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Thread: The 7 Week Transformation

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    The 7 Week Transformation

    Ok guys here it is, if you have read any of my other posts you will know my bio. Here it is again in a nutshell. Was very fat as a teen age 16, 220 pounds, 38 inch waist all at 5 foot 6. In 6 months I ran all the weight off never lifting and I got down to a very scrawny 160 of just jiggle. I started lifting about a year ago with not too much guidance but this forum has helped me out alot. I currently go to the University of Tampa and keeping a diet is tough with cafe food and beer. before college I was a fit 170 and in college I shot up to 190 of good muscle but extra fat I wasnt happy about. So courtesy of AR, everyone on this forum helped divise me a cutting routine. Here are my first 7 days with eating, lifting, and weigh-ins - pictures will come once I can get a digital camera.

    Monday, March 13th
    Starting weight:184.5 - 5'11" March

    8:40am - 40 minutes cardio. Treadmill 7.0 mph 500 calories

    9:30am - Meal 1: 3 egg white omelette w/vegetables:Bowl of Raisin Bran with very little skim milk

    12:30pm - Meal 2: Plate of salad with cucumbers,brocolli,olives topped with salsa (very good salad dressing with 0 calories) 3 hardboiled eggs.

    3:00 - Workout
    Barbell Bench - 175/12 185/9 195/6 185/5
    Dumbline Incline Bench - 55/12 60/12 65/10 70/8
    Decline Dumbell Flys - 35/10 35/12 40/6
    Cables 10/110 10/110 10/failure

    4:30pm - 1 scoop Onn whey:Small plate of diced sweet potatoes:2 servings of mixed Veggies:Bowl of cottage cheese

    7:30pm - Same salad as earlier:4 hard boiled eggs:3 slices of turkey cold cut

    10:30pm - 1 can of tuna

    Dumbell Rows - 65/12 70/10 75/9
    T Bar WideGrip(weight is plate loaded) - 125/12 135/10 145/7
    Reverse Grip Barbell Rows - 115/12 115/10 125/8

    Tuesday,March 14th

    7:30am - 40 minutes of cardio - 6.0-7.5 mph 525 calories burned

    8:30 - Same omelette as every yesterday (expect this same omelette everday unless the cafe doesnt have egg whites)

    12:00pm - Salad with veggies, oil and vinegar 4 egg whites

    3:00pm - 20 minutes run, 2.2 miles 3 sets of dips,pullups and pushups.

    4:00pm - Salad with O/V 5 egg whites

    7:30pm - Serving of corn:Cottage Cheese bowl: Some slices of ham and turkey.

    8:30pm - 2 cups of sugar free jello

    Wednesday,March 15th

    8:40am - 40 min cardio (same monday -saturday)

    9:30am - omelette:Raisin bran w/little skim milk

    12:30pm - Salad w/veggies can of tuna and kens light italian dressing 45 calories only

    3:00pm - RTD 52 gram protein shake

    5:30 - Workout

    Squats 185/12 205/12 225/10 245/8
    Standing calf raises on Smith machine - 185/20 225/20 275/15
    Quad raises machine - 115/12 125/12 135/10
    Seated Calf Raises 90/15 90/15 110/12
    Hamstring curl Machine 115/12 125/10

    Dumbell Press 50/12 55/10 60/8
    Standing Barbell Press 85/12 105/12 105/12
    Front dumbell Raises 3 sets of 20
    Dumbell Lateral Raises - 15/12 15/12 20/10

    Thursday,March 16th

    7:10am - 40 minutes cardio meausured HR on machine dont know how accurate it was but it said 160

    8:30am - omeltte:raisin bran w/little skim milk

    12:30pm - Salad O/V 5 egg whites

    3:30pm - 1 stallone pudding 100 calories 20g protein

    4:30pm - 2 eggwhite omelette with veggies:2 fried white meat chicken breasts took off all the fried parts only ate the white meat:Salad

    7:45pm - Eggwhite Omelette: a few slices of turkey and ham:cottage cheese

    10:45pm - 1 stallone pudding

    3:00am - 1 can of tuna (came back from going out)

    Friday,March 17th

    Woke up late 1:00pm - 45 minutes of cardio

    1:50pm - some swimming

    3:00pm - Mixed cold cuts roast beef,ham turkey: salad with O/V 3 hard boiled eggs

    5:45pm - Plain oats mixed with one scoop of whey microwaved

    6:00pm - workout

    Close Grip Bench 115/12 125/10 135/10

    Skull Crushers not sure of the weight of the curl bar but here is what I put on the ends 40/12 40/10 50/6 (I absolutely am horrific at this excercise and all of them. For some reason I jsut cant tuck my elbows so they're straight.)

