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Thread: let me know what you guys think

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    let me know what you guys think

    last week i boosted my calorie intake up to
    4000-4500 and its basically all protein with some carbs i weight 176lbs right now i want to get up to 190 and i always feel like im bloated all the time and im spending alot of time in the bathroom lol here is what my basic meals are each day
    6eggwhites, oatmeal and a bowl of fruit with granola
    SNACK: meal replacement bar, protein shake with whole milk
    LUNCH:2chicken breasts,a bowl of vegetables and a meal replacement bar with 23grams of protein and 300 calories
    SNACK: Bag of nuts, raisens and cashews which equals 530 calories
    DINNER: 6Eggwhites with 2 chicken breast with tomatoes and 4 slices of american cheese and a protein shake with whole milk or chocolate milk
    SNACK: Protein bar with a bowl of fruit and a bottle of whole milk like 12oz
    and before bed i drink a 24oz bottle of water so i have to wake up to pee then when i go to the bathroom in the middle of the night i have a peanut butter sandwhich on wheat and a protein shake

    let me know what you guys think about this diet or if i can add some more clean foods in there

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    are you on cycle? Sounds like a pretty dirty bulk to me. You'll put on weight, but also fat. I'd cut out the meal replacement bars, pb sandwich at night

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    no im not on a cycle but will be in about a month or so and i cant wait to see some crazy gains

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    in a dilapidated apt.
    well first i think you should get a good clean bulk diet set up before you start whatever cycle you are considering.
    you have no good fats in your diet bro. look at the bulking sticky and add/subtract what you need to. but take the time to revise and read about the diet scene. flax oil, fish oil, olive oil, mono and poly unsaturated are a must addition to any diet. and actually, some saturated fat isn't a bad thing either.
    oats, chicken, and some fo your foods are a great start. so just do a little reasearch and check out the sticky and you will go far! good luck!

  5. #5
    Hey bro, in all honeslty your diet needs a ton of work. I'd pretty much change every meal in one way or another....but, to each his own.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by L.Priest
    Hey bro, in all honeslty your diet needs a ton of work. I'd pretty much change every meal in one way or another....but, to each his own.

    well then if it sucks so bad how about given me some help instead of just leaving me out to dry, by tellin me it sucks then not telling me how to fix it, thanks

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