I've been hearing conflicting reports on maltodextrin ever since way back when, and i want to get my shit straight once and for good!. I know maltodextrin is derived from corn, i believe it is corn starch??? Maybe I'm wrong, but whatever. But is this a fast acting carbohydrate or slow one? The reason I'm asking is because my gainer shakes "Size up-Worldwide Nutrition" has 12 sugars for every 145 carbs, but those carbs are made from maltodextrin, so....?? I use it right when i wake up, and post workoutm...Right when you want some fast acting stuff. But i dont use a full serving, that's too much for me. So i have a 2/3 serving size. So is this decent for postworkout nutrtion, or should i get some with dextrose. I recently heard maltodextrin was just as quick acting, or close to that of dextrose, but i want to be for sure. Anyone know the truth on this??
Size up Nutrition Facts: Per 3 Scoops (i use 2 w/ one scoop protein powder)
145 Carbs (132 Carbs derived from Maltodextrin)
12 Sugars
50 Protein
5 Fat