what would be the essential supplements to use while cutting. I'm new to the whole cutting area but now that im bulked it would be usful.
what would be the essential supplements to use while cutting. I'm new to the whole cutting area but now that im bulked it would be usful.
first, you can get cut as hell just by sticking a well planned/developed dietary approach. what did you have in mind?
i've been researching like hell and im trying to put together a meal plan around 2500-3000 cal/day. Just wondering if anything sides the usual protien shakes would be a good idea. And i'm not on a cycle or ne thing like that yet.
EFA's. Not sure about your stats, but you could always throw in an ECA stack. Multivitamins don't hurt either.
i don't use protein shakes. while cutting i like to get to feeling full as possible so i use whole foods. and the thermogenic effect of whole foods provides an added boost as well. looking forward to see what you figure out.
ah thanks for the info. what are whole foods exactly tho?
Just real foods, not supplements such as whey protein.Originally Posted by ddfb30
Interesting concept nova, I never even considered the thermogenic effects. I usually only use whey in my pwo shake, cutting or bulking.
ok so my diet now it lots of protien, chicken and plenty of veggies small meals many times a day. I've heard when on a clen cycle simple carbs can make a huge difference. Whats everyones opinion on diet while cycling clen?
Moving this to the appropriate forum. (and merging your two threads into one)
post your diet as in what foods, when and how much (in grams and calories) then post some totals. we're also going to need your stats (height, weight, age, experience, bf%, ect.)
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