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    Wrath's Avatar
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    Diet Soda...questions

    Hey...I have been getting stricter with me diet, and I realized that the empty carbs in fruit drink and sodas are holding me back (It's embarassing how much juice or soda i can drink ina day!!)

    I have bought diet soda for the first orange fanta and its taste and aftertaste was licking a like babboon ass. I bought Diet coca cola---didn't taste all too good neither. Ended up pouring both cases out.

    I try to avoid soda, but it helps me to get my dry ass chicken breast to go down better than water. I bought Diet mr pibb, and 7-up cherry plus (has 10 cal per can) and they both taste good as hell. I was wondering what diet drinks/sodas ya'll take that taste good? Don't wanna keep going through trial and error. What ya'll drink?

  2. #2
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    coca cola zero

  3. #3
    Myka's Avatar
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    vault zero on rare occasion

  4. #4
    MarkyMark's Avatar
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    24 oz water
    1 squeezed limed or lemon and drop in glass
    1 packet artificial sweetener ...

  5. #5
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    i drink fizzy water too sometimes

  6. #6
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    diet anything doesnt really bother me
    it tastes better than anything else i eat/drink

    sugar free redbull is pretty tasty

  7. #7
    rissinite's Avatar
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    Coke Zero, Diet Sunkist, Diet Mtn.Dew, and anything by Crystal Light... my favorite is raspberry tea

  8. #8
    DNoMac's Avatar
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    def Crystal Light

  9. #9
    mwolffey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DNoMac
    def Crystal Light

    F'n Right

  10. #10
    bad_man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    coca cola zero

  11. #11
    frank rizzo is offline Junior Member
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    black cherry vanilla diet coke - f'in awesome, fresca

  12. #12
    *Alex*'s Avatar
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    Regular Cola Is A Def No No Anything Diet Is Cool With Me! I Love Diet Pepsi!

  13. #13
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wrath
    Hey...I have been getting stricter with me diet, and I realized that the empty carbs in fruit drink and sodas are holding me back (It's embarassing how much juice or soda i can drink ina day!!)

    I have bought diet soda for the first orange fanta and its taste and aftertaste was licking a like babboon ass. I bought Diet coca cola---didn't taste all too good neither. Ended up pouring both cases out.

    I try to avoid soda, but it helps me to get my dry ass chicken breast to go down better than water. I bought Diet mr pibb, and 7-up cherry plus (has 10 cal per can) and they both taste good as hell. I was wondering what diet drinks/sodas ya'll take that taste good? Don't wanna keep going through trial and error. What ya'll drink?
    coke zero,pepsi 0ne, and diet dr pepper taste exactly like the regular product, best bang for your buck, also sprite makes one as well, i dont know the name

  14. #14
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    i had a job where i was always on the road so me and my buddies would drink diet mt dew all day cuz it reminded us of beer for some that i think of it that sounds kind of stupid huh? anyway, thats what i drink, when the machine is out of beer!

  15. #15
    Streaker's Avatar
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    It's all about the Diet Hansen's all natural soda. They are all good except the Ginger Ale. IMO the best is the Diet Tangerine Lime.

  16. #16
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
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    Scotty, beam me up

  17. #17
    Liftnainez's Avatar
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    i was in the same boat as you one time.. i hated the tast of diet anything.. but after a while i got so used to it that now its good.. hard to believe but its true.. stick to it for a while and then you'll see how easy it is.. not only that but its "healthier" than regular sodas..

  18. #18
    insanepump621 is offline Member
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    drink all diet soda you want bro ...imo... i drink about 3 cans of diet coke a day... its called diet for a reason

  19. #19
    copenhagen's Avatar
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    my fav is diet dr pepper. i like the walmart crystal lite knock offs......peach and sunrise surprise are really good

  20. #20
    jaym_100 is offline Junior Member
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    Diet root beer is pretty good.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Streaker
    It's all about the Diet Hansen's all natural soda. They are all good except the Ginger Ale. IMO the best is the Diet Tangerine Lime.

    !!!!!that's my fav too

  22. #22
    DirtyDog7's Avatar
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    I quit most of my bad habits but damn, I can't stay away from diet pepsi.

