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  1. #1
    Superballer's Avatar
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    Smile Cutting diet together please critique

    21 years old
    193 lbs first thing in morning 15% BF

    Pics here:

    Workout here:
    Weights Monday, Wed, Frid, Sat
    40 min Cardio, empty stomach, 5 days a week at 65% max heart rate

    Cutting diet from cutting sticky. Stats are almost perfect for cutting sticky so I used those macros almost exactly.

    7:30 awake

    8:00-9:00 Abs/40 min cardio 65% MHR

    9:20 Meal 1
    Ground oatmeal shake

    Macros meal 1: P: 43 g C: 43 g F: minimal from oats

    12:20 Meal 2

    Macros Meal 2: P: 43 g C: 0 F: 17 g

    2:00 Weight training

    3:00 PWO Meal 3
    Dextrose or ground oats

    Macros Meal 3: P: 43 g C: 75 g F: 0 g

    4:00 PPWO Meal 4
    Sweet Potatoes or Brown Rice

    Macros Meal 4: P: 43 g C: 43 g F: minimal

    7:00 Meal 5
    Spinach salad w/ olive oil
    Chicken breast

    Macros Meal 5: P: 43 g C: 0 g F: 17 g

    9:00 Meal 6
    Natural PB
    Egg whites

    Macros Meal 6: P: 43 g C: 0 g F: 17 g

    11:00-12:00 Just Before Bed Meal 7
    Cottage cheese

    Macros Meal 7: P: 43 g C: minimal from cottage cheese F: 17 g

    Daily totals: P: 301 C: 161 g F: 68 Calories: 2460
    I went over the macros from the cutting sticky, but only slightly. Without adding in meal 7, I my meals seemed way too spread out throughout the day (in order to eat my PPWO an hour after workout). Or the serving were just ridiculously small in order to eat every 8 hours.
    So I added in Meal 7, which added a little more fat to the macros.

    Also, with only six meals, it would be 50 g of protein per meal which seems like a lot to process.

    My PWO is at 75 g, does this seem high for cutting?

    Do these daily macros seems reasonable? They seem so low to me, but I'm new to cutting.

    I started this diet today, and I feel kinda hungry all the time, is this to be expected?

    Last question: On my non weight training days, I was thinking of just eating a low gi carb source instead of dex with real protein instead of whey.

    Any other suggestions on how diet should differ on non-weight training days?

    Thanks guys for the time and energy looking into this. I try to spend the time and energy posting it neatly, researched, with calories and macros calculated and pics to help everyone make as accurate an assessment as possible.

    Any help is appreciated.
    Last edited by Superballer; 04-03-2006 at 06:06 PM.

  2. #2
    1buffsob's Avatar
    1buffsob is offline Mr.Modesty
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    The food choices look real good, very healthy. However, your macros seem high IMO. When cutting, I choose to stay closer to the 1.35-1.50g protein per lb of LBM, not total weight. Exception to that rule would be the use of anabolics. That means, if you are wheighing 193 with a 15% bf, your LBM is about 165lb. Also, I find fat loss slows for me considerably when I consume over 140g carbs per day. And I find if most of my fat sources come from flax, the weight drops quicker.

    These are only suggestions from my personal experiences. If you find your cutting diet isn't providing the results you want, then take my suggestions under consideration.

    Best of luck.


  3. #3
    Superballer's Avatar
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    Thanks Sob I appreciate the advice... and your comments in my other my other threads are much appreciated...

    Crazy that I would lower calories even more.... are you normally hungry all day while cutting? If it's normal then I'm not too worried, but otherwise...

    I know some other folks on here have real good advice to give.... help a brother out. I am being thorough and have researched what I am asking about. All macros are laid out thoroughly as well as daily macros.... feel free to tell me if you think the macros are too high, too low etc.

    Don't be shy, I know more than SOB has looked at this... Thanks in advance.

  4. #4
    1buffsob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Superballer
    Thanks Sob I appreciate the advice... and your comments in my other my other threads are much appreciated...

    Crazy that I would lower calories even more.... are you normally hungry all day while cutting? If it's normal then I'm not too worried, but otherwise...

    I know some other folks on here have real good advice to give.... help a brother out. I am being thorough and have researched what I am asking about. All macros are laid out thoroughly as well as daily macros.... feel free to tell me if you think the macros are too high, too low etc.

    Don't be shy, I know more than SOB has looked at this... Thanks in advance.
    Yes sadly. But then again I'm always hungry bulking at 4000+ calories, so I'm used to it. That's my hardest part of dieting. I can go years and never want a cheeseburger or candy. I just want to eat. I'd take a cup of oats over junk food any day. I believe it is fairly common for people to be hungry cutting, but I'll let others give their own experiences.


  5. #5
    Superballer's Avatar
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    Thanks SOB.

    About the calories being too high from your previous post.... I am an ectomorph as you could probably tell from my pics six months ago, (and I know you mentioned being an endo) so I am a worried about dropping them too low... did you have that in mind when you looked over the macros the first time?

    Anyone else have any comments about whether or not they are hungry while cutting? Or is this your body's way of telling you to up the calories?


  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Hey many something that helps me so im not that hungry is this since our macros are pretty much the same. Rather than have the protein/carb after your workout have pro/fat, maybe some cottage cheese and 6 hardboiled eggs. Then before you workout what I do is I mix about 1/2 cup to 2/3 cup of oats with one scoop of whey and microwave it. I lift at exactly the same time you do and I feel the carbs in the middle of the day before my workout and after keep me full for the rest of the day not to mention the pump and energy I get from my oats.

    Just a suggestion. Also buy tons of sugar free jello, it will be your friend. Everytime i get a tad hungry ill just eat 1 or 2 of em, 10 calories rele cant hurt ya.

  7. #7
    Superballer's Avatar
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    Thanks tampa...

    you mentioned your macros are similar.... i'm assuming you're cutting as well.

    What are your stats? Have the macros seemed good so far as far as goals?

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