    Cable Bar Pushdowns 90/12 110/12 120/12

    Reverse pushdowns palms facing ceiling - Forgot

    Kickbacks 15/12 15/12 20/10

    Hungover Dumbell Curls over preacher bench(all the way down all the way up slow) 25/12 30/10 35/8

    Concentration Curls 25/12 25/8 25/8

    One arm Cable curls 40/12 40/12 40/failure

    Saturday March 18th (Beach woo hoo)

    10:00am - 2 stallone puddings

    3:00pm - 4 slices of turkey,4 slices of roast beef,2 slices of ham: Salad w O/V 2 egg whites

    5:00 - 35 minutes of cardio

    6:15 - 2 servings of potroast with veggies in it(shouldnt of done it wqas made from the cafe:cottage cheese w/little pinnaple:salad O/V

    10:00pm - 5 sugar free Jellos

    12:00pm - 3 pickle spears:1 can of tuna

    Sunday March 19th(rest day at last, but ended up playing basketball and football)

    2:30pm - Salad O/V: 7 hard boiled eggs

    5:30pm - 2 grilled hamburger patties:cottage cheese w/little pinnaple:2 plates of mixed veggies:2 slices of roast beef

    7:00pm - 2 sugarfree Jellos

    9:00pm - can of tuna

    12:00pm - can of tuna

    Monday March 20th (1 week weigh in and boy was I happy)
    Current weight:178.4 down 6.1 pounds

    8:30am - 40 minutes of cardio

    9:30am - Eggwhite Omellette:4 hardboiled eggs. (I switched from Pro/carb to pro/fat after run now)

    12:30pm - Salad w/ lowfat dressing 70 cals 6 grams of fat: 4 hardboiled eggs:2 slices of ham

    4:00 - Small amt of cottage cheese: 2 slices of turkey:can of tuna: 1 baked sweet potatoe(I assume this is the same thing as yams)

    5:00 workout
    Barbell Bench 175/12 185/9 195/7

    Dumbell Incline Press 60/12 65/10 75/6

    Decline Barbell Press 185/8 185/8 195/5

    Decline dumbell flys 35/12 35/12 40/10

    T Bar close grip 110/12 130/12 150/8

    Dumbell Rows 70/12 75/12 75/10

    Reverse Barbell Rows 105/12 105/12 125/8

    3 sets of 10 chinups

    6:30pm - 1 scoop of Onn Whey 1 baked sweet potatoe

    7:30pm - cottage cheese: 6 slices of turkey: plate of veggies

    9:45pm -1 can of tuna.

  2. #2
    Hey dude. Goodluck - the challenge is on!

    Don't overdo yourself in the gym either, just my opinion, but try to focus on 1 body part per day.

    P.s. i broke your threads cherry (first one to post here )

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Staten Island/Tampa
    One body part per day ayy? 12-15 sets? 4 - 5 excercises? I guess it will burn more calories... hmm any other opinions on whether to switch it from a 3 days split to a 5 while cutting.

  4. #4
    wow, 7 weeks. good luck.

    what about EFAs (flax, omega 3-9) in your diet?

    personally, i'd add a few more egg whites to each of the meals that have eggs. maybe 5-10 per meal. or how many grams of protein total are you getting a day?

    hmm any other opinions on whether to switch it from a 3 days split to a 5 while cutting.
    after about 6 weeks, i plan to modify my split, to see what works...

  5. #5
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    Staten Island/Tampa
    With my Pro Fat Meals Usuall Meal 1 , 4 and 5 or 5 and 6, I have 3 capsules of flax and 3 of fish oil, totaling 18 grams of EFA's. I also take an EC stack one before am cardio and once before my workout. I was wondering how long I shouls cycle this and then once off should I put something in place of it, possibly herbal.

  6. #6
    Ahh EC stack - upgrade it to ECA to get better results in my opinion. You are cheating though, this puts you at an advantage for our challenge - I am not on an ECA stack! As for cycling it - experiement, I used to go 2 weeks on, 1 week off. Some do it differently.

    As for flax - don't use tablets, they suck. You need WAY more fat in your diet bro. I have 60g a day - 10g of flax with like 4 meals. YOu need to upgrade that!

    good luck

  7. #7

  8. #8
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    lol, that was the humor in it.

  9. #9
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    Tuesday March 21st

    Today was my early day. I had classes from 8:30 to 12:30 so I was up at 7 doing my 40 min cardio.

    8:30 - 3 eggwhite omelette with veggies and 4 hardboiled eggs, 4 fish 4 flax.

    Was very tired after my class and took a very long nap.

    3:30 - Cottage cheese, a few slices of turkey, and a can of tuna.

