Hello i was hoping to get a diet that is top level. I am willing to do anything that will work. I walk around at 245 and am hoping o fight at 205. I am very lean though but i have a little bit of fat over my well defined six pack that i know i can loose, and i weigh this much because in a way i am alittle bloated from all my meals and water i am constantly taking in. My current training regime is monday to fri, 2 times a day. I currently eat,
meal 1
20 grams of protein 60 grams of carbs
meal 2
pwo shake 40 grams pro 80 grams carbs
meal 3
ppwo 40 grams protien 80 grams of oats
meal 4
35 grams of protein 20 grams of fat
meal 5 20 grams of protein 60 grams of carbs
meal 6 pwo see above
meal 7 ppwo see above
meal 8 shake with flax 40 pro 15 flax
This diet keeps me real healthy strong and fit, but it also keeps a little inflated on the scale. If anyone has any reccomendations for my diet this will be grat becasue i am looking to get to a walking weight of about 220 and cut from there which isnt hard just a few grueling sauna sessions. I am training alot so adivce such as morning cardio on empty stomach will not help, but merely if limiting my meals or caloies or any advice or opinions that can help modify my diet to attain my goals wil be great. thanks alot