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Thread: does anyone bulk with only 3 carb meals??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    does anyone bulk with only 3 carb meals??

    i am trying to revamp my approach to my diet. i usually do 4 carb meals and 3 fat meals while bulking. But i gain to much fat!

    i was wondering if i only ate carbs for breakfast and pwo if i would still have enough to build muscle while staying lean!

    i know this question is impossible to answer as it depends on the person but i was wondering if anyone else does this?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    in a dilapidated apt.
    post your diet so the folks here can have a look at what you're doing now. it could just be a few small things that could help straighten you out.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    my diet is usually like this

    meal 1 protein pancake( 1 scoop whey/ 3 egg whites/splenda/ 1 1/2 cup oats) plus 1 schoop whey pro shake

    meal 2: chicken breast/ flax oil

    meal 3: tuna/ sweet potato

    meal 4: chicken/ flax oil

    pwo: 45 grams whey/ 80 grams dex
    ppwo: chicken breast/ 1 cup brown rice

    meal 7: 1/2 chicken breast/ 1 scoop whey and flax

    i was looking to get rid of the extra carb meal that i have been having before workout and only have carb serving at breakfast and post workout. Again i am trying to gain muscle but i do not want to gain fat while i am doing this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    in a dilapidated apt.
    i would switch meals 3 & 4 around. have your carbs in the morning pre and post workout.

    are you giving yourself enough time between your fatty meals and your carb meals? especially before bed.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Autobot City
    I can't do 3 unless my breakfast is my prework out meal. I usually do breakfast pro/carb and then prework out pro/carb. I tried to go pro/fat one time but failed for me didn't feel good and sluggish(carbs) but 4 has worked great for me

  6. #6
    That's a bulk? don't expect to grow much.
    -B D

    [email protected]
    If asking cycle advice Post up Stats/previous cycle experience/goals!

    If asking diet advice Post Stats/current diet/goals!

    “Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”

    I B D
    AR VET

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    in a dilapidated apt.
    getbig, you need to let us know how much of each you are eating, and provide macros in grams of carbs, fats, and protein in each meal. that diet could be 2000 cals or 5000 cals depending on amounts, help us out here.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    usually around
    250 gcarbs
    45 g grams fat
    280-300 protein

    what should i do if this is not enough for a bulk?

  9. #9
    That equals to about 2600 calories.
    That's extreme cutting for me and I'm 195 7%.
    Here's an example of a lean bulk for myself that works great.
    You'll want to work your way up to this not go from 2600-4000calories in 1day.

    5:00am - 1cup Oats + 1scp whey/1scp V60 + 1tbsn flax + BCAA/Glutamine<5g ea.>(back to bed)
    Prot(50) - Carbs(50) - Fat(10g)

    9:00am - 10egg whites + 2 w/yolks, 1cup oats, 1/2cup cottage cheese.
    Prot(60) - Carbs(50) - Fat(10)

    12:00p - 6oz Turkey/1scp whey + Sweetpotato + Veggies
    Prot(60) - Carbs(75) - Fat(approx. 0)

    2:30p - 6salmon/1scpwhey + B.Rice + Veg.
    Prot(60) - Carbs(75) - Fat(10)

    4:00p (Train)
    BCAA's <5g>
    L-Glutamine + peptide <5g>
    CEE (Creatine Ethyl Ester) <5g>

    5:30p PWO - Same supps as above + 1scp whey/1scp V60 (protein blend) + 1.5cups oats
    Prot(50) - Carbs(75) - Fat(0)

    8:00p PPWO - 6ozChicken or Turkey/1scp whey + med sweet potato + 1cup Veg
    Prot(50) - Carbs(50) - Fat(0)

    10:30p Shake - 2scps V60 + .5cup oats + Supps(same as meal1)
    Prot(50) - Carbs(25) - Fat(0)

    12:30a - 8oz Steak or Buffalo or Salmon + 2cups Veg + .5tbsn Flax.
    Prot(50) - Carbs(5) - Fat(20)

    ~Total Macros~
    Prot: 400-450g
    Carbs: 350-400g
    Fat: 50-60g
    Total calories (approx) = 3400/4000 = OffDay/LiftDay

    Notice the lack of shakes and the usage of wholefoods...
    -B D

    [email protected]
    If asking cycle advice Post up Stats/previous cycle experience/goals!

    If asking diet advice Post Stats/current diet/goals!

    “Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”

    I B D
    AR VET

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    i have not tried a bulk that extreme b/c i usually try to seperate carbs and fats/ but i think it is time for a change so i will see how that works.

  11. #11
    It's all good fats and complex carbs.. it will lead to a small amount of fat gain but more LBM than anything depending on your metabolism.
    Trial and error. Gotta put on a bit of extra weight if you ever want to grow.

    You outta see my Dirty bulk

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    thanx 4 your help bro! i am gonna try this and up the cardio.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    also do you not believe in the pro/dex shake post workout?

  14. #14
    I've done both, I did Prot/Dex for YEARS and recently switched to complex carbs PWO and like it much better.. I don't crash after coming down from the sugar-high 1hr after PWO meal... Only time I to Prot/Dex is with Insulin but since I'm cutting there is no need.

  15. #15
    Yess 1Bdmfkr thats a great diet right there. Very similar to mine actually. I like the pro/carbs throughout the day..I love it..did it throughout cutting with great results. I dont see a problem with pro/carb meals throughout the day getbig888, that coming from myself...that gains fat easily

  16. #16
    That chinchilla sure is swole. (btw that's tai on comp. day).

