Hey guys
19 years old, 190 pounds, 6 foot tall, male, on a cutting diet, 4 weeks into it (see "the 12 week transformation" thread for more details).
Basically i'm trying to cut down to about 165.
I was in talking to a buddy who works at the local "muscle shop", and he was suggesting a product called "superpump". Now i personally know a few people who have been on it and seen GREAT results.
It's basically just creatine - but it has things such as b-12 and glutamine and more to help cut. Supposedly it's good to help lean out as opposed to gain size with regular creatine. He explained how you dont retain water with this stuff.
Any suggestoins? Any one know about this stuff? Could anyone do some research on it and see if its a good idea to add a little bit to my cutting diet?
Thanks, Bryan