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Thread: Kcal consumed

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Kcal consumed

    How many Kcal do you guys consume when on?

    I'm 232 and hitting 5000Kcal per day.

    My Diet s on Yoda's Stack with some tweaking since then. I'm finding I'm hungry alot and that tells me to eat more!

    So anyone hitting 7000+


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    The Resistance
    ive read in many places that it all comes down to where those calories are coming from. for example fat has more calories then carbs then protien. and what you should do is try and increase your protien intake by 50 grams.
    im not eating 7000+cal like you asked but im around 4500-5000cal, 200-220g protien (120g whey protien isolate per day) myself and 300grams carbs this is excellent to gain mass for me and if your eating something like this then you need to increase your intake of protien and possibly carbs. and your about 50lbs heavier then me.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 1969

    caloric intake

    As for me I'm getting between 3000 to 3600 a day.I intend to bump this up once I begin my cycle though.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I,m 188lb and consume around 3870 cals a day

    Protein @ 320g
    Carbs @ 500g
    fat @ 60g

    This becomes higher or lower to achieve the weight I want at the moment this maintains my current weight.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Ok just updated my diet.

    It now stands at 6000Kcal

    40% protein
    50% Carbs
    10% Fat

    I think on a mass cycle you need all the fuel you body asks for, I'll keep you posted on my gains.

    The thing to remember here is that I have not increased Kcal in one day, I have increase Kcal consumption over the last 6 weeks from 4000-6000. i'm carry an extra 14 Pounds and my weight increases had stopped which indicates I wasn't eating just enough to maintain weight, in that instance its time to increase Kcal consumption by at least 500Kcal per day.

    I'm taking in 2.4 grams of protein per pound, 2.96 grams of carbs per pound, and 0.25 grams of fat per pound.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Thumbs up hi guys

    i am 5 feet 10 inch and right now at 212 pounds, well lets say that i dont break my head with all that guess work,

    i try to get has close has possible to my 1 grms per pound of protein per pound ofbodyweight .

    I guess that right now not behing in AS and not knowing when i am gonna go back on them, i eat around 2400 cal and 2800 a day.

    I keep my bodyweight much the same but i have more muscles.

    For me the 2 big meals of the day are breakfast and after training wish i can go has high has 700 cal in one sitting.

    In the early 90 i used to train with a guy he was 5feet 7 and weighted in at 190 pounds he did some equipoise and winstrol once a year and he didnt eat all these calories, he was rippped to the bone and he only consumed regular foods, and he was huge to.

    I use shakes but its becose i cant tolerate boiled eggs when i smell one i wanna kill it yarkkkkkk

    I never eated more then 2500 cal a day.

  7. #7
    As we all know, what works for one doesn't work for all. However, what has worked well for me has been a diet consisting of:

    4000 Kcal
    -40% protein
    -40% carbs
    -20% fat

    This diet is pretty "clean" yet still has enough calories for me to gain weight. Besides, if I eat an overabundance of fat and carbs, I get too full to eat all 5-6 meals a day. And if I miss a meal or two, then it f@#$ up my protein intake.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    the cold up nord


    what exactly is a kcal guys, I have herd the term but I am not too familiar with it

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    It's the 'pretty boy' British way of saying calories.

    I'm eatin 4500 maintaining...coming off a cycle.

    420g protein
    500g carb
    70-80g fat (10 per meal, besides postworkout meal that has minimal)

    Sometimes more...rarely less.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    It's the 'pretty boy' British way of saying calories.
    PPP I,m gonna kick your ass man "pretty boy" that is not a good thing to say LOL Only kidding with you bro

    KCal is the correct way of saying calories but not many people use it apart from the highly educated British (No I don,t use it either!)

    Mine are around 4000/4200 at the moment and I am weighing about 197lbs @ <11%

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    I'm off cycle at still have abs eating between 4500-5000 caloires at 5'9 220 and getting stronger each week !!

    450 protein
    350 carbs
    150 grams of fat over 60% from EFAS

    doing cardio 15-20 minutes post work out !! and still having abs and splits in biceps. Preping for contest run in january 240 here I come !!

    ck out
    search massive eating part 1 and 2 will explain why all BB are under eating by 20-30 % !!

    lst year i was at 210 at same body fat i am now and at 3000 calories i'm lower body fat and eating 30% more caloires and less cardio hmmmm something is working

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    United States of America
    None cycle diet starting this Tuesday.

    5000cal 40%, 40%, 20%(trying to get this one lower)

    I'm doing final adjustments to it.
    Can't wait to eat more.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2001


    Based on grams some of you have posted you might want to douple check calories here is simple way to keep track:

    1g Carbs = 4 cals
    1g Protien = 4 cals
    1g fat = 9 cals

    So track your grams of each for a week, then do the math and make adjustments from there.

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