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  1. #1
    Intruder's Avatar
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    Best sources for pro, fat, carbs

    Currently trying to put together a diet and I need some help. Was wondering what are some good foods to eat for protein, carbs, fat? What are some of you guys eating? 5'-9" 230 lbs 35 yo trying to lose weight. I have lost 15 lbs in last month, but i just don't think i'm eating enough or eating correctly.Trying to keep calories around 2500. lifting weight 5 days/week (30-45min) cardio 5 days/week (atleast 45min) Trying to consume 350 grams pro - 90 grams fat - 70 grams carbs just rough estimate but trying to stay around those numbers.

    Thanks for any help

  2. #2
    novastepp's Avatar
    novastepp is offline Have You Picked a Fight Lately?
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    just asking you for a favor, will you provide us with what you are eating now? just so we have an idea. you might be on the right track. even though i may say your carbs are pretty low, not enough there to save any body mass IMO, and what would your guess be at your body fat %?...but if you could, post your diet with amount of protein/carb/fat grams in each meal along with daily totals.

  3. #3
    Intruder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp
    just asking you for a favor, will you provide us with what you are eating now? just so we have an idea. you might be on the right track. even though i may say your carbs are pretty low, not enough there to save any body mass IMO, and what would your guess be at your body fat %?...but if you could, post your diet with amount of protein/carb/fat grams in each meal along with daily totals.
    As fro BF% its around 30 not sure on exact (posted some pics in members pics section) Don't really have a solid diet in place trying to put one together. As for food I eat:Chicken breast, steak, tuna w/some salsa and olive oil, salmon fillet, some veggies (brocholli, spinach, carrots) some times I'll snack on slim jims, some cheese, granola bar. Don't really have a set time of day I eat these items if I get hungry i just try and stuff this in my mouth as oposed to ice cream or brownies. The only two meals I have the same everyday is protein shake which consists of 2 scoops optimum whey, 1 cup oats, 2 tbsp honey, 1 cup milk and water I have this for breakfast and post workout. Also I drink roughly gal water a day. Mainly trying to get an idea of different foods ppl are consuming for there protein, fat, and carbs. I hope this answers your questions.

    thanks for any help nova

  4. #4
    novastepp's Avatar
    novastepp is offline Have You Picked a Fight Lately?
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    take a look at the cutting sticky a top the diet forum page. it breaks up meals in an "orderly fashion" if you will. maybe give you an idea of how to break down your meals.

    i notice you incorporate healthy fats into your diet (olive oil) which is a plus. now do a little searching about seperating carbs and fats and utilize that approach if you wish.

    there is a lot of current info flying around about foods to eat, even my "grocerylist" thread. take a look around and i think you will find all teh answer you need bro.

  5. #5
    Intruder's Avatar
    Intruder is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks nova. I will get it together soon. just got to keep reading and learning. I'm 35 yo never knew there was so much stuff to get in order for a good diet while training.

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