I must be under the wrong impression about fruit. I was under the impression that it's natural profile made it a very healthy source of sugars...and not fattening. Is that wrong?
I must be under the wrong impression about fruit. I was under the impression that it's natural profile made it a very healthy source of sugars...and not fattening. Is that wrong?
fruit is healthy for you but if you don't burn of the sugars in the fruit they will be stored as fat just like anythingelse, that you dont burn off. so try to eat fruits with a low glycemic index and don't eat fruit late at night
fruit is a good source for vitamins and minerals ...however , we here are under the Greco Roman Ethic of ; " Though shall grow big and lean ..... "
Fruit is high in calories and a simple sugar , for this reason ( when dieting it will be weened off by most ....
On the other hand on a maintenance or muscle gain program , fruit plays a definate role ... They help for their detoxifying, water content, vitamin and mineral profile as well as their cleansing properties ....
Don't give em up , unless you have to...good luck
What do you guys think about bananas in specific?
I agree with smallguy. Fruit is ok but get it early in the day never in the evening!
well i work in manhattan so we have alot of fruit here.most of it lives in chelsea.i've never tried fruit.i like girls too much
Of all the fruits avaialable, banana's are highest in sugar. It is this reason that many diet plans such as weight watchers forbid them. They are very high in potatisum which will aid in muscle soreness, however I doult that there is enough in a single banana to make a difference. A good Potatisum supplement would do a much bettr job. As far as other fruits are concerned they do have natural sugars and it really depends on how easily one gains weight as to weather or not they sould be included in a diet. Fruits such as apples are a good source of fiber and are considered by many to be natures toothbrush as they aid in cleaning your teeth! Oranges and other citrus fruits are very high in Vit. C however they contain citruic acid which will wear the enamal of your teeth if they are eaten in larger amounts. Scientist have also found that citrus fruits aid in other areas as well such as lowering the risk of heart diesease. As a general rule though fruits are ok to consune in moderation. Our gym has a bowl of fruit for the members in the AM hours to chose from as they leave out the door. Hope that this helps.
Keep fruit to first thing in the morning but I would not cut it all out they are a good source of vitamins
Did I say "Potatisum will aid in muscle soreness"? What I meant was potasium aids in the prevention of muscle soreness.
Ya'll know what I mean!
I have a banana and a whey shake right after the gym... that shoud be alright.
After all, all gorillas eat are bananas and they are pretty strong![]()
Bananas rate about 90 on the glycemic index so they're going to be absorbed might fast. That can be a good thing if you're post workout and need that glyco boost, however for any other time of the day I'll only recommend apples since they are lower and add some fiber to your diet. Oh and NO JUICES!
What do you mean about no juices. Post work out I have a glass of OJ or apple juice with glutamine....
Should I be going for some other source of sugar????
DB101 is right about juice..... No doubt !! Juices are higher in sugar and carbs ( same thing ) than a soda ...
Lets just explain it this way .... If you want to eat an orange you prolly will not eat 10 of them at a sitting ...but how many oranges does it take to make a glass of juice .... ? Hmmmm > for this reason ( even fresh squeezed ) juices are out ....
Having a small glass 6-8oz as a carrying agent for your creatine may be fine for the most part but, I would limit it to the smallest amount needed to carry it into your system ...
BTW glutamine doesnt need a sugar based carrying agent like creatine ...if your not taking creatine aliminate the juices completely ... Glutamine can be just in water , protein, or any liquid ...
If your not on a harsh diet keep the juice POST-WORKOUT immediately after training.... 100% grape juice ( on an empty stomach ) turns into 100% glycogen in the body ... this is needed especially when glycogen is at its lowest .... like after a workout ....good luck
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