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Thread: reflux oesophagitus

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002

    Unhappy reflux oesophagitis!! HELP

    Hey people,

    Has anyone ever had a problem with this? I currently have had it for 2 years on and off now, it goes away, comes back. It seems to come back a couple months after I get my diet going. For the last 2-3, I was properly training and eating correctly, then bang it hits me again. Anyway, its giving me a very BIG headache, because I am failing to eat and losing size. I am 5'10, 147, 11% and I need to EAT, but I cant!! .. I am currently on tablets which prevent this from happening, but I can't do much. What can I do?? I will be getting an endoscopy done very soon, just to check I don't have a stomach ulcer.


    Last edited by bulkmeUP; 06-15-2002 at 10:16 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Fort Worth
    Oh yah, I was on tagamet for a while because of this. Read a book by a guy named Dr. MacDougal (or McDougal) . . . followed the program, got better, no more trouble.
    MacDougal's program involves eating lots of fiber and starches and very little fat. Evidently some folks don't do too well with grease and sugar in the stomach. Try eliminating most grease & fat and eat extra potatoes, dried beans, anything vegetable. Stop coffee, soda, tea, chocolate, etc, and see what happens. I recall vaguely he recommends against eating meat, but you could try eating just very lean meat. Um, you might try 2 or 3 tsp of psylium husks with orange juice for extra fiber.
    Stop by your local bookstore and see if MacDougal is still selling his books, or check the net, and see if you're interested in following his program. Did wonders for me.

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