    6:30 - collared greens, some turkey, salad with 9 hardboiled eggs.

    9:30 - 2 cans of tuna.

    Also, Bcap you reccomend taking 50 mg of fish and flax. Wouldnt that total 500 calories only alloying me to eat 1500 over 5 meals. That seems tough.

  10. #10
    2 teaspoons of flax = 9.1g fat and 80 calories. i have this 4 times a day, the rest of my fat comes from things such as oats, chicken (inevetable) and salmon (good fats, omega 3,6,9). I have this flax thing (dependin gon the day) usually 4 times a day, with my 4 pro/fat meals, or on workout days, 3 meals, which is only
    240 calories or 320 calories, not a big deal imo. you need them.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Yeah thats what I was thinking, but I take fish oil as well. So its double. I split it up 4 fish 4 flax times 3 meals. It equals 24 grams and 240 cals.

  12. #12
    Guess that could work. Gonna get expensive though. Try upping it to 5 of each - have you ever heard of the harris benedict formula?

  13. #13
    is flax oil supposed to be measured in teaspoons or tablespoons?

    i've been taking 2 tablespoons 4-5x daily

  14. #14
    that's quite a bit of fat to be consuming though.

    using the harris benedict formula (for me) i need 240g protein, 110g carbs, 60g fat. if i took 2 tablespoons, 4 - 5 times daily, that would end up being 136g fat and 1202 calories, thats huge!

    therefore, i take 2 teaspoons (.6 tbsps) 3 or 4 times daily, depending if its a workout day or not.

  15. #15
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    Capsules is a bit more pricey but so much easier to endure lol. Besides the douchebag at vitamin world here I can always haggle him into giving me a buy one get one free. Also for everyone who is insecure about buying shit online at vitamin world they offer price matching when you print out the online price.

  16. #16
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    Ok update guys, I will post my meals for the past 2 weeks so you guys can help me identify the problem.

    I CANT LOSE ANYMORE WEIGHT. Its week three and i kinda gained a pound up at 178-179 ish. The thing is I feel like I look better but it baffles me why with the deficit in calories healthy eating, 5 day lifting, and sometimes now 2 cardio sessions I cant seem to shag anymore weight.

    I think I know a reason why though. Ive been mixing protein with oatmeal and putting it in the microwave preworkout and post workout as my carb source before workout and post workout.

  17. #17
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    Also I think my EC stack is becoming ineffective or maybe never was effective. I would take it empty stomach before my am run and before my workout. Im gunna cyle off it for a few weeks but was wondering a decent thermogenic to consider for that extra energy/fat loss rush.

  18. #18
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    Staten Island/Tampa
    March 21st Tuesday

    7:00 - 40 min am cardio
    8:30 - 3 egg white omelette - 4 hardboiled eggs
    3:30 - cottage cheese/cold cut turkey and ham, 3 slices each
    6:30 - collared greens, 2 slices od turkey, 9 hard boiled eggss
    9:30 - can of tuna

  19. #19
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    March 22nd Wednesday

    8:30 - 40 min cardio
    9:30 - 3 eggwhite omelette w/veggies - 4 hardboiled eggs
    12:30 - small piece of baked flounder,veggies,6 egg whites, small amt of assorted greens
    2:15 - 2 sticks of celery, 2 sugar free jellos
    3:45 - One scoop of On Whey mixed with one serving of oats in the microwave mixed.
    4:00 - workout
    6:30 - oatmeal and a scoop of whey
    7:45 - 1/2 pound of turkey 2 servings of green beans
    11:00 - 2 handfull of almonds, 6 sugar free jellos (I WAS HUNGRY DAMN IT!)

    Squats 195/12 225/12 245/10 285/8 225/10
    standing calf raises 185/20 225/20 245/15
    Quad Raises machines 110/12 125/12 140/10
    Hamstring raises machine Same as above
    Seated Calf Raises 90/20 110/15 110/15

    Dumbell Press 55/12 60/10 65/7
    Standing Barbell Overhead Press 115/12 115/12 115/10
    Curl Bar Pull to Chin (Not sure how much bar weighs So I wrote down the weight I put on the ends) 70/12 70/12 70/12
    Front Dumbell Raises 20/12 20/12 20/12
    Side Dumbell Raises 15/12 15/12 15/12

  20. #20
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    Thursday March 23rd (Woke up very late =/) Damn Fire alarm in my dormitory screwed everyone up.

    2:30pm - 2 slices of roast beef,cottage cheese w/grapes, salad with low fat ceaser dressing (70 cals, 4 grams of fat, 2 carbs) (Not sure if this is horrible for me)

    5:00 - 45 min cardio

    7:15 - 12 oz baked chicken breast, 4 hardboiled egg, small salad w/ oil vinegar, cottage cheese (I figured since I missed out on Protein content I would make up for it now. I think doing this is bad though?)

