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  1. #1
    audis4's Avatar
    audis4 is offline Eat, Sleep, Lift...Repeat!
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    Oh what to order...

    I would first like to say that i am a new member, yes, but i have been following these posts since March of this year. Instead of asking tons of questions that have already been answered numerous times I thought I would make it easier for everyone to read different posts and outline a cutting diet for myself.

    I have had great success thus far and I am 7 weeks into my cut. I started at around 230 lbs. and chiseled myself down to 185 lbs with minimal muscle loss. I am 6'2" 20 years old and am just getting in shape for the summer but more importantly for the rest of my life! You guys have been so motivating and have literally changed my life for the better....that's just a bit about myself.

    I do have one question that i have been looking for an answer to in many posts. My family goes out to eat probably 3 times a week, and being the dedicated person that i am i run out to the car after I'm done sipping on my diet pepsi or water and down my tuna and spinach w/ broccoli and olive oil and then come back in. I do take one or two cheat meals on Saturday but I just don't feel like I am living...I want to be able to eat healthy and enjoy the company of my family. So, with that being said i ate at quiznos today. I had the honey mustard chicken salad (no bacon or dressing and double the chicken). My family eats at restaurants like applebees, viscontis (nice italian restaurant) and the cheesecake factory. If i were to order something like a lean 8 oz. steak or salmon with veggies or a salad will this hinder my gains at all? I don't want this to be my cheat meal.

    Sorry for such a long post, you guys are terrific to say the least! Thanks for all your help, alex.

  2. #2
    NEW_IN_THE_GAME's Avatar
    NEW_IN_THE_GAME is offline Associate Member
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    N.D-soon bak home 2 S.D
    you should be fine. why not grilled chicken breasts and veggies or a salad. steak has a lil more fat, but am a red meat person also bro. eat up you will be fine.

    if you worry that much do a lil extra cardio the next day.

    i eat 2-3 lbs of lean red meat a day to bulk, and 8 ounces to a lb when i cut. so it is ok.

  3. #3
    audis4's Avatar
    audis4 is offline Eat, Sleep, Lift...Repeat!
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    Awesome, thanks so much for the response. I will make sure to eat healthy and change up the menu a bit when i go out to eat.

  4. #4
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
    Panzerfaust is offline Ron Paul Nuthugger
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    Here are few meals that you can have while cutting and i used them with great success:

    Hot Wings (Skinless) w/ Blue Cheese Dressing (Pro/Fat)
    Chicken Breast w/ melted cheeses and veggies (Pro/Fat)
    Steak w/ veggies or a salad (Pro/Fat)
    Tons of Pro/Carb options out there on menus.

    The key here is that these were not a normal everyday part of my diet but if i was out and about they work well IMO. I only had like 10 wings though, still have to remember portion size etc...

    You will get used to playing with your diet once you learn your body. I think you are well on your way if you have the dedication to step out to the car to down your food and go back in, i usually eat before going and sit drinking water etc... But don't think you cannot have something off the menu, remember if you are taking care of buisness in the gym and your cardio is 5-7x a week, there should not be a problem doing this every once in awhile.

    Good luck.

  5. #5
    Superballer's Avatar
    Superballer is offline Associate Member
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    Caliskrilla yada?!
    Agree w/ the above two posts.

    Technically, the biggest problem in my mind with having a steak and veggies or something similar is not being able to measure my macros accurately....

    But really, steak or salmon/veggies/usually some other protein source is a good meal while cutting or bulking, providing your macros are dead on for that meal.

  6. #6
    audis4's Avatar
    audis4 is offline Eat, Sleep, Lift...Repeat!
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    Awesome! and yes, my meals are dead on target and i am doing cardio 6 times per week for 1 hour at 65-70% of my heart rate. Im actually going out to lunch today and getting something healthy. Thanks so much for the replies, all of you have been an excellent help!

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