last week i boosted my calorie intake up to
4000-4500 and its basically all protein with some carbs i weight 176lbs right now i want to get up to 190 and i always feel like im bloated all the time and im spending alot of time in the bathroom lol here is what my basic meals are each day
6eggwhites, oatmeal and a bowl of fruit with granola
SNACK: meal replacement bar, protein shake with whole milk
LUNCH:2chicken breasts,a bowl of vegetables and a meal replacement bar with 23grams of protein and 300 calories
SNACK: Bag of nuts, raisens and cashews which equals 530 calories
DINNER: 6Eggwhites with 2 chicken breast with tomatoes and 4 slices of american cheese and a protein shake with whole milk or chocolate milk
SNACK: Protein bar with a bowl of fruit and a bottle of whole milk like 12oz
and before bed i drink a 24oz bottle of water so i have to wake up to pee then when i go to the bathroom in the middle of the night i have a peanut butter sandwhich on wheat and a protein shake
let me know what you guys think about this diet or if i can add some more clean foods in there