Not sure if I'm in the right forum BUT I wanted to know if this table is correect about "bodybuilding proprotions" OR is there a better/updated one somebody could post.
Cheers for looking
To use this chart first divide your bodyweight by your height. This will give your weight per inch of height. When this is determined select the figure in the far left column that is closest to yours. Then, follow the figures straight across to learn your ideal proportions. [Cal: This chart is only really appropriate for men as the smallest weight / height ratio doesn't correspond well to the ranges for women.]
Weight /
Height Neck Biceps Forearm Chest Waist Hips Thigh Calf
1.90 14.00 13.10 10.90 36.40 27.30 32.80 19.70 13.10
1.97 14.25 13.35 11.10 37.15 27.85 33.45 20.05 13.35
2.04 14.50 13.60 11.30 37.90 28.40 34.10 20.40 13.60
2.11 14.75 13.85 11.55 38.60 28.90 34.70 20.80 13.85
2.18 15.00 14.10 11.80 39.30 29.40 35.30 21.20 14.10
2.26 15.30 14.35 12.00 40.00 29.70 35.95 21.60 14.35
2.33 15.60 14.60 12.20 40.70 30.00 36.60 22.00 14.60
2.41 15.85 14.85 12.40 41.40 30.80 37.25 22.35 14.85
2.49 16.10 15.10 12.60 42.10 31.60 37.90 22.70 15.10
2.57 16.40 15.40 12.85 42.80 32.10 38.55 23.10 15.40
2.65 16.70 15.70 13.10 43.50 32.60 39.20 23.50 15.70
2.73 16.95 15.95 13.30 44.25 33.15 39.85 23.90 15.95
2.82 17.20 16.20 13.50 45.00 33.70 40.50 24.30 16.20
2.90 17.50 16.45 13.70 45.70 34.25 41.10 24.65 16.45
2.99 17.80 16.70 13.90 46.40 34.80 41.70 25.00 16.70
3.09 18.05 17.00 14.15 47.20 35.40 42.45 25.45 17.00
3.20 18.30 17.30 14.40 48.00 36.00 43.20 25.90 17.30
3.29 18.55 17.55 14.60 48.70 36.55 43.85 26.30 17.55
3.38 18.80 17.80 14.80 49.40 37.10 44.50 26.70 17.80