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Thread: Diet pills have you ever used them with sucess?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Diet pills have you ever used them with sucess?

    My wife was given a script for phentremine ( sorry about the spelling) She's taking a tabet a day and. I kinda want to try it. I'm about to start cutting and was wondering do prescription diet pills work?
    Anyone use them for contest prep?
    How many calories were you taking in?
    What did you weigh and where did you end up?
    Sides if any?
    Were you ever just too freakin hungry and didn't feel a thing?

    I tried clen for a period of time while cutting and I was so hungry while on. I can eat on almost anything including ECA so I'm just curious has anyone used Diet presciption pills with success and what's the name of the pill?

    my wife is under a Dr. care and she's taking these things but she's still kinda hungry, with her will power and consistant workouts hopefully she will drop some weight.

    Me I'm hoping to run some var and halo along with test and gH here soon. This is my do or die cutter. I have dropped alot of water weight I was 267 now down to 253 but I have cut back on the test cyp, hoping to switch to prop.

  2. #2
    I've never been on any prescription diet pills. I have been on ECA stacks and have had great success from them - until I decided that I wanted to speed up my weight loss and double the dosage - ended up in the hospital, but that's another story. Have heard good things from clen, and I have also been on non-ephedrine diet pills - they suck don't waste your money.

    Hope I helped a little.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    a small room
    I would never take prescription drugs that were not prescribed to me...again rofl...


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    yeah that's why I want the script. ECA didn't do much and clen, Jesus the sides suck so bad and I felt like I was going to burst into flames. I know I wouldn't be able to handle a low dose of DNP either. I'm heat sensitive. I survied all those years in FL. by having he air down to 50 below in my home, even in winter.
    Thanks for he input.

    NewKID who is the girl in your ava
    her shirt says hippies smell?

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