    3:00 am - can on tuna, some celery and carrots. (Got back from clubbing was a lil hungry)

  21. #21
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    Friday March 24th (no class!)

    1:15pm - 45 min cardio
    2:15pm - 10 oz baked fish, 2 servings of mixed veggies
    5:15pm - Salad oil vinegar w/6 hardboiled eggs
    6:30pm - Workout
    7:45pm - 1 1/2 scoops On Why
    10:00pm - Went out to dinner with some friends (I guess I consider this my cheat meal since its unmeasurable but I tried to do as best as I could)
    Greek Restaurant Acropolis - I ordered a Grilled Salmon Salad with some walnuts veggies and their dressing.

    Closegrip Bench 105/12 125/12 145/8
    Skull Crushers (Again unsure of curlbar weight so I just say how much I have on the sides) 40/12 40/10 50/7
    Palm-up, Cable, Bar Push downs - 90/12 100/12 110/12
    Cable Bar Pushdowns - 110/12 120/12 130/10
    Kickbacks 15/12 20/10 20/10


    Dumbell Curls, Hung over Preacher Bar on the oppisite side - 30/12 30/10 35/8
    Barbell Curls 65/12 65/10 75/8
    One Arm Cable Curls 40/12 40/12 40/failure

  22. #22
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    I absolutely have no idea what I ate Saturday. I can assure you though nothing was bad and it was all similar to my previous meals, considering I only eat at the cafe

  23. #23
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    Sunday March 26th. ( I think this is why I didnt lose any weight on my weekly Monday weigh in) I read that carbing up every once in a while is alright, so I consider this a cheat day? But it wasnt even that bad

    3:00pm - 2 sandhwhich on whole grain bread (14 grams of carbs a slice) Egg salad on one, and turkey on the other

    730pm - 16 oz baked chicken. Another egg salad on whole grain bread.

    12:00am - cottage cheese

  24. #24
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    Monday March 27th - Official Weight 179.4. I started a 5 week split now with

    Monday - Chest
    Tuesday - Back Traps
    Wednesday - Legs
    Thursday - Arms
    Friday - Shoulders, Calves

    8:30am - 35 minutes elliptical cardio

    9:30am - 9 hardboiled eggs - 3/4 bowl raisin bran w/very little skim milk (Im still not sure if I see better results with my Pro/Carb meal right after run or not yet. But my Log would indicate that it is, Im going to alternate for this week and see what happens)

    1:00pm - Salad w/tomatoes,cucumber,red onion, little bit of sunflower seeds and raisins w/ oil vinegar - 5 hardboiled eggs (no yolk of course) (expect this salad at least twice a day with the same amt of everything)

    3:30pm - 1 serving of oats mixed with 1 scoop of Whey mixed with water equal in the microwave

    3:45pm - Workout

    4:45 - one and 1/2 scoop of nitrotech (My friend gave me his entire jug, so I tried it. It has creatine in it I found out so I dont think im gunna test it out anymore since Im affraid it will bloat me and give me extra weight)

    7:30pm - 8 hardboiled eggs - Same Salad, serving of spinach, 3 slices of roast and 3 slices of turkey

    9:30 - 25 minutes of jogging

    11:00pm - half cup of cottage cheese

    Flatbench Barbell 175/12 185/10 195/7 205/5
    Incline Dumbell 65/12 70/10 75/8
    Decline Dumbell 55/12 60/12 65/8/
    Decline Dumbell Flys 35/12 40/10 40/10
    Dips to failure

  25. #25
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    Keep in mind I have also been taking 4 flax and 4 fish with my Pro/Fat meals.

    Pls guys I feel like I should be having more results but I still feel very flabby even though I weigh 178ish. I feel like I have good size as well compared to some other cutters but I just dont know why I cant get schredded. I may try clen with my cardio/diet because I feel the EC has been doing nothing. I will try to post pics as soon as I can.

    Maybe my lifting is wrong to get cut, maybe im eating wrong, maybe im expecting too much.

  26. #26
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    Woke up today did my run, had a nice omelette with some mixed cheerios and a little lowfat granola with skilm for my morning pro/carb meal. Was very happy that the cafe had steak today for lunch. So I had that with veggies and a small salad with oil vinegar and 2 hardboiled eggs. I took a sweet potatoe as well for my Postworkout nutrition along with my protein shake. I put in my order on today for more flax and finally some dex! I have legs today so I dont plan on walking for the next few days!

    Please guys any advice you can offer me will be greatly appreicated!

  27. #27
    sounds like your doing well. good luck with it, remember consistency is key.

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