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Thread: Simple diet question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Simple diet question


    former Powerlifter, currently 6'2 260lbs. Probably around 18-20BF. Anyhow, after stopping my PL career, I'm just determined to get into better shape now. I've already adjusted my workouts for more reps but what Im really wondering is how you guys handle carbs during cutting phases. I'd like to be about 230 at 12%. I read in Arnolds bodybuilding encp. that you should avoid ketosis at all costs, and just take carbs low enough to stay out of it, which for me is around 100-150carbs a day depending on intensity of training. HOWEVER others swear by the whole under 50carbs and gettin into ketosis for cutting. So I gotta know, what do you guys prefer? I must admit, as a PL, I HATE cardio, on my non-training days(usually sat-sunday), I will low carb it below 50carbs and I've been getting good results but I'd like to hang on to all muscle if possible.

    Diet is currently around 2300calories
    It seems to be around
    50% protein
    30-40% carbs
    10-20% fat depending on the day.
    I do cardio 3x a week for 40-45min(just starting back into it again)

    Tbol/winstrol/anavar/test are the anabolics possibly used.
    Protein is high as hell because i've heard it should be for cutting, and if I'm doing the low carb thing, lean ground beef + chicken is the only way i can keep calories around 2000, otherwise I'm at like 1300calories and wishing to kill someone since my calories are lacking. Also one more thing, on my no-lw carb non training days, is it alright to pound ***** 3 natural PB? Its the only way I can keep calories up when my carbs are cut very low. Any help is appreciated.

  2. #2
    you need to find the protein:carb ratio that is right for you. i still haven't really got mine down to a science either. Too low of carbs, i want to rip somebody's head off. i think 50g carbs is too low, i will not go that low anymore. i believe timing is key for carb intake, morning/before and after workouts. i also take a carb with my main dinner and i'll hopefully stay between 100-150g, while maintaining a high protein intake (at least 250g). unfortunately, unlessed you are one of the very few blessed assholes out there, you gotta keep the carbs low.

    to go from 18-20%bf down to 12%, i know you hate cardio, but you may have to throw in another day or two.

    standard rule- go with at least 1g of protein per pound of bodyweight you wish to be at. stick with your lean protein; chicken, tuna/fish, egg whites

    pretty basic stuff.

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