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Thread: Feeling it normal?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Feeling it normal?

    Hi everyone,

    I'm done with my cutting, and got the result that I wanted.I decided to bulk for about 8 weeks or so, and now I just finished my bulking.

    The thing that I need your experience/advice... is that I'm thinking about taking 3-4 weeks off.

    I haven't had a break for a long time.. very long time.. and I just wanted to set and do any thing but bodybuilding...

    Now, I feel guilty.. I just can't eat whatever I want..I do not eat junk all the time.. but whenever I want to do so..
    I can'tand I feel like why I do take a break.. many questions come across my mind..

    so is this a normal thing.. and should I ignore it.. or it is not common to have this kind of feeling..?

    and do you guys take a break? is 3-4 weeks okay? or I'm going to add too much fat though ..

    thank you ..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Oh I forgot to mention that I'm going on a cutting routine after my break !!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    If you are taking a break from lifting, that's not saying you have to take a break from eating healthy.

    If you stop working out and eat junk food a lot of the time for 4 weeks, then yes, you're going to do some damage of course.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    a small room
    so youre taking a break because you dont want to deal with the lifestyle for a while?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Breaks are good, just keep the diet clean and you should come back fired up and ready to get bigger. I wouldnt take more than two or three weeks max though, you will lose a lot of strength after that

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ON, Canada
    4 weeks is a fairly long break imo. But at the same time no one here can decide if you need a break or not. If you need it take it man. I will never eat dirty even if I take a break so its totally up to you what you do with yourself.

    Personally I didnt really understand what the question was in the first place. Feel guilty about what? Eating poorly? If so than hell yes I would feel guilty eating poorly especially for 4 weeks, I feel bad if I want to eat something not on my diet even once a week.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    just do cardio on the break...and eat in moderation..just as long as you know the consequences...but cardio will help a little

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    I really can't understand "taking a break". I don't think lifting is like a girlfriend. Its a lifestyle bro. I can see if other shit is getting in the way, your a little burnt out, etc. But I don't think taking a break and just stopping to work out is a good idea.

    In fact, I don't even think you could do it. I get pissed off when I can't work out for two days in a row. I feel like a squishy sack of s**t and all I want to do is be sore again!

    If I were you, I would write down, what you have accomplished and the things you like about lifting. Sometimes, if a am feeling a little low on energy, I just sit on the Jon and look at the Pros. My motivation always come back.

    If anything, I would say, take a few days, do some new shit, like mountain bike, hike, run, surf whatever and find out if you want to keep moving...

    I think you will,

    Good luck,


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Caliskrilla yada?!
    All I can say is I slacked for about 4 weeks... not going to the gym, eating half-assed with fast food often.... excuse was school.

    Made a HUGE difference in my physique... gained alot of fat and learned alot from the experience. This lifestyle requires constant work, a month of slacking will negate at least a couple months of work, at least for my body.

    At least eat clean if you're not going to lift. Good luck.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Thanks a lot for your input and yes I guess I need a break from the GYM, sorry for misleading you guys on what exactly I needed..

    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino

    Personally I didnt really understand what the question was in the first place. Feel guilty about what? Eating poorly? If so than hell yes I would feel guilty eating poorly especially for 4 weeks, I feel bad if I want to eat something not on my diet even once a week.
    Yes , I want to take a break from lifting, and you know , feel like it is okay to have some junk, which makes me feel guilty : ( ..

    I think seriously of going back to the gym..before it is too late.. and the reason is that it has been about 10 months without any break of food & lifting together..

    so I thought of having sometime off every thing .

    thank you so much for your support and help !

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    You also may be severely over-trained and your body is telling you to re-organize your training.


  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ON, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    You also may be severely over-trained and your body is telling you to re-organize your training.

    Very true. Sometimes you may also mentally feel like you need a break because you arent seeing the results you want. I constantly try to change up my routine to make improvements and also make it more enjoyable, going into the gym and doing the exact same routine and exercises will get boring as hell, no doubt.

    I say if you need time off take it, but just be sure that you are willing to take 4 weeks, because you will notice a difference in your body after that long.

    As for eating just set aside cheat meals/days. Depending on you metabolism/body type people will be able to do more or less cheat meals. Figure out what works for you and go from there. But none the less set aside a couple meals per week that you allow yourself to have some junk or whatever you crave (just not too much). This will help keep you sane and its something to look forward to each week, kinda helps to keep you on track when you know there is a "reward" at the end of each week.

    Stay with it bro, always listen and learn from what your body is telling you. Maybe instead of taking only one break per year and making it a long one you would be better off taking a break every six months for a week. Good luck.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by TEXAS
    Hi everyone,

    I'm done with my cutting, and got the result that I wanted.I decided to bulk for about 8 weeks or so, and now I just finished my bulking.

    The thing that I need your experience/advice... is that I'm thinking about taking 3-4 weeks off.

    I haven't had a break for a long time.. very long time.. and I just wanted to set and do any thing but bodybuilding...

    Now, I feel guilty.. I just can't eat whatever I want..I do not eat junk all the time.. but whenever I want to do so..
    I can'tand I feel like why I do take a break.. many questions come across my mind..

    so is this a normal thing.. and should I ignore it.. or it is not common to have this kind of feeling..?

    and do you guys take a break? is 3-4 weeks okay? or I'm going to add too much fat though ..

    thank you ..
    A break is good sometimes. Great for the mind. Beeing TO obsessed about the way we look is a pain in the ass mentaly when going on for to long. Remember its realy a pretty small part of life. So take 3-4 weeks and just eat when your hungry and eat what you feel like. Dont go hogwild and eat fastfood 5 times a day. But try to relax.

    When those weeks have passed you will be recharged and ready to hit the gym hard again.

    Life needs to be balanced. To much of anything isnt good and that includes the bodybuilding lifestyle imo.

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