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Thread: Johan

  1. #1


    kan jeg sende deg en privat melding? Har gjerne noen spørsmål jeg har lyst å spørre deg personlig. jeg prøvde et par ganger på "send private msg." men det gikk ikke

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002


  4. #4
    was just asking johan if i could ask him some questions over pm. Dont know why but it said that i didnt have the priveliges to send pm when i tried...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    You have to accrue a certain number of posts first.

    I believe it's 25........


  6. #6
    damnit! he hassn`t replied yet either.. guessed he was online since his green light thingy was on...or maybe just bussy at the moment

  7. #7
    johan det gjelder sosiale angst du har sliti med.. har samme problemet selv.. vil ikke skrive om det på åpent bord. jeg har nesten akuratt like symptomer som du har hatt problemer med.. trenger litt råd og hjelp

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    sorry for not seeing this post earlier bro I have been quite busy this week. you can mail me on [email protected] I will be more than happy to help

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