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Thread: help with diet please

  1. #1

    help with diet please

    I am 35yrs 5'9 184lbs. w/ 15% BF I lift 4 days a week 2 on, 1 off, 2 on and do cardio 3-5 days a week for about 20-30 mins. I am trying to keep my size while lowering my body fat. Please help with any suggestions. Thank you.

    3 egg whites, 1 whole egg
    2 tortillas, fat free cheese & salsa
    1 english muffin w/ no sugar jam and natural peanut butter
    20gm oatmeal
    15gm whey protein
    Cal 795 Protein 48 Carbs 99.5 Fat 21

    1 can tuna
    10ml of Flaxseed oil
    Cal 386 Protein 65g Carbs 0g Fat 11.8

    4oz chicken breast w/ barbecue sauce
    2 hard boiled eggs
    1 yam or sweet potato
    1 banana
    15gm whey protein
    1 low fat fruit yogurt
    Cal 673 Protein 56 Carbs 86 Fat 13

    1 can tuna
    10ml of Flaxseed oil
    Cal 386 Protein 65g Carbs 0g Fat 11.8g

    6:00 Pre-Work out
    28gm whey protein
    5ml flaxseed oil
    Cal 143.2 Protein 23 Carbs 2 Fat 4.6

    6:45-7:45 WorkOut

    45gm whey protein
    4 rice cakes
    1 apple
    Cal 371 Protein 39 Carbs 52 Fat 0

    113gm of cottage cheese
    15gm whey protein
    1 low fat fruit yogurt
    Cal 280 Protein 31 Carbs 33 Fat 2.5

    Cal 3034.2 Protein 327 Carbs 272.5 Fat 64.7

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Calories are way too high bro. You are mixing too many macros. You need to choose either a pro/fat or a pro carb meal. get rid of the fruits too, that should cut the cals, the banna is acceptable post workout, but thats it. Cardio should be done on an empty stomach first thing in the morning or immediatly after your training. Here is a sample meal plan...
    Meal 1-Protein/carb(oats)
    Meal 2-Pro/Fat
    Meal 3-Pro/fat
    Meal 4-Pro/fat
    Workout then cardio
    Meal 5-Pro/bannana(post workout immediatly)
    Meal 6-Pro/carb(1 hour after post workout meal)
    Meal 7-(before bed)pro(cottage)/ flax oil
    Your cals should be around 2,700 so figure out what you wanna eat and fit it into your cal needs and shoot for 30-40 g of protein each meal and you should keep your muscle nicely..good luck bro
    Last edited by mwolffey; 04-17-2006 at 09:44 PM.

  3. #3
    I got rid of the apple PWO meal, 2 hard boiled eggs at the 3rd meal, moved the banana post meal and the yogurt in meal 7 which gives me: 2663 cal, 309 protein, 222 carbs and 54.2 fat???

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Phx, Arizona
    less carbs....tortillas....tsk a heavy mexican cultured person...and i know once u pop...u cant stop

  5. #5
    I looked at that last night and took out the tortilla's which brings everything to 2363 cals, 301 protein, 172 carbs and 47.2 fat.

    I am now concerned with my pre and post work out meals, are they enough?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Look behind you.
    Bro, you need to get under 150g carbs IMHO. And bump the fat intake just a little, like 55g. Protein is still high, but you can cut some more of that out when fat lose begins to stagnate. Make sure you're seperating your macros as stated above, low GI carb sources with exception of PWO, good fats, and meals every 2-3 hours. Now repost your diet so we can see where you're at exactly.


  7. #7
    I was thinking of replacing the sweet potato w/ high proetin Penne Plus pasta??

    3 egg whites, 1 whole egg
    1 english muffin w/ no sugar jam and natural peanut butter
    20gm oatmeal
    15gm whey protein
    Cal 495 Protein 40 Carbs 49.5 Fat 14

    1 can tuna
    15ml of Flaxseed oil
    Cal 429 Protein 65g Carbs 0g Fat 16.4

    4oz chicken breast w/ barbecue sauce
    1 yam or sweet potato
    15gm whey protein
    Cal 278 Protein 37 Carbs 30 Fat 2.5

    1 can tuna
    15ml of Flaxseed oil
    Cal 429 Protein 65g Carbs 0g Fat 16.4

    6:00 Pre-Work out
    28gm whey protein
    5ml flaxseed oil
    Cal 143.2 Protein 23 Carbs 2 Fat 4.6

    6:45-7:45 WorkOut

    45gm whey protein
    4 rice cakes
    1 banana
    Cal 395 Protein 40 Carbs 58 Fat 0

    113gm of cottage cheese
    15gm whey protein
    Cal 130 Protein 25 Carbs 5 Fat 1

    Cal 2299.2 Protein 295 Carbs 144.5 Fat 53.9

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Look behind you.
    Still mixing macros in meal 1, but the daily macros seem about right. Diet looks 'ok'.


  9. #9
    Thanks, anything that you would suggest changing or adding?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Look behind you.
    Suggestions? sure If it was me I'd.........

    1. Drop the whole egg/pb/english muffin/sf jam in meal one and just go with 1 cup of oats, whey, and egg whites.
    2. Drop the carb source outta meal 3, along with the BBQ sauce and whey, bump the chicken breast portion up and add 10g flax oil.
    3.Replace the rice cake carb source in PWO with either dex or a low GI source such as oats. Also bump the carbs to about 75g for PWO.
    4. Lose the whey in your last meal, bump up the cc a bit, and add 10g good fats (natty pb, almonds, flax, etc.).

    ............. But that's just me


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by 1buffsob
    Suggestions? sure If it was me I'd.........

    1. Drop the whole egg/pb/english muffin/sf jam in meal one and just go with 1 cup of oats, whey, and egg whites.
    2. Drop the carb source outta meal 3, along with the BBQ sauce and whey, bump the chicken breast portion up and add 10g flax oil.
    3.Replace the rice cake carb source in PWO with either dex or a low GI source such as oats. Also bump the carbs to about 75g for PWO.
    4. Lose the whey in your last meal, bump up the cc a bit, and add 10g good fats (natty pb, almonds, flax, etc.).

    ............. But that's just me



  12. #12
    ok the only thing that I am stuck with right now is the Post work out shake. How do i get the carbs up to 75g??

    Also is my pre work out shake ok or should there be more?


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Look behind you.
    If you go with dextrose that's simple. Do you want to go the low GI carb route PWO or simple sugars?


  14. #14
    simple sugars, due to where and what time I work out I need to bring my shake with me to the gym and drink it right after working out, thanks

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Look behind you.
    Then just buy some dextrose and put in 75g with 2 scoops whey. You can buy dextrose at most online supp stores., etc.


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