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Thread: Help with diet.

  1. #1
    DCB83 is offline Associate Member
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    Jun 2006

    Help with diet.

    I just posted my diet yesturday.Based on your posts i can see that its a pretty sh*t diet. I checked out that 8 meal bulking diet plan,and there is no way i can eat all that in one day. I have a nervous stomach associated with anxiety so my appetite isn't so strong.Also, its kinda hard for me to digest big meals.Thats why drinking shakes instead of whole foods is easier for me.And i know that big meals are ideal for bulking instead of liquids.
    I'm a sust/deca cycle and i know i should be eating a lot more than i am right now.
    What should i do?

  2. #2
    audis4's Avatar
    audis4 is offline Eat, Sleep, Lift...Repeat!
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  3. #3
    steve0's Avatar
    steve0 is offline NASM~AFPA~CPT
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCB83
    I just posted my diet yesturday.Based on your posts i can see that its a pretty sh*t diet. I checked out that 8 meal bulking diet plan,and there is no way i can eat all that in one day. I have a nervous stomach associated with anxiety so my appetite isn't so strong.Also, its kinda hard for me to digest big meals.Thats why drinking shakes instead of whole foods is easier for me.And i know that big meals are ideal for bulking instead of liquids.
    I'm a sust/deca cycle and i know i should be eating a lot more than i am right now.
    What should i do?

    this is unbeleivble to know that someone like you who has no idea about diet is actually on steroids , you obviosly took the easy way out first, there is a certain time to take AAS, depending on your age, exsperiance, training/diet approuch, im just sick of seeing threads that say " iahve noidea how to eat but hey in on this cycle right now so what should i do?" you should not take juice for one and start researching on WTF type of diet you need to be eating first and formost, you cant grom/maintain/change body compestion with out food.

  4. #4
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Dec 2002
    Wow, "what should I do"..............I have to say, what a stupid ass question that is.

    You should get OFF steroids first.

    Secondly see a doctor about anxiety.

    Lastly, learn to eat and do so for YEARS on end and leave AAS alone for those who know WTF they are doing.


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