i've been megadosing vit. c the past few days and have been gassy like a mofo. I know the vit. c will give you the shits if you take too much....but what about gas? and if so....is there anything i can take to combat it?
i've been megadosing vit. c the past few days and have been gassy like a mofo. I know the vit. c will give you the shits if you take too much....but what about gas? and if so....is there anything i can take to combat it?
Would Bean-O helpwith that??
of all the people to answer...it had to be a female. LOL i'm blushing
no but seriously...i have a date next week and if i cant get this under control...i'm gonna run the poor girl off. Gassy dudes don't make a good first impression.
Yes, megadosing vitamin C does cause gas. I've had this myself, although I've only taken large amounts of C when I've felt a cold coming on. Also, it had to be a HUGE amount for this to occur, and I don't do it anymore.
If you want my advice, stop taking so much. Chances are you already eat well and take a multivitamin. There's no point in taking more than 500mg on top of that per day imho, and most nutrionists would probably say even that isn't needed.
If you're taking so much of a vitamin that you experience sides, you're obviously going overboard with it!
just drop the dosage a bit and se if the gas goes away. Try to divide the daily dosage into even more dosages aswell.
How do you consume the vit c right now?
Could not disagree more. There are just to many benifits of megadosing vitamin c that I cant list them. 5000mg is more like a good daily dosage. personaly I get around 10grams and sometimes I go up to 20grams. If Im sic I consume as much as 50 grams.Originally Posted by Ectoflab
Yes I've heard about the many benefits. I've also read of studies linking megadosing of vitamin C to kidney stones, poor absorbtion of other vitamins/minerals, and even arterial blockage in the neck (i don't buy that one myself.)Originally Posted by johan
Also studies have shown that when you take a lot (several grams) most of it is expelled in urine within hours.
50 grams is simply bizarre. Very expensive urine that day!
When you consider that the recommended daily allowance is something like 75 mg (not sure if it's changed, varies from country to country too), taking 500 mg on top of what you already consume in food IS megadosing, in many people's minds.
Originally Posted by johan
yeah im takeing down about 10-12grams a day as well evrything seems to run better when im downing a ton of V-c
i run 5g a day minimum. i never get sick anymore its great.
But the RDI is a big joke. The RDI for chimps are several grams and monkies have the same requirements as human since they cant either produce ascorbic acid. Your avarage pig produces several grams of ascorbic acid each day and as much as 20-30 grams when sic.Originally Posted by Ectoflab
The only studies regarding vitamin c and kidney stones I have seen was that kidney stones where alot more rare among people that consume more vitamin c. The whole idea that vitamin c can cause kidney stones is based on a wrong asumption but unfortunaly that missconception still lives on.
Arterial blockage sounds very odd since vitamin c increase nitric oxide production and expand blod vessels. It even protects blood vessels against the harmfull effects of hyperglycemica.
I have debated these things to no end beforeso its easiet if you buy this e-book and download it.
its cheap(only 6$) and its the number one source of info on vitamin c. It dispells the myth that excess is just excreted aswell.
Do a search for poliquins experiments with high dosage IV vitamin c treatment aswell. He treats many of his athletes with extreme iv dosages to accelerate fatloss and boost recovery.
Dosages as high as 300 grams have been used to cure some diseases aswell and I can from personal experience testify that extreme megadosages of vitamin c can almost imidietly cure colds. Im not alone on this either. Ironfreak on this board has done so succesfully aswell.
There are studies showing grams dosages of vit c after exercise lowers cortisol alot aswell. So that alone justifies high dosages of vitamin c.
other recomended books are offcourse linus paulings old "vitamin c and the comond cold" and offcourse Dr Levy's "Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins: Curing the Incurable". But the e-book I linked to is the most unbiased book.
The first 5 chapters can be read for free in these links
Thanks for the links Johan. I sincerely appreciate that you took the time to post those. Yes, it's a debate that's been going on for quite a while now. I think vitamin c is great btw. I take way more than the RDI every day myself. But not a "megadose."
It's easy to find articles/writings that are for or against megadosing vitamin C. You can also find articles about the many medicinal benefits of smoking pot every day. So i'm not going to engage in the link/counterlink style of forum discussion.
However, I decided to read some of Dr. Levy's work with an open mind. I've been completely wrong before, and I only know what I've read. I haven't read everything there is, and not this.
I didn't get any further than the intro before realizing he is a complete quack, sorry to say.
According to him vitamin C is the cure-all for not only viral and bacterial infections, but also cancer and heart disease. Ok, a bit outlandish, but still reading...then he goes so far as to say vaccinations are "completely unnecessary when one has the access to proper treatment with vitamin C."
Vaccinations unnecessary? Funny how that never made the news! Wouldn't that be one of the biggest medical stories of all time? He addresses this with a rant against mainstream medicine. (Yes, a rant. At one point he's even giving the dictionary's definition of "anecdotal" to support the idea that anecdotal evidence is good evidence. That's how bad it is.)
No offense to you, but it's completely laughable. Anybody can write anything, it doesn't make it so. Hopefully the ebook you mentioned is better, but I'm not about to spend money to download what may very well also turn out to be quackery. Especially when one of the customer reviews contains "The people who are concerned with damaging the reputation of vitamin C are possibly the same people who advocate the use of expensive drugs, sold by big multi-national drug companies. Is this a coincidence?" I realize this isn't a quote from the book, just from someone who read it, but it seems to show what kind of book it is.
Also, how could the body NOT be excreting excess vitamin C? Where else would it all go? Does it get stored in the body in a camel-like ascorbic acid hump? C'mon, you can smell it in your piss!
