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Thread: New Poster, Appreciate advice

  1. #1

    New Poster, Appreciate advice

    Hello everyone, thanks for taking the time to read my post. I'm a complete newb to this and appreciate all the help and tips that I can get. This is my first real post so bear with me on my naivety. I've been reading as much as I can and am extremeley overwhelmed but I'll give it a go.

    A little bit about myself : I'm about to turn 23 years old, stand 5'11, and weigh 160 pounds. I have not tested my exact body fat percentage, but I'm a skinny dude. I have been in the weight room off and on since my late high school years, but obviously not enough based on my current measurements. This site has helped me weed out a lot of the terrible advice that friends/"trainers" have given me the last few years. I'm sick of being so damn scrawny and have set out to bulk up, but also keep a lean figure as I am an avid basketball player and want to maintain my mobility. In the past, I have been quite a moron when it has come to diet and training. Through my high school years I stood at 5'11 and only 120-125 pounds; I was a complete skinnybonesjones. I was sick of being a string bean and without correct knowledge went on a weight gain shake rampage and consumed them like glasses of water. I failed to research the correct way to gain weight and found that I was putting on pounds in all the wrong places (i.e neck, bloated face, developed a gullet). I finally stopped with the weight shakes after noticing how bloated I had become. Luckily, I have gotten rid of most of the bloated areas ( does anyone have good adivce on ridding some baby fat on the cheeks?) and have gone from my 120 pound body to 160, but im still no where near where I want to be. I am currently devising my training program (im open to all advice) and really want to get a good diet down for a clean bulk.

    I've been studying as much as I can and have used LeanMeOut's unnofical bulking thread as a start to figure out my nutrition regimen. According to the Harris Benedict Formula/my daily activties, my BMR is between 2806 - 3123.285 calories. I understand I need to add 500 calories a day if I want to add a pound a week leaving me at around 3300-3623 of daily caloric intake. I noticed that LeanMeOut uses a lightly active 6 foot tall 220 pound 26 year old man as an example in his harris benedict formula and the numbers produced for his bulk diet is 3500 calories ( right in the zone of the numbers I calculated for my own). Will I be consuming too many calories considering i'm only 160 pounds? I will be working out 5 days a week and playing pick up basketball 3-4 days a week for at least 2 hours each day. Is this enough cardio or is it too much cardio for my bulk? Do I need to chill on the bball while bulking? I'm also considering just following leanmeout's sample diet because it is right around the same amount of caloric intake that I need to be getting. Should I tweak it according to when I play basketball/lift so on? Thanks for reading this long post; I really appreciate everyone here. I'm gonna keep reading up.
    Last edited by gstatefaith; 07-10-2006 at 04:44 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Deep in some Guts!!! haha
    I personal don't think the cardio is going to hurt but agian i'm alot bigger then you so i doesn't really hurt me lol Props to wanting to get on a diet and not just thinking your going to come here and stick yourself with a needle

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Deep in some Guts!!! haha
    I also don't think you'll be consuming too many calories

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Deep in some Guts!!! haha
    I'd follow his diet 8 meals spread out would you be able to do that?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Surfstud18
    I'd follow his diet 8 meals spread out would you be able to do that?
    I hope so. I've never eaten 8 meals before in a day in my life, but I'm ready to do it. I just quit smoking cigarettes and that was one of the toughest things ive ever done, so i think eating 8 meals will be no biggie..seems to be all time management.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Welcome to the board and don't worry about not "knowing" alot right now. That's what you are here for right?

    Anyway's, if the Harris Benedict formula states you should be around 3600kCals then go for can always up them if needed. You are definately gonna have to get used to packing your meals and eating every 2.5-3hrs but believe me, it is so easy once it becomes part of your mindset and lifestyle. I can't even remember what it was like it has been so long, i alway's carry a cooler with my meals.

    Pre cook your food and that will help you cut down on time etc...

    As far as cardio..i would try 2-3x a week for 1hr to keep fat gain at a minimum. If you feel you are still gaining more fat than you like, simply add a day etc..

    It is all about trial and error and learning what works for you, it's exciting and before long you will be on here helping new members as well and telling them how easy all this is.

    Stay positive and do what you gotta do to get it all done.

    ***No source checks!!!***

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Deep in some Guts!!! haha
    Dude i was hoping to see the ice man and this cat go at it lol WHO WINS

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja
    Welcome to the board and don't worry about not "knowing" alot right now. That's what you are here for right?

    Anyway's, if the Harris Benedict formula states you should be around 3600kCals then go for can always up them if needed. You are definately gonna have to get used to packing your meals and eating every 2.5-3hrs but believe me, it is so easy once it becomes part of your mindset and lifestyle. I can't even remember what it was like it has been so long, i alway's carry a cooler with my meals.

    Pre cook your food and that will help you cut down on time etc...

    As far as cardio..i would try 2-3x a week for 1hr to keep fat gain at a minimum. If you feel you are still gaining more fat than you like, simply add a day etc..

    It is all about trial and error and learning what works for you, it's exciting and before long you will be on here helping new members as well and telling them how easy all this is.

    Stay positive and do what you gotta do to get it all done.


    thanks man..that's some good advice..i got the groceries today; i should probably get a costco membership cause im gonna be buying out the egg and poultry section. Im really excited to get this goin.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Once you start there is no going back

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