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Thread: Maltodextrin- Simple or Complex??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind

    Maltodextrin- Simple or Complex??

    I've been hearing conflicting reports on maltodextrin ever since way back when, and i want to get my shit straight once and for good! . I know maltodextrin is derived from corn, i believe it is corn starch??? Maybe I'm wrong, but whatever. But is this a fast acting carbohydrate or slow one? The reason I'm asking is because my gainer shakes "Size up-Worldwide Nutrition" has 12 sugars for every 145 carbs, but those carbs are made from maltodextrin, so....?? I use it right when i wake up, and post workoutm...Right when you want some fast acting stuff. But i dont use a full serving, that's too much for me. So i have a 2/3 serving size. So is this decent for postworkout nutrtion, or should i get some with dextrose. I recently heard maltodextrin was just as quick acting, or close to that of dextrose, but i want to be for sure. Anyone know the truth on this??

    Size up Nutrition Facts: Per 3 Scoops (i use 2 w/ one scoop protein powder)

    145 Carbs (132 Carbs derived from Maltodextrin)
    12 Sugars
    50 Protein
    5 Fat

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    North Carolina
    Well, malto is a frustrating substance.

    First, all forms of maltodextrin are considered complex carbs, but there are a few different varieties with differing "chain or branch" lengths (or something to that effect) that make them more or less complex. But all in all, they are all considered complex carbs in the technical sense.

    Problem is the GI. It is identical to the GI of dextrose at 105.

    What does this mean? It will cause a high insulin spike just like dextrose, but it takes longer to be broken down.

    As for post workout, I mix 1/2 dextose with 1/2 malto. Both high GI for the insulin spike, 1/2 complex, 1/2 quick sugar. Ive been told repeatedly this is the best postworkout carb source.

    I just wish someone would make a decent MRP that doesnt use malt for the carbs (hope everyone is aware that most of the MRPs out there do this). Anyone know of any that use something low GI as the carb source?

    Hope this helps,

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Completely helped. Thanks bro. But im still wondering how it can cause such an insulin spike, if it doesnt even get absorbed. Like what does it do, just tease your muscles...saying "ok, you're getting carbs.....JUST KIDDING....ok, im for real this time, you're getting carbs....HA-HA , you fell for it again!".

    BTW, VPX sports is coming out with a new MRP called something like "Super Food" or "Anabolic Food", that is an MRP made with whole grains, oats, whey protein isolate, and flax oil. No more of this mixing shit, it's already there for you. Hopefully it's decent.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    North Carolina
    Yeah, PaPa,

    Saw that VPX MRP advertised. It actually looks really good in terms of content. Looks like they are using Micellar Casien as a major protien source, and absolutely no Malto. Have to wait and see once it comes out. I just hate giving companies like VPX my $. All that BS AAS ripoff they do you know...

    Looks like Cytoplex from Cytodyne is actually one of the best MRPs out there. Lots of good fiber in it, and they mix barley, rice and oat meal with malto for the carb source - and a bunch of good whey and milk protein sources. If I buy another MRP soon it will probably be that one...

    Oh well, good luck with everything,


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 1969

    Good answer Improving

    Good answer Improving,

    Maltodextin- The result of the enzymatic hydrolysis of gelatinized starch suspensions.

    Maltodextin and CSS are used in diverse applications of foods mainly as agents for filling/carrier and controllers of sweetness. As carrier/bulking agents they can

    1) Reduce the loss of volume in products stored in transite
    2) Absorb grease and oil to retain the properties of free flow
    3) Encapsulate natural products (spices and flavorings)
    4) Add in bulking to high value ingredients (flavoring enhancers,ect)
    It also works as a thickening agent, hygroscopicity controllers, drying and swettening agents,cryo protector additives and a foam stablizers.

    As far as being a fast acting or a slow acting carb? I'm still looking for that one, I'll let you know as sone as I find anything out. As far as I know though this is used mainly for the reasons above.
    Last edited by Tobey; 10-24-2001 at 03:36 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Thanks Tobe and Improving, ya T, whenever you get a chance, please fill me in.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    south florida
    not sure if you've heard of protien factory before but i just ordered from them for the first time. It a great concept, you can go on-line ( and formulate your own protein/MRP or whatever you want. They have night time formulas, morning etc. etc. etc....youll see once you check out there web site. I was having a similar dilemma with MRPs so i formulated mine to have 50g carbs 50g 100%whey protien 5g creatine, 5g, 10g glutamine. As far as the carbs go i made it with 1/2 malto and 1/2 dextrose because i use it post workout. As far as a low GI carb to go into a shake you really cannot do it (unless you throw in some oats or something) BUT the an idea that i had was to toss in a tblsp of flax oil into it which would slow digestion down a little. NOT SURE THOUGHT?? well ill let you guys know how mine tastes but until then check out the web site its pretty cool

    hope that helped

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Good info!


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Originally posted by Improving
    I just hate giving companies like VPX my $. All that BS AAS ripoff they do you know...

    Yes , unfortunately i DO know...I fell for all there bogus advertisements. I mean, I guess it increased my strength, but that is just mental. Did the 'ole Paradeca+Decavar+Methoxygen blah blah blah...What a freaking joke! With all the money i spent on that, i'd have my whole current cycle paid for with money left over to use at the strip club.

    Oh well, life's a bitch.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    North Carolina
    LOL. Sorry to hear about the wasted $. I also did one cycle of prohormones. I used ASTs 4diol and 19nor for 6 weeks of a planned 8 week cycle. I cut it short cuz I started getting symptoms of gyno (real itchy nips and slight swelling). I will admit that I got some modest gains, but I was also cycling creatine religiously, and eating a ton. Also really hated all of the estrogenous adiposity that I got (hips and thighs like a chic). I think if I ever try any prohormones again, it will be 1-AD. I know must everyone on this board thinks prohormones are a waste, and I agree for the most part, but Ive just heard SO much good about this stuff, and it doesnt aromatize.

    Anyway, I am anxious to see if this VPX MRP is as good as it looks on their ad. It really does sound good with the compl, low GI carbs, and the micellar casien. Knowing VPX though, it will probably cost an arm a leg and a testicle LOL.

    Oh, as a side note, just saw and ad in the latest Muscular Development mag that Lee Haney has his own line of supps now and it looks like he has some kind of MRP/Prot Powder that uses powdered sweet potato as the carbs. Interesting. Going to check out the website.


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