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Thread: Lean Body Mass

  1. #1
    embalmer is offline Associate Member
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    Lean Body Mass

    Hey everybody. I'm really out of shape. I am like 262 with 184.89 lbs of lean body mass. I have lost 15 lbs of lean body mass in the past month. I went from 285 to 262. I like to keep as much muscle as I can while working out, but it seems like everythings against me. I bought some tren , clen , and ephedrine, but I am more worried about me keeping my muscle.

    My diet consists of


    3 eggs with water




    60 grams of a protein shake or so


    chicken salad sandwich or something along those lines


    One-Two muffins


    60 grams of a protein shake or so

    I know this diet is not probably good enough so I'm asking for your guys advice on a steady diet... EVERYDAY day in and day out to keep my lean body mass without gaining any weight while losing the fat IF possible. Thank you guys ahead of time. I really appreciate it.

  2. #2
    novastepp's Avatar
    novastepp is offline Have You Picked a Fight Lately?
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    ok, first of all, you need to pat yourself on the back for beginning this journey (becauseit will be one, but one you will conquer). you need to base this diet with total calories slightly above your LBM, now at this point i would tell you to eat about 2,500 cals a day, roughly. now with that said you can search the Harris Benedict formula to find a good idea of the amount of cals you will need. then apply a guideline such as pro/carb/fat ratios to be around 40/35/25 in terms of cals. (now that is a rough guess, you know how you react to crbs better than anyone else so you be the judge). then i would tell you to look at the cutting sticky atop the diet forum page. it has a guideline on how to eat reguarly with some food ideas. remember to go low GI on carbs, keep protein up, and use healthy fats as a valued partner. good luck brotha

  3. #3
    embalmer is offline Associate Member
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    see me being as heavy as i am i never knew there were healthy fats ;P but reading more and more there are healthy fats used for muscle. I don't know if me losing LBM is healthy or normal or not.

  4. #4
    novastepp's Avatar
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    you want to lose fat not LBM. LBM would be what you weight if you have no fat on you. now healthy fats can be anything like flaxoil, olive oil, mono and poly unsaturated fats. it will be a lot of weight at first, but when you start leaning out you will want to concentrate on muscle sparing and fat loss. take the time to lose the sloppy weight by cleaning up your diet, starting cardio and drinking plenty of water. i would hold off on any supps and use them when they will pay off the most....when you're leaning out!!!

  5. #5
    Venum's Avatar
    Venum is offline Member
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    never hop on the juice when you dont even know the first thing about dieting

  6. #6
    embalmer is offline Associate Member
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    Well I thought maybe it was normal to lose LBM while losing fat but some people say I'm over training going to the gym every other day. 31-36 mins of cardio and the same work outs

  7. #7
    novastepp's Avatar
    novastepp is offline Have You Picked a Fight Lately?
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    cardio in the morning on empty works best for me. keep your heart rate at about 60-65% of your max. 220-your age * .65 =that number. post your workout in the workout forum for people to critique.

  8. #8
    embalmer is offline Associate Member
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    i keep my heartrate from 140-155 4.2 mph at a 4.0 incline for 15 mins then 3 min cool down... do that before my workout for 15 and after my workout for 10

  9. #9
    novastepp's Avatar
    novastepp is offline Have You Picked a Fight Lately?
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    do it in the am before you eat anything and lower your heart rate to around 130-135 (by the way, how old are you?), see how it works. and i wouldn't advise doing cardio before training. and 15 mins after isn't going to do anything significant...bump that up to 30.

  10. #10
    embalmer is offline Associate Member
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    im only 20 and i work night shifts. so i go in the evening for me really... 7:30 am i come home around 9 take a protein shake and go to bed by 10/11 am

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