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Thread: Dextrose in PWO - Cutting Diet...Detrimental or No

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Staten Island/Tampa

    Dextrose in PWO - Cutting Diet...Detrimental or No

    Ive been using 2 scoops of on whey, a banana and a scoop of dextrose in my PWO for some time now and iva had great results. But Ive come to the point where my abs are starting to pop out and I feel I have about another 5-7 pounds to lose, 1pound a week until im at my goal. Do you feel the pure sugar (dextrose) is going to slow me up a bit as I was thinking of completely eliminating sugar from my diet. I was thinking about go with my shake with jsut the whey and banana with a bowl of oatmeal. Any advice to tweak the last few weeks for optimal results will be helpful.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by CoreyTampa09
    Ive been using 2 scoops of on whey, a banana and a scoop of dextrose in my PWO for some time now and iva had great results. But Ive come to the point where my abs are starting to pop out and I feel I have about another 5-7 pounds to lose, 1pound a week until im at my goal. Do you feel the pure sugar (dextrose) is going to slow me up a bit as I was thinking of completely eliminating sugar from my diet. I was thinking about go with my shake with jsut the whey and banana with a bowl of oatmeal. Any advice to tweak the last few weeks for optimal results will be helpful.

    If you have great result, why stop? I'm no diet expert, but keep it going still it doesn’t work. Don’t anticipate it not working when it's actual working.

    There are so many different point of views about pwo.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    totally fine as long as it fits into your daily caloric needs for cutting

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Queens,New York
    Im starting to wonder about this.Dex causes a massive amount of insulin as opposed to the same amount of carbs in oats.the less insulin the more fat burning you do or the quicker you will start to use fat.

    I am wondering since I am so carb sensitive that maybe I should switch to oats instead.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by wolfstriked
    Im starting to wonder about this.Dex causes a massive amount of insulin as opposed to the same amount of carbs in oats.the less insulin the more fat burning you do or the quicker you will start to use fat.

    I am wondering since I am so carb sensitive that maybe I should switch to oats instead.
    This statement is false. 1st, Dex does not cause a 'massive' insulin spike. Secondly, a lower insulin level durring PWO will have nothing to do with burning fat. PWO has one goal, and one goal only. Began the reconstruction of muscle tissue while replacing glycogen. Any carb, dex or low GI, will cause the insulin response needed for this to begin.

    What carb you take in durring PWO is a personal preferance. I prefer oats as I like the taste, and it fills me up when cutting.


  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1buffsob
    What carb you take in durring PWO is a personal preferance. I prefer oats as I like the taste, and it fills me up when cutting.


  7. #7
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    Queens,New York
    Quote Originally Posted by 1buffsob
    This statement is false. 1st, Dex does not cause a 'massive' insulin spike. Secondly, a lower insulin level durring PWO will have nothing to do with burning fat. PWO has one goal, and one goal only. Began the reconstruction of muscle tissue while replacing glycogen. Any carb, dex or low GI, will cause the insulin response needed for this to begin.

    What carb you take in durring PWO is a personal preferance. I prefer oats as I like the taste, and it fills me up when cutting.

    Isnt this what the glycemic index is all about?Eat 50 gms of carbs from say a sweet potato and a baked white potato.The white potato will cause a higher blood sugar response which in turn causes a higher insulin release to keep the blood sugar at a normal level.

    I would think that 80gms of dex compared to oats would be a big difference.Now if the body really sucks up the carbs super fast PWO,then the quickness the carbs enters your blood stream shouldnt really matter.If the sugar goes str8 into muscle and liver then blood sugar will not spike.

    I dont think that out bodies become as super efficent at storing carbs PWO, as well as many think.Yes its enhanced,but if you have high insulin resistance than it will be lower,but not as low as someone with exceptional insulin resistance.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by wolfstriked
    Isnt this what the glycemic index is all about?Eat 50 gms of carbs from say a sweet potato and a baked white potato.The white potato will cause a higher blood sugar response which in turn causes a higher insulin release to keep the blood sugar at a normal level.

    I would think that 80gms of dex compared to oats would be a big difference.Now if the body really sucks up the carbs super fast PWO,then the quickness the carbs enters your blood stream shouldnt really matter.If the sugar goes str8 into muscle and liver then blood sugar will not spike.

    I dont think that out bodies become as super efficent at storing carbs PWO, as well as many think.Yes its enhanced,but if you have high insulin resistance than it will be lower,but not as low as someone with exceptional insulin resistance.
    A higher insulin spike PWO will only speed up glycogen replinishment. That's it. You're not concerned with burning fat durring PWO, so whether you choose dex or a low GI carb will not matter. All that matters is you take is some form of carb to create the initial insulin respsonse needed PWO. And no one said that all carbs taken in PWO will be utilized for glycogen replenishment. That takes days unless your injecting 10ius of slin PWO.

    So, for the last time, the GI level of PWO carbs do not matter.


  9. #9
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    I think you need more carbs

  10. #10
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    Excuse me if I came off sounding rude. I didn't mean to offend. I'll blame it on the pre-comp diet and the compounds.


  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Thank you very much for all the input, Ill just vary week by week and see where I get better results.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Queens,New York
    Quote Originally Posted by 1buffsob
    Excuse me if I came off sounding rude. I didn't mean to offend. I'll blame it on the pre-comp diet and the compounds.

    Its all good now go eat some cake I find that I cant take traffic while I diet.I wanna rip everyones head off even pedestrians if they dare step a foot off the curb

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by wolfstriked
    Isnt this what the glycemic index is all about?Eat 50 gms of carbs from say a sweet potato and a baked white potato.The white potato will cause a higher blood sugar response which in turn causes a higher insulin release to keep the blood sugar at a normal level.

    I would think that 80gms of dex compared to oats would be a big difference.Now if the body really sucks up the carbs super fast PWO,then the quickness the carbs enters your blood stream shouldnt really matter.If the sugar goes str8 into muscle and liver then blood sugar will not spike.

    I dont think that out bodies become as super efficent at storing carbs PWO, as well as many think.Yes its enhanced,but if you have high insulin resistance than it will be lower,but not as low as someone with exceptional insulin resistance.
    Weight lifting alone enhances insulin sensitivity. If you list weights your insulin sensitivity is most likely very good.
    "without your word you're a shell of a man" - Tupac

    ***Giants11 is a fictional character any advice given is purely for entertainment purposes, always consult a physician before taking any supplements, drugs or changing your diet.***

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by 1buffsob
    Excuse me if I came off sounding rude. I didn't mean to offend. I'll blame it on the pre-comp diet and the compounds.


    i feel you there brother

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