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
    That equals to about 2600 calories.
    That's extreme cutting for me and I'm 195 7%.
    Here's an example of a lean bulk for myself that works great.
    You'll want to work your way up to this not go from 2600-4000calories in 1day.

    5:00am - 1cup Oats + 1scp whey/1scp V60 + 1tbsn flax + BCAA/Glutamine<5g ea.>(back to bed)
    Prot(50) - Carbs(50) - Fat(10g)

    9:00am - 10egg whites + 2 w/yolks, 1cup oats, 1/2cup cottage cheese.
    Prot(60) - Carbs(50) - Fat(10)

    12:00p - 6oz Turkey/1scp whey + Sweetpotato + Veggies
    Prot(60) - Carbs(75) - Fat(approx. 0)

    2:30p - 6salmon/1scpwhey + B.Rice + Veg.
    Prot(60) - Carbs(75) - Fat(10)

    4:00p (Train)
    BCAA's <5g>
    L-Glutamine + peptide <5g>
    CEE (Creatine Ethyl Ester) <5g>

    5:30p PWO - Same supps as above + 1scp whey/1scp V60 (protein blend) + 1.5cups oats
    Prot(50) - Carbs(75) - Fat(0)

    8:00p PPWO - 6ozChicken or Turkey/1scp whey + med sweet potato + 1cup Veg
    Prot(50) - Carbs(50) - Fat(0)

    10:30p Shake - 2scps V60 + .5cup oats + Supps(same as meal1)
    Prot(50) - Carbs(25) - Fat(0)

    12:30a - 8oz Steak or Buffalo or Salmon + 2cups Veg + .5tbsn Flax.
    Prot(50) - Carbs(5) - Fat(20)

    ~Total Macros~
    Prot: 400-450g
    Carbs: 350-400g
    Fat: 50-60g
    Total calories (approx) = 3400/4000 = OffDay/LiftDay

    Notice the lack of shakes and the usage of wholefoods...
    Now that's what I call on point. Nice layout bro..

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Deep in some Guts!!! haha
    Quote Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
    That equals to about 2600 calories.
    That's extreme cutting for me and I'm 195 7%.
    Here's an example of a lean bulk for myself that works great.
    You'll want to work your way up to this not go from 2600-4000calories in 1day.

    5:00am - 1cup Oats + 1scp whey/1scp V60 + 1tbsn flax + BCAA/Glutamine<5g ea.>(back to bed)
    Prot(50) - Carbs(50) - Fat(10g)

    9:00am - 10egg whites + 2 w/yolks, 1cup oats, 1/2cup cottage cheese.
    Prot(60) - Carbs(50) - Fat(10)

    12:00p - 6oz Turkey/1scp whey + Sweetpotato + Veggies
    Prot(60) - Carbs(75) - Fat(approx. 0)

    2:30p - 6salmon/1scpwhey + B.Rice + Veg.
    Prot(60) - Carbs(75) - Fat(10)

    4:00p (Train)
    BCAA's <5g>
    L-Glutamine + peptide <5g>
    CEE (Creatine Ethyl Ester) <5g>

    5:30p PWO - Same supps as above + 1scp whey/1scp V60 (protein blend) + 1.5cups oats
    Prot(50) - Carbs(75) - Fat(0)

    8:00p PPWO - 6ozChicken or Turkey/1scp whey + med sweet potato + 1cup Veg
    Prot(50) - Carbs(50) - Fat(0)

    10:30p Shake - 2scps V60 + .5cup oats + Supps(same as meal1)
    Prot(50) - Carbs(25) - Fat(0)

    12:30a - 8oz Steak or Buffalo or Salmon + 2cups Veg + .5tbsn Flax.
    Prot(50) - Carbs(5) - Fat(20)

    ~Total Macros~
    Prot: 400-450g
    Carbs: 350-400g
    Fat: 50-60g
    Total calories (approx) = 3400/4000 = OffDay/LiftDay

    Notice the lack of shakes and the usage of wholefoods...
    ah thank you! you just saved me a whole lot of time this evening.. awesome diet bro!

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Deep in some Guts!!! haha
    cept for the cottage cheese.. thats just plain wrong. blaauhhg i can't handle that crap... almost as bad as spinach..

  20. #20
    9am meal is blended together to make pancakes actually it's very good with s/f syrup and spray on butter.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    i just ate my first meal of this diet and without seperating carbs and fat i ended up with a 740 calorie meal. 62 grams protein 62 grams carbs and 25 grams fat. That is counting the protein carbs and fat in every item, not just in the main source.

  22. #22
    You need to alter it according to your bodytype..
    Post a picture and it'll give me a good idea where to start.
    700calories for me is great for a first meal.. for you it may be too much.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    thanx 4 all your help bro, i am prone to gain body fat so i do know if i should try this diet or keep on seperatin carbs and fats.

  24. #24
    I'd just tone down the carbs a bit and up the protein personally.
    Keep the calories up, around (3500-4000/day)
    I'd spread the macros as follows:
    Prot - 400-450
    Carbs - 300-350
    Fat - 65-80
    Calories approx - 3700-4000.

    Play with it and see how it works.. stay on the same routine for 4-6wks and access changes.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    thanx for the help bro. i am gonna giv it a go for a month or 2 and c how it goes.

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