foods for protein? and like what foods?

    i dont care about my muscles right now...if i have to lose my strength to a 13year old boy to lose my body fat and drop it down to 8% i will...

    then once i have a good diet and im at 8%..ill start building muscle

  14. #14
    novastepp's Avatar
    novastepp is offline Have You Picked a Fight Lately?
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    why would you want to take that route? you can maintain your strength just fine. and i reference whole foods in all categories (but since whey is commonly substituted for protein sources i used it as my example) don't sacrifice everything you have built up. read and research man. guys on here are more than happy to help i know i am. if you have questions ask them, keep an open mind and a good demeanor and everyone will help you out
    look at the sample diet and look at teh various workout techniques. these are great starts, build off of them and post what you decide on. shoot me a PM if you have any specific questions...

  15. #15
    caper is offline Junior Member
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    isnt that what i did? so is my diet crap? cuz i wanted to start tomorrow morning...

    i cannot workout in the AM..i have a job...(just graduated college) its 7:30-4:30 and im worthless when i wake up no matter how much sleep i get

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