07-18-2006, 11:36 PM #1
what are MCTs? (Fatless Fat) that burns fat and promote positive nitrogen balance
Leading scientists "rethinking" the role of fats in increasing lean muscle growth have shown all fats are not created equal. The type of fat determines whether you use it for muscle energy or store it as body fat! "Good lipids" used in Muscle Milk promote fat loss 3 ways:
MCTs, the predigested "fatless fats", are more likely burned for muscle energy and heat than stored as fat. 20% of human milk and Muscle Milk lipids are MCTs. MCTs also promote positive nitrogen balance.
Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids are also less likely to be stoered as fat. We use special enzyme engineering to make these lipids even more functional, promoting anti-inflammatory effects and enhanced mineral retention.
Recent research reveals calories with engineered lipids, taken before and during workouts, promote leanness. It is thought that these calories are used for workout energy, with less deposited as fat.
So while Muscle Milk may contain slightly more fat than older ultra-carb products, our Lean-Lipids are designed to help you get leaner.
LeanLipids--"Good Fats" that Help You Get Leaner
Human milk contains custom fat structures that actually promote leanness, while retaining more energy in the body. This promotes thermogenesis, enabling protein and amino acids to be used for muscle growth at higher levels. LeanLipids even help retain minerals critical to muscle contraction, and are a great source of these customized lipids for serious athletes.
07-18-2006, 11:43 PM #2
I have read some info on MTC's (medium chain triglycerides) but it appears in most cases that really the verdict is still out. They are "supposed" to act more like carbs in the body without the insulin response as far as I know, but whether they are really that good I cant be 100% sure. But companies sure advertise as if its great, still to early for me to decide.
Other input would be great.
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