I was wondering if everyone can critique this for me. I am basing this off of Rambo's sample. I have a few questions on it too.
Current Stats:
32 yrs old.
I would like to get to 15% or lower sometime. I work out Mon-Fri take weekends off. I do cardio 3-4 times and will concentrate on keeping it 65-70% of heart rate for 30-45 minutes.
Here is the diet and workout routine. I have to work out and do cardio in the a.m. before work. I work roughly 10 hours and then come home to family for few hours before bed. So early morning workouts is all I can do.
0445-0630 Weight training and cardio at the end.
0630- PWO - P/F - Protein shake(2 scoops whey)/ 2 tbsp flaxoil.
Inbetween these two meals -1/16oz cup of coffee with 2 splenda packs.
0930 - P/C - Lean protein (3 whole eggs, 1/2 cup oatmeal).
1230- Veggies (brocoli), 6oz boneless chicken breasts.
1500- Shake (2sccops whey), anything else??????
1800 - Veggies (brocoli/cauli,carrot mix), 6oz boneless chicken, 1/2 cup of brown rice with soy sauce.
2030 - Protein shake casein blend, with flaxseed oil 2 tbsp.
Only questions I have are the on the sample diet on the sticky it showed a plan for an afternoon workout, so I am assuming that in the a.m. I would replace meal 2 with meal 1 since I want to do the P/F after my cardio.??
Other question would, is it ok to follow same diet on the two off days (sat,sun)?? If not how do I change it?
Not going for competition, just a good healthy look and loose some b/f.
This is a great forum..I appreciate any feedback and I don't get my feelings hurt easy so lay it in.