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Thread: Diet Critique Please

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    With Your Mother

    Diet Critique Please

    Hey bros, fairly new still and have done a bunch of reading across the forums. My diet has been improving, but I'm still not getting the results I want, therefore I'm going all out on this from now on. I plan to set up a cheat meal on Sundays to keep me sane, however. I want to cut down from my current 205 and get to around 180 which will give me a nice base to begin a lean bulk. I've been training for quite some time now, and I do cardio in the mornings and lift at night after work. Here is what I'm looking at:

    Meal 1(After Cardio) 8:00
    6 egg whites
    ½ cup Fat Free Cheddar Cheese
    ½ cup Oats

    Meal 2 10:00
    8 egg whites
    ½ cup Fat Free Cottage Cheese
    1 cup oats
    (Blended to make Protein Pancakes)

    Meal 3 12:00
    4 oz Chicken Breast

    Meal 4 2:00
    Protein Shake

    Meal 5 4:00
    4 oz Chicken Breast
    ½ cup Brown Rice

    Meal 6 6:00
    1 Package Tuna
    ½ cup Brown Rice
    2 Tbls. Olive Oil

    Training from 7:15 to 8:15

    Meal 7 8:30
    Protein Shake

    I think I've got a decent base here, but I feel somethings missing. Could I get some help from some of you in a critique on my diet? Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    New England
    check out ibd's cutting and bulking thread

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    With Your Mother
    I did, but I'm not sure exactly what to do. Should I increase the amount of lean protein I'm taking in? For instance, go from 4 oz chicken breasts to 8 oz? Also, should I add another meal at night, or should I just stick with the protein shake?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    New England
    Quote Originally Posted by GUnit33
    I did, but I'm not sure exactly what to do. Should I increase the amount of lean protein I'm taking in? For instance, go from 4 oz chicken breasts to 8 oz? Also, should I add another meal at night, or should I just stick with the protein shake?
    well..if ur goin to bed that early then its fine...otherwise id replace that shake with a meal and then make your last "meal" a cassein shake (slow release protein) with efa's

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    With Your Mother
    Ok, hows about something like this than?

    Meal 1(After Cardio) 8:00
    6 egg whites
    ½ cup Fat Free Cheddar Cheese
    ½ cup Oats

    Meal 2 10:00
    8 egg whites
    ½ cup Fat Free Cottage Cheese
    1 cup oats
    (Blended to make Protein Pancakes)

    Meal 3 12:00
    4 oz Chicken Breast

    Meal 4 2:00
    Protein Shake

    Meal 5 4:00
    4 oz Chicken Breast
    ½ cup Brown Rice

    Meal 6 6:00
    1 Package Tuna
    ½ cup Brown Rice
    2 Tbls. Olive Oil

    Training from 7:15 to 8:15

    Meal 7 8:30
    8 oz Chicken Breast or 1/3 LB Lean Turkey Burger or 6 oz Steak
    1 Yam

    Meal 8 10:30
    Cassein Shake

    Does that look like it'd fit my build? Again, should I replace those middle meals with 4 oz chicken breasts to 8 oz chicken breasts? Thanks for your help.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Don't mix macros bro, especially for cutting!

    Only one shake is needed during the day; PWO (add dextrose or some form of low GI carbs).

    I would spend a little more time in the cutting sticky and make sure you understand what you need for your plan of attack.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    europe, italy
    my friend swears by pro shakes, he takes 3 a day.. so do I. I get hungry every 2 hours so 2 of my 8 meals are pro shakes... and another PWO with carbs

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by bolin
    my friend swears by pro shakes, he takes 3 a day.. so do I. I get hungry every 2 hours so 2 of my 8 meals are pro shakes... and another PWO with carbs
    i would seriously try substituting the shakes with whole foods if possible. you will be surprised at the gains you make. the shakes are absorbed quicker than whole foods, thats prolly why you get hungry between shakes.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    1 shake PWO.

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