    I drink about 6 a day. I know it's bad so I drink a lot of water too so basically I piss all day.

  23. #23
    Angelus is offline Associate Member
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    Ive been drinking diet soda for so long that io cant taste the aftertaste, last day I drank 1/2 cup of reg soda and 1/2 a cup of diet (just for the experiment) and I really couldnt tell the diference

  24. #24
    StoneGRMI's Avatar
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    Just picked up Kroger's brand of Crystal light (It's just called "Light") and not only does it taste great it has ZERO cals as opposed to Crystal Lights 5 or 10. Not a big deal but why the hell not. I got Peach Iced tea and Raspberry and they are both pretty tasty.

  25. #25
    thegeneral is offline Junior Member
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    So as far as any of you guys know, theres no reason not to drink Diet drinks (Im not concerned about all the cancer talk, I think its BS). But fitness wise... I've been drinking just water since I started cutting but man, I crave a Diet Dr Pepper every once in a while.

  26. #26
    Myka's Avatar
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    6 Pepsis??????????????? hmmm...

  27. #27
    DirtyDog7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NewKid
    6 Pepsis??????????????? hmmm...

    I use to drink a lot of beer, I mean a lot and all the time. Cutting out the beer is easy compaired to Diet Pepsi. It calls out to me.

  28. #28
    novastepp's Avatar
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    diet rite... i love that stuff! tangerine, raspberry, or the original...

  29. #29
    bulldawg_28's Avatar
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    Diet Dr. Pepper Berries and Creme. MMM...MMM...bitch

  30. #30
    thegeneral is offline Junior Member
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    holy hell i just tried Diet Dr Pepper Berries & Cream today for the first time. WOW that stuff is good

  31. #31
    ascendant's Avatar
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    i had to jump on here, cause it seems a lot of you are missing out on an important issue and consuming something that is literally killing you. avoid any and all diet soda's that have "aspartame" or "sucralose" in it. aspartame is found in most diet sodas, and is literally worse for you than cigarettes by a long shot. do a web search and see all the info you find about it. sucralose is newer so there's not as much research, but it's pointing in the same direction.

    aspartame studies done on rats and so forth indicated numerous consistent side effects, including but not limited to: cancer, cists, stroke, heart disease, increases in stress (which includes cortisol increases), weight gain, brain damage, and that's just what i remember off the top of my head!

    the weight gain comes due to the fact that it has no calories but tastes like it should and confuses the body, so the body craves calories to make up for what it now considers a deficit. it's obviously more complex than this, but hopefully that gives you an idea of the problem and how it confuses your brain. why do you think the majority of the people you see drinking diet soda's are fat?! This is also the reason for increases in stress levels in the body, cause the body is confused and kicks in low levels of your fight or flight mechanisms/chemicals, which will make it much harder to make gains from weight training.

    the brain damage occurs because somewhere along the lines when it is being digested it is converted into aspartic acid, it reacts with chemicals in your brain, altering them into fermadehyde (yes, the same chemical they use to preserve dead animals), destorying tons of brain cells.

    don't believe me? call and ask the fda for yourself. they admitted to me directly that all those side effects showed up in lab tests on animals. when i asked why they put it on the market after all that, they told me cause no studies showed it would be dangerous for human consumption?! what the f*ck is the animal testing supposed to be for?! then when i asked her if any human testing had been done, she laughs and says "we don't test products on humans". well, what do you think they're doing to the public right now???

    if you want a sweetener for drinks with no calories, go to a health food store and they have a few alternatives. the one i personally use is stevia extract, and it's all good. reason the fda won't allow stevia as a food additive is cause since it's a natural extract, it can't be patented, which means they wouldn't make much money from it. it costs less than 1/20th as much to produce in comparison to aspartame, which means less money in their profits through taxes as well. it's really sick how the fda works.

    please, avoid aspartame and sucralose at all costs guys, it's killing you and you have no idea of how serious it's long term side-effects are. like i said, do some research on this stuff and you'll find my claims to be 100% accurate.
    Last edited by ascendant; 04-07-2006 at 03:02 PM.