One last thing to think about: Most "experts" (doctors, nutritionists, etc.) agree that if you eat a balanced diet with lots of fruit and vegetables you don't really need a vitamin supplement. Well without supplementation, one way to get an extra 10 grams of vitamin C every day would be to eat about 120 oranges. Every day. I did the math. So any evolutionary hypothesis that our bodies are "meant" to have huge amounts of vitamin C seems silly.
(Btw, I don't think there is an RDI for chimps. Does the FDA have a "chimp division" or something?)
dont dismiss Levy that quickly. He is very biased yes but even Poliquin has worked togheter with Levy and as a fellow lifter I assume you respect Poliquins oppinions?
Levy can come of as a quack but he has references to what he claim and he make strong distinctions betwen his oppinions and what is based on studies.
the e-book is like I said very unbiased. It doesnt make any claims and just go through the aviable studies and info. Its extremely professional and fully referenced. The conclusion they make is that there seems to be abundant evidence to atleast study megadosing further but they make no conclusive claim that it is a cure all thing in the same way as Levy.
I havent done any calculations myself but according to some reserchers the diet our ancestors ate contained around 5 grams of vitamin c each day. Also remember that fruits nowdays have alot less vitamins than they used to have. Monkies eat a diet somewhat similar to what our ancestors ate and they get several grams each day.
What I meant with excess not beeing excreteed was that most that gets excreeted is dehydroascorbic acid or one of the end products of ascorbic acid. Not intact ascorbic acid. Oxalate and various other substances. Also vitamin c can donate its electrone and then get returned to its original state by other antioxidants so even if you piss out ascorbic acid it doesnt mean the ascorbic acid passed through the body without doing anything.
And it is a fact that polio for instance has been completely cured with vitamin c. It has been documented several times from different practitioners.
The first one to document it was Frederick R. Klenner and it has been published in the 50's. He cured 60 out of 60 cases of polio.
Even though personal experience doesnt mean much in the medical comunity I dont need any more evidence though. I have succesfully cured both colds and absecess with mega dosing. This is something you can try easily yourself.
When I am healthy I can consume up to around 15-20 grams before I get diharrea which is a sign that intact ascorbic acid is reaching the digestive track. When I am sic I can consume as much as up to 70-80 grams before I get diahreea. This is a sure sign to me that the body use more ascorbic acid since obviously less is wasted. When I hit the dosage that gives me dihareea almost all symptoms of the cold usualy disaperes completely. If I keep that dosage up for another day I am usualy completely cured. This has worked for other members here aswell and its documented by some docs. So next time you are sic you can do this experiment on yourself. Its totaly safe aswell since there is no know toxic dosage of vitamin c. There is not a single case where someone healthy has been harmed by megadosing of vitamin c. Only risk is if you suffer from some rare disease that leads to high iron levels.
Last edited by svarturer; 02-22-2012 at 02:36 PM.
great reads Johan!
everyone should be megadosing. i have been for over a year and a half since we chatted about it. i will never NOT do it![]()
1,5 years. Shit is it realy that long ago?? Time flies byOriginally Posted by novastepp
doesn't it go by in a blink.
yeah. scary sometimes. Im to young to feel time pass by so quickly god damn it.
Last edited by svarturer; 02-22-2012 at 02:36 PM.
Not sure. Smoking creates free radicals and free radicals can deplete vitamin c in the body so I assume that is the reason but I have never checked into it myselfOriginally Posted by svartur
Well Johan, thanks for the interesting discussion. I totally respect you and your opinions, even though I don't agree. At least we do agree on the original question asked in this thread, that if you have gas from vitamin C try lowering the dose!
Any respect I may have for Poliquin isn't going to rub off on Levy. I NEVER believe someone just because of who they are, who they know, or what their credentials are. Not even my own doctor. And I never refer to my own credentials as evidence that I'm right about something either.
Very few compounds make it through the human body unchanged, I'm completely aware of that. For example, you won't find any nicotine in a smoker's urine, or alcohol in an alcoholic's. They metabolize into other things. That does not mean that they have served a useful purpose in the body.
Imo you should avoid using the word "documented" if you want to be convincing. It is the calling card of pseudoscience. (I just documented that.)
I used to megadose vitamin C when I had a cold, I've since stopped doing that, and colds seem to go away just as quickly. Actually I hardly ever get sick anymore, but that's thanks to a magic rock I keep under my pillow. (Prove it isn't.)
I dont realy se why I should not refer to documented cases where vitamin c has been very efficient. Im not into crackpottering at all though and I spend alot of time debunking crackpottery in physics(since I study it) especialy regarding nuclear power.
I havent bothered to use any references to studies in this discussion but they are all there in the books I mentioned.
Nice discussion anyway![]()
right now i'm taking the chewables. and eating about 4-5g at a time.Originally Posted by johan
will be getting the powder soon though.
by the way....other than the gas, the megadosing is definitely going well. more energy is the most notable change. also cuts and abrasions on my skin heal much much faster. I WILL be megadosing from now on. thanx again for the advice johan.
Last edited by svarturer; 02-22-2012 at 02:36 PM.
just waiting on my powder to come in the mail.Originally Posted by svartur
Are you guys experiencing the libido increase that Johan spoke of in other threads?
to the person that made fun of smoknig pot being good for you. Just to let you know it is good for you. most studies that say the bad effects are biased bullshit so that they can keep it illegal and keep selling there cancer sticks for 7 dollars a pack
No problem mate.Originally Posted by Lucius Leftfoot
The energy is defenetly what is most noticable. But it seems to disapere after a while on mega dosages or maby you just get used to it. I dont seem to get that freaky energy anymore. Hell when I started mega dosing it was like beeing on speed.
I suspect that was all in my mind but I have seen one study showing vitamin c increases libido.Originally Posted by Anavar Man
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