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Thread: Cutting Diet need some help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Training Hardcore Style

    Cutting Diet need some help

    I was wondering if everyone can critique this for me. I am basing this off of Rambo's sample. I have a few questions on it too.

    Current Stats:
    32 yrs old.

    I would like to get to 15% or lower sometime. I work out Mon-Fri take weekends off. I do cardio 3-4 times and will concentrate on keeping it 65-70% of heart rate for 30-45 minutes.

    Here is the diet and workout routine. I have to work out and do cardio in the a.m. before work. I work roughly 10 hours and then come home to family for few hours before bed. So early morning workouts is all I can do.

    0445-0630 Weight training and cardio at the end.

    0630- PWO - P/F - Protein shake(2 scoops whey)/ 2 tbsp flaxoil.

    Inbetween these two meals -1/16oz cup of coffee with 2 splenda packs.

    0930 - P/C - Lean protein (3 whole eggs, 1/2 cup oatmeal).

    1230- Veggies (brocoli), 6oz boneless chicken breasts.

    1500- Shake (2sccops whey), anything else??????

    1800 - Veggies (brocoli/cauli,carrot mix), 6oz boneless chicken, 1/2 cup of brown rice with soy sauce.

    2030 - Protein shake casein blend, with flaxseed oil 2 tbsp.

    Only questions I have are the on the sample diet on the sticky it showed a plan for an afternoon workout, so I am assuming that in the a.m. I would replace meal 2 with meal 1 since I want to do the P/F after my cardio.??

    Other question would, is it ok to follow same diet on the two off days (sat,sun)?? If not how do I change it?

    Not going for competition, just a good healthy look and loose some b/f.

    This is a great forum..I appreciate any feedback and I don't get my feelings hurt easy so lay it in.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Training Hardcore Style
    Any feedback. I would appreciate it. I am new to dieting so I don't know if I am doing what's right. My diet before was pretty horrible. I actually feel like I am eating more on this than I did before. I have always been able to pack on muscle, but usually get a little chub with it too. Hopefully this will clean it up... thx in advance.

  3. #3
    Not enough food. After morning cardio, a PWO shake is not necessary. I..and a lot of guys here prefer a good solid pro/carb meal. I'll usually have one 20 minutes or so after morning cardio. An example is 12 eggwhites and 1 cup of oats. 3 whole eggs is hardly a meal. Your protein looks at 180-190 grams at MOST. A little low IMO. Find your BMR in the sticky in this thread (Its either in the bulking or the cutting sticky) and try to aim for 500 calories under that. I also like to do cardio every day in the morning except leg day. Don't go overboard in restricting carbohydrates, you'll quickly notice muscle slipping away. Take a look at some of the member's diets in other threads around here, you'll get an idea of what you should model your diet after (according to LBM).

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Training Hardcore Style
    Chest, thanks... With the 3 shakes alone the protein intake was at 120. I thought I was getting enough. I will bump up the eggs and watch my carb intatke. I appreciate the feedback. I am not a rookie at pushing weights, but I am now just learning how to try and take it to the next level with dieting.

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