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Thread: my happy diet

  1. #1

    my happy diet

    hi i am 6.6' and 400lbs yes 400lbs and my body fat is about 20% and this my diet:
    9 am:
    4 eggs,fruit,peanut butter
    chicken,fruit juice
    3 eggs,bred,fruit juice
    Last edited by deisel; 06-18-2002 at 04:57 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    You stole papaP's avatar!!!! What the hell???

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    wonderful world of oz,where juice is free,plentiful,sterile, and not toxic to the liver
    What are your goals? b/c it looks to me like not that much thought went into that diet except maybe reading women's health a few times while sitting on the toilet at your step mom's. This is my suggestion no matter what your goals are, add four more eggs in the morning, add salad to your 6 o'clock meal with the chicken instead of 12 o'clock, ditch the fruit juice and bread at 9 o'clock and add 6 eggs to what you have. and for 12 o'clock eat either a chicken breast, lean ground beef, lean steak, or time released protein supplement, I can write you out a diet more in detail if you would like but you definately have a few flaws in there that need to be changed, bye the way,welcome aboard big guy

  4. #4
    u want me to add eggs,i dont want to be mr.cholestrol

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    400lbs at 20% is freaking huge. You can be contest ready at 340 and be the biggest bodybuilder of all time.

    Eat 40g of protein every 2-3 hours with carbs in your first 3 meals. Roughly 40-50carbs per in the form of oats, yams, rice.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by deisel
    u want me to add eggs,i dont want to be mr.cholestrol
    I'm pretty sure he meant egg "whites" and BTW...egg yolks raise serum cholesterol which is good cho. However too much of anything can't be great so balence your use of egg yolks.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    wonderful world of oz,where juice is free,plentiful,sterile, and not toxic to the liver
    Yes, thank you Pete, I did mean egg whites. here is a sample diet that you can go bye. the times will be used as an example,use whatever times fit your needs.

    meal 1. 8:00 - 8 egg whites/2 egg yolks
    1/4 cup oats with sugar free syrup
    1 scoop protein or equivilant of 20 grams protein
    2 cups water

    meal 2. 11:00- 2 chicken breast or enough to equal 60 grams protein
    1/4 cup dry rice. cooked will be 3/4 cup

    meal 3. 2:00- 1 large can of tuna (60 grams protein)
    oatmeal, rice, or yams. (your choice)

    meal 4. 4:00-(post-workout)- 60 grams of whey protein powder
    - 1 32 ounce bottle powerade

    meal 5. 5:00- chicken breast or tuna or lean steak or lean ground beef
    As much brocolli,brussel sprouts, asparagus,and spinach that you body can hold

    meal 6. 8:00- fish(tiliapa) or (tuna) or steak or other form of protein
    - brocolli or other greenie

    meal 7. 11:00- time released protein source or steak or eggs or chicken.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    wonderful world of oz,where juice is free,plentiful,sterile, and not toxic to the liver
    Papa I advised him to eat around 60 grams protein per meal. The reasoning behind it was the fact that he weighs in at 400+ pounds. 7 meals mutiplied bye 60 grams protein per meal equals 420 grams of protein which is about 1.5 grams of protein for each pound of lean body mass,that is if he is at 20% b/f. I'm no expert I was just suggesting and wanted to know your thoughts on what I said. I figured you probly either 1. overlooked his weight. or 2. Have specific reasoning (like the body cannot process more then 40 grams of protein per meal). sorry papa just trying to help the bro out.

    deisel: Papa is a very knowledgable bro who is very well respected around here, listen to him and read his posts and you'll go places with your body

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