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Thread: apple fasting

  1. #1
    Ridla's Avatar
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    apple fasting

    I have heard this helps detox of the body really well. I have psoriasis so I am going the alternative route.
    Does anyone know how many apples are to be consumed as far as minimum and maximum intake goes???
    thnks yall

  2. #2
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Never heard of this.........does one eat only apples all day? For how long?

    Sounds horrid.


  3. #3
    D7M's Avatar
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    yah, this is new to me as well. I like apples and all, but....

  4. #4
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    An apple a day keeps the doctor away.


    apples all day w/nothing else makes the muscle run away.


  5. #5
    bigsd67's Avatar
    bigsd67 is offline Anabolic Member
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    it probably would also make you sh!t your intestines out

  6. #6
    Gassy is offline Junior Member
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    I've heard of this, lots of info on all kinds of cleansing and alternative health on, just don't become a pee drinker!

  7. #7
    brutesinme's Avatar
    brutesinme is offline Member
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    I'm thinking this detox fad is worthless. It sounds good to yuppies, so they'll pay up for it, but i'd like to see some explaination based on observations and findings (not some nice sounding theoretical bullshit) that explains the mechanism for this detoxifying action.

  8. #8
    ascendant's Avatar
    ascendant is offline Senior Member
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    Right behind you...
    Quote Originally Posted by brutesinme
    I'm thinking this detox fad is worthless. It sounds good to yuppies, so they'll pay up for it, but i'd like to see some explaination based on observations and findings (not some nice sounding theoretical bullshit) that explains the mechanism for this detoxifying action.
    i don't know about anything of the detoxifying that apples can do, but if you honestly thing detoxifying your body is something for yuppies, you're living in your own little world of "ignorance being bliss" guy. additionally, it's "explanation" goes far beyond explaining a simple mechanism, as there are many organs, factors, and explanations involved to help it all make sense, but i can assure you it all is within acceptable (and known) general scientific biologic knowledge.

    here are the facts (as that's what you wanted). FACT: our bodies are pumped full of more garbage nowadays than ever from everywhere including our foods (pesticides), to our meats (hormones, anti-biotics, poor/unsanitary feeding/housing), even our drinking waters and bath/shower waters (chlorine, fluoride), not to mention the air we breathe from cars, planes, etc. FACT: the food issues are all done by big companies and coorporations in attempts to increase their profits by incurring minimal losses on their part. FACT: it's taking a huge toll on our bodies, and the proof is more people (proportionately) than ever go to doctors nowadays for all kinds of health problems/disorders than ever in the history of mankind, and the saddest thing is, people EXPECT nowadays to be on medication as they get older as a part of life!!! FACT: processed food with all it's artificial ingredients is another thing that builds up toxins in our bodies, including it's chemical additives which oftentimes in themselves are toxins (research aspartame on the web and you'll see what i mean). FACT: not only the food we eat, but even the water we bathe in contribues to toxin build-up because of the toxins absorbed by the water into our skin and by the steam released which does contain poisonous vapors in small quantities, the worst (and most common) one being chlorine, which is in ALL tap water (excluding filtered of course).

    UNQUESTIONABLE FACT: the human body was not designed to consume these kinds of products, and because of it, some of the garbage can't be properly filtered and we get leftover residue left in our colon, liver/gallbladder, lungs, kidney/bladder, just to mention the most majorly affected ones. if you don't want to believe that as fact, go ahead and speak with a doctor about how many toxins and other build-ups accumulate in these areas of the bodies. any truly knowledeabe doctor will know very well that this is fact. hell, it's what's keeping him in business!!! just as tar accumulates in your lungs from smoking, these other toxins build up in other areas of the body.

    even normal everyday consumption wears down the body. why do you think we eventually die? our bodies slowly get worn down. just like a cespool builds up with our sludge and sometimes needs to be opened up and drained, our colon accumulates with the sludge that sometimes gets caught up in our intestinal tract and doesn't make it out our back end. this results in higher toxins in our bodies, improper absorption of nutrients by intestinal blockage, and that's just the start.

    the cleanses work to help "flush out" those toxins. i can't personally say which cleanses are better than others, but there are some generally accepted cleansers which are usually herbs and extracts, and there are some made up tree-hugging ones, but this is certainly not for just tree-huggers as you suggested. it's very easy to discriminate between the credible sources and the not so credible ones. do the research and you'll see there are many cleanses out there, 90% of which all have the same ingredients to do so.

    now, if you know (which i should hope you do) of the build-up in the lungs that smoking causes, common sense should indicate to you that these other artificial additives and debris we come into contact with everyday will build up in your body as well. if you think toxins from cigarettes is all that does, again, you're living in your own little world.

    the best proof these cleanses work is the after-effect of it's users. improved immune function/decreased sickness, increased energy/decreased lethargy, improved mood/decreased depression, weight-loss (yes, there is so much "sludge" in you, you will usually lose up to 2-15lbs. just from toxin removal), among numerous other health benefits. there has even been case studies where cleanses have helped immune function so much, it has helped reduce and in some cases even eliminate cancer due to the fact that their bodies were not so busy fighting itself and were then able to focus on the cancer. this is not the only serious illness/disease that cleanses have helped peoples natural immunity systems improve enough to fight off.

    before you even think it, yes, our bodies certainly can fight off cancer themselves and this is scientific fact, not tree-hugging hype. our bodies fight off cell/dna damage every day (aka cancer), which is continously occuring in our bodies, mainly because of the toxins and electromagnetic chaos from cell phones, radio towers, etc we deal with everyday. it's not until the cancer grows beyond our typical immune systems control that it's actually considered "cancer".

    if you don't want to believe me, there are plenty of extremely credible references out there in forms of books and videos. the one i personally found most informative not just about cleanses but where all these poisons/toxins are coming from and why is "natural cures" by kevin trudeau. before you even think about blowing it off or not believing all this, just read that book. you don't even have to buy it, just go to barnes & noble or some other bookstore where you can read it there and all it will take is a few hours of your time to see that these findings are not only accurate, but far more serious than i'm even making them out to be on here.

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