  32. #32
    thegeneral is offline Junior Member
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    sorry... im calling BS on this... one thing ive learned having recently graduated with a degee in biochemistry is that tests on animals mean jack sh!t and that internet searches which show "studies" are almost always inaccurate and inprecise. everything is harmful in large amounts... even H20 will kill you if you consume enough (water intoxication). a few grams a day is harmless.

    p.s. some of the most commonly eaten foods contain poisonous chemicals such as cyanide. in rats, these volumes of poison may result in sickness or death... humans, however, would never even notice.
    Last edited by thegeneral; 04-07-2006 at 03:48 PM.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegeneral
    sorry... im calling BS on this... one thing ive learned having recently graduated with a degee in biochemistry is that tests on animals mean jack sh!t and that internet searches which show "studies" are almost always inaccurate and inprecise. everything is harmful in large amounts... even H20 will kill you if you consume enough (water intoxication). a few grams a day is harmless.
    first of all, if animal testing means jack sh*t, then why bother doing it in the first place? second of all, which "studies" are you going to believe? the ones PAID FOR by the company that show the same side effects but the "scientists" (funded by searle, the developers of aspartame) say are safe, or EVERY SINGLE OTHER TEST DONE BY ANYONE OTHER THAN PEOPLE PAID BY SEARLE THAT INDICATE THIS STUFF IS TOXIC, DANGEROUS, AND POTENTIALLY DEADLY?!

    i could care less about your degree in biochemistry. it's people like you that will be paid off by these kind of companies to lie for them later down the road anyway! as far as the studies being inaccurate and precise, like i said, the fda themselves confirmed these test results, and after debating with the woman for over 1/2 an hour, she could come up with absolutely no reason why they should've allowed it on the market.

    when aspartame came out onto the market, everyone was protesting it, and by everyone i don't mean the general public, i mean all the private and government research facilities designed specifically for testing of food additives. the only ones that didn't were those that had something to gain financially from it, and the fda allowed it as a food additive despite the department of health and numerous other advisors telling them it's not safe! you apparently haven't done any research on this whatsoever and you're trying to call bs?

    no, not all studies you find on the internet are completely accurate, but these are studies done by the research labs that decide what goes into your food, and all of them other than the fda have said it was unsafe. also, you might find curiously enough that the person responsible for approving aspartame who was originally a top official in the fda is now "retired", but working for searle, the makers of the product he approved? now how is that not conspicuous? that is not rumor, that's fact!

    whether in large or small quantities, this stuff is still not safe. crack in low doses wouldn't give you many side-effects so does that mean you're going to do it?. water in low doses is completely safe (considering there's no contaminants of course). however, no matter how low of a dose, aspartame still converts into aspartic acid, which still produces fermadehyde in the brain and still causes other health problems.

    there are people filing consistent complaints to the fda every year about health problems from aspartame, and i've talked to some personally. the fda claims they find no "conclusive evidence indicating consistent side-effects directly related to the aspartame consumption". then again, they also said cigarettes were fine for you for years until too many studies indicated otherwise and they had no choice but to admit their ORIGINAL findings.

    you need to do your research before you call bs, cause i've done well more than my share and there is not one bit of any kind of evidence anywhere indicating that under any circumstance, aspartame is safe. go ahead and call the fda looking for justification and you'll find none that makes any sense. look into other research companies findings on aspartame and you'll find my findings accurate. research before you speak man, cause this isn't something to just blow off here and you apparently have no idea what you're even talking about here. i've given plenty of info backing myself up, and you just claim "oh, i have a degree in biochemistry". well good for you!
    Last edited by ascendant; 04-07-2006 at 04:04 PM.

  34. #34
    thegeneral is offline Junior Member
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    opinions are opinions... if u believe aspartame is bad, dont drink it... if u believe it isnt, drink it. maybe try diet coke w/splenda.

  35. #35
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    tap water contains radiation. tuna contains mercury. the only thing that is sterile that you could drink is your own piss. so if you are going to worry yourself to death, drink your urine. if you aren't shoveling aspertame into your mouth you are going to be fine. and the amount in diet sodas is negligable in humans compared to the amount given to lab rats. i'm no bubble boy.

