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Thread: juiceon....if you are out there...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    juiceon....if you are out there...

    give us an update please.

    And anyone else out there...if you come on here and say you are on your 2nd or 3rd day taking DNP and don't feel anything and you're thinking of upping the dose..(or whatever) please be kind enough to come back and let us know how things are going (i.e. if you are okay)

    Thank you
    What happens here, stays here

  2. #2
    Mike Guest
    Yes - I would say that it is MOST important when taking DNP to update people with progress and comments - more than any other cycle - I didnt know you were taking DNP juiceon

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    heading west
    I wanted to wait until the end of today before posting an update, because not much happened yesterday. So, I started Mon. night with a 300 mgs. powder, and maintained that dose through last night (Thursday), although Thursday I took two clen in the morning as well. Thursday I felt like I was dragging ass a bit, and planned on going to the gym all day but never did, even with the clen. Up to that point though, overall, nothing much in any kind of effect. So today I took 300 mgs. in the morning and 300 at night, as well as 3 clen this morning. FINALLY, I am beginning to get warm spells . . . nothing dramatic, been kinda persistently thirsty, and still dragging ass. It's not like I'm floored or anything, just the thought of getting dressed, driving to the gym, stretching, and going through a whole routine seems like too much. I can't imagine how heavy those plates are gonna feel. Also, I am the only person I've seen walking around Chicago with shorts and a T-shirt. I have not been uncomfortable at home provided the windows are open and the AC is on in the bedroom. This is not unusualy for me thought because I always find myself much warmer or hotter than ANYone else around me. Even w/o DNP, when others say they are cold, I say I am hot.

    One thing that I am afraid of is my diet. For me personally, I have never counted calories. I naturally avoid junk food and really never have any desire for it. I follow my cravings and they lead me in the right direction (I even crave tuna sandwiches). But this week I have binged twice, once on donuts, and once on a big haloween frosted cookie. Trust me, that's not me. I usually just follow my urges, even when dieting (but usually I am doing a lot of cardio when dieting) and it turns out pretty well. I mean, the more cardio I do, the better I eat automatically. But this is different (since no cardio) and I am VERY tempted to kick myself in the ass tomorrow and jump on the stairmaster. I don't know where these urges to eat simple sugars (and the fat that comes with it) is coming from.

    Any insight/suggestions would be helpful. So far I've justified the binges because I've read that with DNP you will still lose the fat - is that true? Is my body having an insulin problem. I want to stop the junk and am not trying to find an excuse (I hate the guilt that follows), but is my body trying to tell me something by craving this junk?

    Do you feel a bit fatter just after you start a cutting diet? I always did and still do, so maybe that is a good sign.

    BTW - I don't think I am ever going to start another AS cycle unless I can see all my abs beforehand.

    Mike - since my wedding an honeymoon, I've changed my cycle plans. Had to stop the cycle beforehand cause the fina had me concerned about my nuts, plus I was not going to have to make it a point to workout during my honeymoon (priorities). So I came back and wanted to lose my fat (since the water was gone and I only looked bulkier, not more cleanly massive). I just got the DNP, so here I am. The only day I've made it to the gym for the last two weeks was Monday (which was a supprisingly great workout). My next workout is squats, so with this DNP (I guess) exhaustion, I am just having an unchartoristically hard time getting going for the extended stretching and warming up sessions for legs, not to even mention lifting all that damn weight.

    This is all new territory for me, so I feel a little out of control, which is the thing that is bothering me the most. I am not sure I know what I am doing, should do, etc.

    All I can add is that I anticipate no problem adding clen to this cycle, and jumping back on the primo depot EOD once I start lifting again (which may be tomorrow). I was afraid to add clen before I started, but the sides so far don't seem to have potential to complicate things with clen.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    heading west
    Today took 300 mgs. morning and 300 evening, as well as 3 clenbuterol this morning. Did 20 min of the stairs this morning and after I was done I felt better than I have all week. Like my wife said, maybe reading about how tired DNP makes you had me brainwashed into thinking I was tired. I squatted tonight and did the same weights and reps that I did at the end of my last cycle. The DNP did not slow me down. I also finished with 20 min on the treadmill.

    I sweat a bit today, but only the wet surface perspiration on the skin, not the drops of sweat I get when on a hardcore clen/aerobic fat loss regime.

    The only really bad effect so far is my wife says I (my skin) smell, but I can't smell anything different.

    So far DNP has not lived up to its hype as far as sides go. Then again I should add that I have xanax to help me sleep like a baby, though I don't know if that is making any bit of a difference.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Maybe your caps are underdosed...or wait 2 more days for when the 600mg day kicks in. We'll see. Thanks for the updates.
    What happens here, stays here

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    heading west
    Today was by far the most uncomfortable day of this cycle. I'm still at 300 mgs. 2x day and took 4 clen this morning. I have been hot all day, everywhere. Visiting my parents and grandparents house was a bear, because they had the heat on in their homes. Now I know what it means to want to just sit in front of a fan or take a shower all day.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Now it is safe to say "welcome"
    What happens here, stays here

  8. #8
    Mike Guest
    Originally posted by primodonna
    Now it is safe to say "welcome"

    Hey I wouldn't worry about a thing bro. First off - as for getting to the gym - dont get up get dressed and get in your car, drive to the gym then stretch then go through your routine. That's too much work - you're right.

    What you SHOULD do is get dressed and get in your car. Much easier huh? Honestly - dont think ahead that much - I never do or I wont go - when you start thinking bout your whole plan it's overwhelming - it's actually the body's lazy way of justifying staying at home - well just get in your car thats as far as you need to go - once you get dressed you'll feel like ya gotta get in your car anyway. Once you're that far you're already sitting down - just drive - and park at the gym. Hell now you're there - may as well go in - and the rest is cake. Just dont think ahead bro - less thinking, more acting.

    As for the dieting thing - honestly, yeah you'll still lose weight - even with the junk BUT you will lose NOWHERE near AS much. Think about it - you wanna eat junk food and go through all this shit (DNP is not a walk in the park and for me clen's no fun either) and then still be fatty and have to do it again? Save yourself having to do this again - cutting cycles hurt much more than bulk - eat so well you only have to go through this once. STAY motivated - hard on DNP but do it bud.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    (hi, Mike)

    He made a very good point about do you really want to go through all of this again...DNP is not an excuse to be able to eat what you want...even though you will still lose SOME fat...unless you really enjoy how you feel right now then a cycle every month and eat what you want....

    i didn't think so.
    What happens here, stays here

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