Ok guys it's time for me to change my diet, BD AND SPOUND, AND SWOLE, no my story witch is in the picture forum, im 43 y/o 5/5 181 9th week into cycle test enan 250 twice a week,started with cyp, and deca, stopped the deca three weeks ago, Almost 2 1/2 years working out , i only gained 6 pounds, i though my diet was ok but i guess ok aint good enough , even though before my cycle i ate like a slob, cholestrol was up to 296, got it down to 180, and lost about 9 pounds, I was 175 when i started im now 181 wanted to go up to about 190, one problem is im over 9 weeks into my cycle, how long should i run it ( 1st cycle ) i really doubt i'll put on 9 pounds in another month, or is it safe to run it longer.. My work days are TUE 5 am till 11:30 am WED 4:30 am till 1:00pm Thur 3:00 am till 8:30 am thats it, i own a beverage route in NY, So its move along fast or get 110 dollar tickets, so its bascically get in and out of the stores as fast as possible, so while im working its a protien shake when i get up, then protien bars, plain bagles, turkey egg whites on whole wheat, nuts, so work and run, and eat and run, i dont have a steady routine, but when i get home its grilled chicken or steak, turkey on 12 grain bread, baked or roasted potatos, egg white omlettes with spinich, or any thing i can through in oatmeal, and of course fish, love fish !! i can go on and on, and i cook everything in bulk so its open the fridge and throw every thing on a plate..... but nothing is steady, i rarley sit down and eat, it's always eat and run, so what im gotta do is read a little more and then post a diet, but if my cycle is gonna end in a month or so should i start bulking, i would really love to put at least another 5 pounds because 9 seems like it wont happen, i was reading about the brown rice, yams and pasta, ( i stopped eating pasta, then realized that a good homemade pesto with good olive oil would give me some good carbs ) flax oil in protien drinks, nuts and salmon, another problem is sleep, i wont fall asleep till midnight then get up at 5 am, i just cant sleep, and when i do sleep at least 8 hours i feel like sh!t, one other thing came to me when bd told me i might be over training, and not have enough calories, just a basic idea of what i do lets say im doin bi's and tri's on thur im doin 5 different excersice's for bi's and 5 for tri's 5 sets 10 to 8 reps, twice a week for bi's and tri's once a week for sholders, chest, forearms, etc, leg's every 10 days but that changed today, will start on legs weekly, is that overkill ??? sorry this post was so long but just tryin to give the whole picture, im going away this weekend hamptons, then next weekend to Fla. so im gonna find time to get some kind of diet straight, i have to read more on that bulking diet, you need to be a math teacher to figure it out..im open to all suggestions, i know my diet is a cluster f#ck, but its better than the fast food resturants i lived in, again sorry for the long post...Thanks![]()