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Thread: does dairy causes bloat or is it the sodium content?

  1. #1

    does dairy causes bloat or is it the sodium content?

    I've been doing a lot of research regarding diet
    the areas in looked at is the gi and i've found out that gi on yogurt is as low as veggie (with gi of 20) meanwhile brown rice or whole wheat are (70)

    therefore i've done a little research regarding the myth of "dairy makes you bloat"

    i have found no direct research as water retention causes from dairy goes
    however many do mention the high sodium content in dairy product

    however if the sodium is undercontrolled, does dairy has any other characteristic that actually makes you retained water?

  2. #2
    yes i know many said "large portion of carb comes from sugar"
    however if u look at the molecules of sugar present in dairy, they are not sucose (high gi) however lactose(milk) and fructose(in yogurt) which has a very low gi index meaning it digests contantly

    remember all carb eventually turns into glucose and the gi (insulin response) is juist the speed of digestion

    if you consume a "long slow releasing" sugar, it should't cause any bad insulin related problem

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Some people lack the proper enzymes to digest lactose. Therefore they bloat because they are lactose intolerant. Some digestive aids would solve the problem.
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    ***Giants11 is a fictional character any advice given is purely for entertainment purposes, always consult a physician before taking any supplements, drugs or changing your diet.***

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Georgia and Texas
    Also, sodium doesnt really cause bloat (contrary to popular belief) it only causes bloat when there is spikes in your sodium levels, so if your sodium is the same everyday and YOU ARE DRINKING LOTS OF WATER, you shoul dhave no bloat.

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