Help me out guys....and gals.Right now I take 160gms carbs per day.I take a 20gm yogurt pre-workout and a 60gm meal PWO.Then its two more meals at 40 gms each.Is this optimal for someone who seems to have high insulin resistance?I read and reread the sticky for cutting and it says that the bulk of carbs should come in your PWO shake.
What I am wondering is should I drop from 3 meals a day pro/carbs to just the pre-workout meal and PWO shake.Instead of 60 gms carbs PWO maybe increase to 100.Pre-workout meal would now be 40 gms carbs from yogurt and oats.
Is this a wiser choice for someone with high insulin resistance?I feel that i am getting worse again and my hypoglycemia is back.I went to 4 meals a day of carbs and I think thats why.
I am confused as I wonder if I take in such a high amount of carbs in say a 2 hour period,will I absorb that into my muscles or will it mostly be turned to fat?