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Thread: broke as hell but still gotta eat

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    broke as hell but still gotta eat

    what do i do!!?? im honestly looking at $3-$5 a day on food! that like $120 a month! how can i grow on that? i was thinking tons of tuna(39 cents a can) and maybe some oats here and there. i have some left over chicken also. i just recently had a hourly cut at work so i cant afford all my food! what would u guys do?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    With Your Mother
    1. Tuna
    2. Lean Ground Beef
    3. Tuna
    4. Generic Brand Oats
    5. Generic Brand Everything else

    I get by right now with probably 5-6 bucks a day worth of food and I'm eating chicken, beef, turkey and such. You just need to learn to plan it out and figure a strict diet with this paycut and it'll work itself out.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by GUnit33
    1. Tuna
    2. Lean Ground Beef
    3. Tuna
    4. Generic Brand Oats
    5. Generic Brand Everything else

    I get by right now with probably 5-6 bucks a day worth of food and I'm eating chicken, beef, turkey and such. You just need to learn to plan it out and figure a strict diet with this paycut and it'll work itself out.
    ya im living off of generic winco food right now. im trying not to lose any size....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    in a dilapidated apt.
    go a cool friend who might help at least one meal a day? thats what i would do. find 2 or 3 seriously.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    well if your trying not to loose anysize then just go ahead and eat whatyever

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    part-time job at a seafood restaurant

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    y cant i be rich!? i wanna eat a ton and gain good lbm but i cant do that on 1300 cals a day! i need rice and steak and giant 8lb baked potatoes....mmmmmm

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Caliskrilla yada?!
    Winco is the shit.

    The one over here sells 25 lb bags of oats for like 10 bucks.

    Tuna, like you said is cheap at 39 cents a can.

    So you basically need fat.....

    Almonds are pricey, but for a bulk you don't necessarily need ALOT of fat. You will be getting a fair amount in the oats, as well.

    Olive oil might be cheaper than almonds, you'd have to look.

    But with those three foods, you could get all three of your macro nutrients.

    Dextrose is $1.50/lb from my local brewery store, but you could also just use oats to get by.

    It will get boring, but it is as cheap as it gets. Thank god for winco. I couldn't afford this lifestyle if it weren't for them.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Caliskrilla yada?!
    And I like Nova's idea of getting food from friends/family.

    It's not like your asking to borrow money, I'd always try to feed myself at others people's houses if I was struggling.

    I can't tell you how many times I've told friends/family, I can't come over today because I have to stick to my meals.
    They always chime in: we have food here you can eat. Most people have tuna or chicken at their house.

    You can do it, bro.

    Oh yeah, get another job..... scraping by sucks.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    ive been on both side bro and actually for some reason, I do better when I am poor...........

    Right now I am middle class so here's my middle class list versus my poor list separated by a comma:

    Now, Then

    Middle class Poor
    oragnge roughy/salmon/tuna packs ...................canned tuna
    fresh chx breast ............................................frozen sams club chx
    steel cut oats,rolled oats.............................................. ...........oats
    yams/sweet potatoes............................... uncle bens brown rice
    veggies........................................... .................veggies
    low soidum, low carb syrups splenda and dressings, vinegar
    sparkling/bottle spring water....................................tap
    almonds/walnts/peanuts........................................Jif f
    almod butter/natty pb
    supplements prob. the biggest change:
    muscle milk, cyto, myoplex, bars..............cheapest 10lb tub of whey I can find

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Columbus
    ive been on both side bro and actually for some reason, I do better when I am poor...........

    Right now I am middle class so here's my middle class list versus my poor list separated by a comma:

    Now, Then

    Middle class Poor
    oragnge roughy/salmon/tuna packs ...................canned tuna
    fresh chx breast ............................................frozen sams club chx
    steel cut oats,rolled oats.............................................. ...........oats
    yams/sweet potatoes............................... uncle bens brown rice
    veggies........................................... .................veggies
    low soidum, low carb syrups splenda and dressings, vinegar
    sparkling/bottle spring water....................................tap
    almonds/walnts/peanuts........................................Jif f
    almod butter/natty pb
    supplements prob. the biggest change:
    muscle milk, cyto, myoplex, bars..............cheapest 10lb tub of whey I can find
    Jiff with WIC?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Been there to, i was surviving on tuna and hamburger

  13. #13
    I dont want to hear shit..... i am a broke ass college student, poor as hell and i have managed to put on 40 lbs in the past 4 years..... its really not that hard to eat for $5 a day- that is what wal-mart is all about..... cheap crap at everyday low prices..... haha... if i am not cutting i can bulk nicely with hamburger, tuna, chicken, fruit, and so on, and all this can be found at wal-mart mad cheap, i would even get deli meat and good stuff like that and my bill for like 2 weeks would be like $65.... thats how us students do it....ha ha ha... that reminds me of a bussiness card i used to have for painting... it said college painters, everybody knows students do it for less..... lmao...

    just my 2c

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    tuna, peanuts, cheap whey protein, soybeans.

    I have been in the same place as you many times and often I had to semi live on whey, soy and tuna.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Noo Yawk
    Goto costco, priceclub, or BJs I'm sure you can find one in your area. Stop N' Shop also has good prices. I can get like 6lbs of Chicken for around 12 dollars in one of these stores. Also switch from chuck white to chunk light tuna, they are very cheap(taste shittier but whatever) BUT has less fat! The key is buying in bulk. I got 36 cans of tuna for 25 bucks, and a big a$$ bag of rice for like 12 bucks, and like I said the 6lbs chicken for 12 also. The tuna lasted me 3 weeks, rice lasted me the whole month and I think the chicken lasted me a week and 2 days or something like that.

  16. #16
    box's of pasta lots of cals for cheap cheap price and huge cans of veggies

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