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Thread: Fruit Cravings

  1. #1

    Fruit Cravings

    Lately i have been consuming about 5 pieces of fruit a day with about 4 cups of fruit juices (orange juice, grapefruit juice, and pineapple juice are my favorites). Is there anything wrong with having a lot of fruit? I seem to crave it a LOT.....especially after a workout for some reason. This is nothing really new for me though, having a lot of fruit (sugars ultimately) has not made me fat at all, but i was wondering if there are any benefits/ disadvantages of this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Look behind you.
    Depends on your goals. I personally don't have much more than a couple pieces a day when bulking, but I don't make it a regular thing. In cutting, I don't have any except for break meals.


  3. #3
    its my firm believe that unless your competing, you can eat as many fruits as you like, cutting or bulking.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    If you are not getting fat and have the body you want then why would you care about the fruit. If you are trying to seriously shred down for whatever reason you may have to replace some of the fruit and the juice with better carb choices. Fruit juice IMO sucks because it is so processed that you get no real nutrients as compared to real fruit. Personally I only eat fruit when bulking myself and find that when i cut it out I drop bodyfat pretty rapidly. However I cut for competition.

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