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Thread: Pre / post workout nutrition

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    Post Pre / post workout nutrition


    Bulking diet:
    I will be consuming 25% of my daily calories within a Pre work out meal and another 25% for PWO. Before i start this i have seen and read posts were a lot of people consume majority of calories in PWO & PPWO meals. Which would be better for my bulking goals? experience from you guys who have tried both ways would be appreciated

    Option A Option B

    Meal 1 - 20% Meal 1 - 20%
    Meal 2 - 20% Meal 2 - 20%
    Meal 3 - 25% Meal 3 - 10%
    Meal 4 - 25% Meal 4 - 25%
    meal 5 - 10% Meal 5 - 25%



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Without taking any factors, flaws in that outline, improvments or anything into consideration, I prefer Option B.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    the amount of kcal is not whats important. Its the ammount of carbs.

    Have most of your daily carb intake pre and post workout.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    the amount of kcal is not whats important. Its the ammount of carbs.

    Have most of your daily carb intake pre and post workout.
    I personally disagree with this i believe kcal are the underlying factor. However my question is more geared towards how meals should be factored around a workout not the macro breakdown which i agree with you regarding carb intake.

    If i try and breakdown the question a touch more i have around 2000kcal around workout do you feel these should be split pre and pwo or two higher kcal/carb/pro meals PWO & PPWO?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by lew
    I personally disagree with this i believe kcal are the underlying factor. However my question is more geared towards how meals should be factored around a workout not the macro breakdown which i agree with you regarding carb intake.

    If i try and breakdown the question a touch more i have around 2000kcal around workout do you feel these should be split pre and pwo or two higher kcal/carb/pro meals PWO & PPWO?
    Well I mentioned carbs because it all depends on carbs is a big or small part of your total kcal. When I cut I restrict carbs heavily so even though 50% of my carbs are pre and 50% of my carbs are post workout the kcal ammount isnt proportionaly that big.

    If you have 2000kcal around workout I would split them in 4 meals. Something like this I recon.

    Solid meal around 600kcal 1,5 hour pre workout
    Easily digestable shake 400kcal 30 minutes pre workout
    Post workout shake 400kcal imidietly following workout
    solid meal around 600kcal 1-1,5 hour post workout.

    But I must emphasis that I much rather think in terms of grams of protein and grams of carbs around the workout. I for instance dont think most people need much more than at most 100 gram carbs in the last meal pre and first meal post workout.

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