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  1. #1
    DCB83 is offline Associate Member
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    Help with diet...if needed.

    I just posted a thread saying that i've been using sustanon 500mgs + deca 100mgs a week.I'm just into my fifth week and no strength or weight increase.
    I know my stuff is good.
    Someone suggested that i post my diet to see if all is ok.

    -morning I'll have 2scoops muscle milk.
    -lunch time i usually have chicken breast with rice/veggies.
    -late lunch i'll have a tuna sandwich.
    -I get home around 6:30, another 2 scoops muscle milk.
    -After gym I'll either eat salmon, rice+veggies or chicken instead of salmon.
    -Then before bed another 2 scoops muscle milk.
    All i know is that i get 32 grams of protein per/muscle milk shake, i have no clue what i'm getting from my meals.

    good or no good?

  2. #2
    audis4's Avatar
    audis4 is offline Eat, Sleep, Lift...Repeat!
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    Bulking I would assume?

    Read the Bulking sticky....and read it thoroughly.

    Your diet is sh* offense.

    Liquid based diet; eat more whole foods i.e. tuna, egg whites, chicken, turkey, lean steak etc.

    What time do you work should only have a PWO shake after your workout with dextrose (2:1)

    What are your maintenance cals? add 500 to your maintenance to gain 1 lbs. each week and do the reverse for a cutting diet.

    I eat way more on my cutting diet!

    sorry if this sounded harsh at all...also, list your macros for each meal with a total at the bottom; easier for everyone to see how much your eating.

  3. #3
    JohnboyF is offline Banned
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    go to and put your foods in there to determine ur calroies.. Also muscle milk taste greats but has wasy too much fat 17 grams.. Drop tjhe muscle milk. IMO ur diet needs some work.. 6 sccops of muslce milk
    102 grams of fat. But u need to look at the bulking sticky....

    also can u post stats if possible?
    cycle experince

  4. #4
    copenhagen's Avatar
    copenhagen is offline Member
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    WHOLE FOODS!!!! cmon bro, you know that diet is not gonna get you where you need to be. kick it up a notch and get this sh*t down, you will be surprised when you do.

  5. #5
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
    IBdmfkr is offline AR VET
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    That's the worst diet I've seen all week.

    You haven't gained any weight because Ethiopians consume more than you.
    Also 100mg/wk of Deca , just stop taking it at that dosage, you're throwing away your money. Sust, how often are you shooting it? Hopefully atleast EveryotherDay.

    About the diet, there is no critiquing, you'd have to rewrite a whole new diet because I can't find one good thing about this one.
    Last edited by IBdmfkr; 07-19-2006 at 05:21 PM.

  6. #6
    JohnboyF is offline Banned
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    I just posted a thread saying that i've been using sustanon 500mgs + deca 100mgs a week.I'm just into my fifth week and no strength or weight increase.
    I know my stuff is good.
    Someone suggested that i post my diet to see if all is ok.

    -morning I'll have 2scoops muscle milk. Drop the mmilk Oats and Eggs or oats and shake..
    -lunch time i usually have chicken breast with rice/veggies. (seems fine what ur serving size-
    late lunch i'll have a tuna sandwich.(breakdown needed)
    -I get home around 6:30, another 2 scoops muscle milk. Is this after workout go with simple whey shake and dextrose
    -After gym I'll either eat salmon, rice+veggies or chicken instead of salmon.
    -Then before bed another 2 scoops muscle milk. go with cottage cheese or some other type of slow relaesed protien
    All i know is that i get 32 grams of protein per/muscle milk shake, i have no clue what i'm getting from my meals.

    good or no good?

  7. #7
    UpstateTank's Avatar
    UpstateTank is offline Banned
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    cant even pick a good place to begin critiquing on this one

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