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  1. #1
    russia dog's Avatar
    russia dog is offline Member
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    Thumbs up fat and carb in a meal question:macrronutrient

    i know you are not suppose to mix fat and carb in one meal, due to insulin response and fat gain.

    however it is impossible for me to avoid fat100% in a carb meal
    and avoid carb100% in a fat meal

    what i mean is: every carb meal (whole wheat bread or oats) contains fat

    may be 40 carb and 3 fat.......
    my question is, how much fat is the bottom line and be considered a decent carb meal???

    in my protein shakes, it contains 2.5 fat per scooop, and i take 2 scoops, dat's 5 gram of fat,,, plus 45 carb glucose....

    will this pwo be considered a certified pwo?? will 5 gram of fat and the insulin spike on glucose causes me to accumulate fat???

    likewise, my fat meal (peanut butter or cashrew nut, almonds or so) it contains carb!!! how much carb is the bottom line for a fat meal!

    i hope yall understand my question: how much fat is the bottomline and wont causes fat accumulation in a fat meal!!!!

    my PWO contains 5 gram of fat, 45 carb, 40 protein
    my oatmeal breakfast contrains 7 gram of fat and 60 gram of carb.... does it count as "mixing fat and carb"

  2. #2
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    I try to avoid mixing carbs fats but i eat plenty of oats which like you mentioned have both. I don't see it as a problem unless you are 6 weeks out from a comp or something. I cut fine last year using oats.

  3. #3
    audis4's Avatar
    audis4 is offline Eat, Sleep, Lift...Repeat!
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    Quote Originally Posted by russia dog
    i know you are not suppose to mix fat and carb in one meal, due to insulin response and fat gain.

    however it is impossible for me to avoid fat100% in a carb meal
    and avoid carb100% in a fat meal

    what i mean is: every carb meal (whole wheat bread or oats) contains fat

    may be 40 carb and 3 fat.......
    my question is, how much fat is the bottom line and be considered a decent carb meal???

    in my protein shakes, it contains 2.5 fat per scooop, and i take 2 scoops, dat's 5 gram of fat,,, plus 45 carb glucose....

    will this pwo be considered a certified pwo?? will 5 gram of fat and the insulin spike on glucose causes me to accumulate fat???

    likewise, my fat meal (peanut butter or cashrew nut, almonds or so) it contains carb!!! how much carb is the bottom line for a fat meal!

    i hope yall understand my question: how much fat is the bottomline and wont causes fat accumulation in a fat meal!!!!

    my PWO contains 5 gram of fat, 45 carb, 40 protein
    my oatmeal breakfast contrains 7 gram of fat and 60 gram of carb.... does it count as "mixing fat and carb"
    Like perfectbeast said, Just make sure the fats aren't high with your carb meal and carbs aren't high with your fat meal. If oats had 27g carb for 1/2 cup and 12 fat I would choose another carb source.

  4. #4
    russia dog's Avatar
    russia dog is offline Member
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    well, my question is, wads the maximum gram of fat in a carb mean , that would considered "high" wads the bottomline??

    is 5 gram tooo much?

  5. #5
    audis4's Avatar
    audis4 is offline Eat, Sleep, Lift...Repeat!
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    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by russia dog
    well, my question is, wads the maximum gram of fat in a carb mean , that would considered "high" wads the bottomline??

    is 5 gram tooo much?
    I do nothing over 10g of fat....and this goes foods higher in carbs.
    Really depends how many carbs I'm eating for that meal.

    Lets say potato had 50g of carbs and 5g of fat....I'd eat it.
    If it was 50g carbs and 12g fat....I wouldn't eat it.
    It's kind of a hard thing to determine. Thats my general rule. Most things I eat have almost non-existant carbs yielding higher fat and vice versa.
    Seperate the best you can.

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