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  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp
    tap water contains radiation. tuna contains mercury. the only thing that is sterile that you could drink is your own piss. so if you are going to worry yourself to death, drink your urine. if you aren't shoveling aspertame into your mouth you are going to be fine. and the amount in diet sodas is negligable in humans compared to the amount given to lab rats. i'm no bubble boy.
    yea, but people aren't going to the hospital every day with issues associated with tuna or water. if you guys aren't going to believe me, that's your option. i'm just trying to help and can assure you this stuff is just as bad if not worse than i made it out to be.

    the comparison of toxins in regular everday foods to aspartame is like comparing a firecracker to a nuclear warhead. just like you don't see people going to the hospital every day cause of smoking, you see it's long-term side-effects. some people today are STILL ignorant enough to say smoking is harmless. well, ask them again in 20 years when they're slowly suffocating to death from emphysema how they feel about cigarettes.

    the questions i have here is, what ever gave any of you the idea aspartame IS safe? show me one reputable study anywhere done by a food-additive research lab (NOT funded by searle) that indicated even once that there was any level of doses that this stuff could be taken at that would be safe? also tell me why not one single company other than the head of the fda and searle (makers of aspartame) said this stuff should NOT be put on the market? i'd also like to know why if this stuff isn't so dangerous, you do a web search on it and there's literally several dozen results in any search engine on it's negative effects? you won't find that about your "tuna".

    here is a list of the reputable websites who have conclusive evidence of the dangers of this product, even at the doses given to humans as a food additive:

    that last webpage (as you will find on numerous other pages) actually has a documentary video that aired on FOX 5 news which investigated the crooked past of aspartame. now you gonna argue with an entire newsgroup who investigated this?!

    if you can check out those websites, honestly look into them, and tell me the evidence is not conclusive, then i will step down saying as i see no hope here. sad thing is, it took me about 20 minutes of searching the web if that to find those sites.

    my most interesting quote i found on aspartame comes from a Dr. James Bowen, MD "The fire ant wields what is arguably the most potent venom of any terrestrial arthropod, formic acid. Exactly the same formic acid that is formed 10% by weight from aspartame in your body.". Mmmm, yummy eh?

    cmon guys, don't be a Leeerrroooyyy Jenkins and leap before you look. check this stuff out. again, i have nothing to gain here but help you avoid something that can potentially kill you.

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    people get cancer from everything is all i'm trying to say. and they are going to the hospital for it daily. everything gives you cancer, but not everything makes you fat like regular sodas can. and my association to water was because most guys go diet or go water, both have teh added risk, and all i'm saying is...what doesn't. but yes aspertame isn't the best choice, finding diets made with splenda is a better idea. that is why i said i liked diet rite in the first place. but hey on a good note, thanks for the info...bros can really see the dangers. great posts man. no flame at all...

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp
    people get cancer from everything is all i'm trying to say. and they are going to the hospital for it daily. everything gives you cancer, but not everything makes you fat like regular sodas can. and my association to water was because most guys go diet or go water, both have teh added risk, and all i'm saying is...what doesn't. but yes aspertame isn't the best choice, finding diets made with splenda is a better idea. that is why i said i liked diet rite in the first place. but hey on a good note, thanks for the info...bros can really see the dangers. great posts man. no flame at all...
    it's all good man, i know you're just looking out, same as i'm doing. just thought those would be some good reads for regular consumers of aspartame.

    only thing about splenda is remember it's pretty new, whereas aspartame has been around for a while. at this point, as far as we know splenda could be even worse.

    i'm telling you, go to a local health food store and try stevia extract for all those that want a no-calorie sweetener. it works great without any bitter aftertaste that you sometimes get with those artificial sweeteners. looks expensive from it's size and cost, but look at how many servings it has on the side of the container. an amount the size of a tip of a pen can sweeten up a full cup of coffee. i've had mine that i paid $12 for now for about 6 months and it's still half full!

  40. #40
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    thanks for teh info on stevia...i'm going to look into it big time.

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