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Thread: Superpump + Cutting

  1. #1

    Superpump + Cutting

    Hey guys

    19 years old, 190 pounds, 6 foot tall, male, on a cutting diet, 4 weeks into it (see "the 12 week transformation" thread for more details).

    Basically i'm trying to cut down to about 165.

    I was in talking to a buddy who works at the local "muscle shop", and he was suggesting a product called "superpump". Now i personally know a few people who have been on it and seen GREAT results.

    It's basically just creatine - but it has things such as b-12 and glutamine and more to help cut. Supposedly it's good to help lean out as opposed to gain size with regular creatine. He explained how you dont retain water with this stuff.

    Any suggestoins? Any one know about this stuff? Could anyone do some research on it and see if its a good idea to add a little bit to my cutting diet?

    Thanks, Bryan

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    I don't see how a creatine product would directly help in leaning out. It's not related to fat loss in any way.

    Many use CELLMASS because of the pumps and such, probably the same idea.......


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    a small room
    but it has things such as b-12 and glutamine and more to help cut
    that wont help...a healthy person with a proper diet has plenty of b12 and supplemented b12 will go unused...glutamine supplement is just like BCAAs in my book(virtually useless) IMO

  4. #4
    hm interesting - see I have a buddy on it right now and he hasn't put ON any weight, in fact he's losing weight but he's upping weights in the gym. its supposedly a great tool to help in leaning out. if you guys dont think its a good idea i won't do it, but could you research the product directly and let me know wha tyou think?

    thanks so much


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    If you want to use it there's no harm. Creatine is a good solid supp.

  6. #6
    agreed - but you think it'll be ok considering i'm cutting?

    i don't think it's your typical creatine - its got some kind of cutting agent in it, like i said my one buddy is on it, he's gaining muscle but hes going down on the scale, which is odd for regular creatine. the local store here can't even keep it on a shelves, they're selling like 30 a week, and they've been doing it for like 2 or 3 months now, everyone wants it. the owner said it reallly helped him lean out. has anyone heard of it? anyone have any idea if it actually DOES help cut? I just don't want to give myself any extra weight - i'm cutting! but i'd like the gain in strength and muscle!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Its a NO supp with some pre workout stims thrown in there. No harm in that.

  8. #8
    so you think i'm good to take it while cutting? without adding water weight and continuing to lose fat?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Good god bro. I've said its fine like 3 times. Why does water weight concern you? You can shed it instantly when you stop using the product.

  10. #10
    Cool thanks

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    a small room
    I think its just that you really want to try it and you were looking for some people to say: "yeah it helped me cut blahah bla"...I say go for it...maybe you can write your own review

  12. #12
    newkid .. you can read me like a book lol

    yeah i really want to try it i just dont want it to have negative effects on my cutting/transformation diet!

  13. #13
    I am cutting right now and i am on superpump i have lost some weight , i have only been cutting for 2 weeks now but i have gone down some. Superpump has 8 carbs and no sugar to it. So i dont see any harm in taking it.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    in your dreams
    bcap...dont think there is a problem w/you taking it. you may want to test the waters a little first cuz my friend gets extremely painful indegestion followed by crazy gas pressure when he ingests creatine. just a thought...

    also, if you're THAT worried about the water retention, you can try a mild herbal supplement called dandillion root. it can help with the bloat a little. otherwise, just drink MORE water and the excess will be flushed out easier.

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