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  1. #1
    Duke of Earl's Avatar
    Duke of Earl is offline Senior Member
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    1,350 bad is it really

    So how much of a no-no would 20-30g of milk chocolate be on a lean bulk or cutter assuming the rest of one's diet is in order ?

  2. #2
    dedic8ed1's Avatar
    dedic8ed1 is offline Banned
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    in the gym
    Maybe ok on a cheat day as your only cheat meal but it would all depend on how important being ripped is to you,chocalate is probably the worst saturated fat.Assumong your cardio is on point morning and night hey once a week can't hurt.

  3. #3
    brutesinme's Avatar
    brutesinme is offline Member
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    Ok, first off, chocolate itself is not a saturated fat, and is certaintly not one of the worst. Mass produced milk chocolate is bad for you, but if you get some pure dark chocolate to add to things, it's actually quite healthy, packed with anti-oxidants.

  4. #4
    brutesinme's Avatar
    brutesinme is offline Member
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    Top Antioxidant Bearing Foods (ORAC* Units per 100 grams)

    Dark Chocolate 13,120
    Milk Chocolate 6,740
    Prunes 5,770
    Raisins 2,830
    Blueberries 2,400
    Blackberries 2,036
    Kale 1,770
    Strawberries 1,540
    Spinach 1,260
    Raspberries 1,220
    Brussel Sprouts 980
    Plums 949
    Alfalfa Sprouts 930
    Broccoli Florets 890
    Oranges 750
    Red Grapes 739
    Red Bell Pepper 710
    Cherries 670
    Onion 450
    Corn 400
    Eggplant 390

  5. #5
    brutesinme's Avatar
    brutesinme is offline Member
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    ok, heres some more info for anyone interested

    (taken from cellular nutrition webpage)

    Taking a closer look, one discovers that once the studies funded by chocolate interest groups were

    discarded, the ones left offered conflicting results. As expected however, some isolated compounds

    in cocoa did show certain health benefits. Because it is a common practice in nutritional research to do

    studies on food fractions, outcomes may sometimes appear negative because they are done without

    any co-factors or complexed nutrients, however in the case of cocoa, some of the research was positive
    because the "co-factors" (all the other detrimental ingredients in chocolate) were not part of the study.

    If people were to consume pure cocoa, then they might indeed be able to enjoy a few health benefits,
    including a positive effect on blood pressure and glucose metabolism, however the majority of people

    eat processed chocolate with all the other less desirable ingredients (i.e. added sugar, corn syrup,

    milk fats / dairy cream, hydrogenated oils, etc...), and where the actual cocoa content may be less than

    20%, so all the bets regarding chocolate being a healthy food are off.

    With claims made of chocolate and sugar having a "pain-relieving" effect, it is doubtful that we will see

    chocolate bars replacing conventional analgesics any time soon, nor are these same "researchers"

    making these extraordinary claims likely going to reach for a chocolate bar next time they suffer from a

    throbbing toothache, a pounding headache, or kidney stone attack.

    While cocoa and sugar do not "cause" acne, the sugar present in chocolate will most certainly make

    acne, or any other acne-like skin eruptions worse, as anyone suffering from these skin conditions can
    attest to.

    Placebo-controlled trials showed that some of the chemicals in chocolate (caffeine, phenylethylamine,

    or theobromine) can indeed trigger migraine headaches by altering cerebral blood flow and releasing

    norepinephrine in some of those prone to suffer from migraines. Of all the foods isolated that triggered

    the most attacks, chocolate was an offender about 30% of the time.

    Claiming that "eating moderate amounts of chocolate increases one's life span" is a most interesting
    example of how some "researchers" will manipulate statistics to prove anything!

    "Chocolate-Is-Good-For-You" campaigns through the media or the prominent placement of leaflets

    at confectionery counters keep feeding the consumer "made-to-order" research results whose outcome
    is predetermined to satisfy an agenda (i.e. selling chocolate), with little relevance to science or facts.

    Considering that nicotine has also shown some health benefits, particularly with ulcerative colitis and
    Parkinson's disease --- would this be a reason to urge people to start smoking tobacco?

    From a nutritional perspective - chocolate is no less a junk food than ice cream or donuts, and it is

    equally unhealthy and fattening when larger amounts are consumed on a regular basis. While no one is

    trying to discourage people from enjoying an occasional chocolate treat - urging consumers to increase
    their chocolate intake for "Health Reasons" leaves nutritional research less than credible, particularly

    when diabetes and obesity have become an out-of-control global problem.

    Premium grade dark chocolate contains only cocoa butter, a fat that naturally occurs in cocoa beans
    and is made up of stearic acid (34%), oleic acid (34%), palmitic acid (25%), and the rest of other fatty
    acids, whereby the combined effect of all the fats found in cocoa butter is fairly neutral in regard to an

    individual's lipid profile. However, when milk chocolate or lower grade chocolate is consumed, part of

    the total fat content of chocolate comes from milk fat or various other types of fat, which do adversely
    affect cholesterol levels.

    Despite all the good news on cocoa not raising LDL cholesterol, even dark chocolate is a very calorie-

    dense food, so while the fat content may not invite cardiovascular disease from an atherogenic (arterial

    clogging) perspective, its regular consumption will add a lot of extra calories to someone's daily total,
    and as a result still affect those who have to watch their caloric intake. Nevertheless, being listed as the

    No.1 ingredient in many chocolate products, sugar is unquestionably a worse culprit compared to the

    fat content when addressing the effects of chocolate on someone's overall health.

    Sugar is a well-known cause, contributing, or aggravating factor with a host of medical conditions that

    includes heart disease, insulin and blood sugar disorders, mood disorders, immune system disorders,

    impaired phagocytosis, leukemia, inflammatory conditions, dental caries, yeast infections, depletion of

    essential nutrients, osteoporosis, obesity, and others. (see also Acu-Cell "Sugar & Glycemic Index").

    Cocoa products also contain stimulants such as phenylethylamine, which have an anti-depressant and

    amphetamine-like effect; they contain pharmacological substances such as n-acetylethanolamines that

    are related to cannabis (marijuana), and they have compounds that stimulate the brain to release an
    opiate-like substance called anandamide. When drugs are used to block the brain's opiate receptors,
    the desire for chocolate (and other sweet and fatty foods) disappears - confirming the addictive nature
    of these types of foods.

    But despite cocoa being such an opiate and endorphin-releasing pharmacological powerhouse, who
    would have guessed that when chocoholics were given cocoa in capsules - without the added fat and
    sugar, and without the feel of chocolate melting in their mouths - it had no satisfying effect at all!

    However, while eating the actual chocolate bar satisfied the cravings for it, studies showed that there

    was no improvement with mood, relaxation, feeling content, depression, or guilt, after eating chocolate.

    What about the cancer and heart-protective attributes of catechins,

    which chocolate products have become increasingly associated with?

    Again - in isolation, polyphenols work well in a test-tube environment, but cocoa also happens to be

    very high in Copper, which unfortunately inhibits the action of some flavonoids, particularly hesperidin,

    which is an essential flavanone (see also Acu-Cell Nutrition "Bioflavonoids"). This in turn can lead to a
    greater incidence of vascular degeneration such as varicose veins, hemorrhoids, aneurysms, bruising,

    heart disease, and stroke.

    While low copper can be implicated with weak and fragile blood vessel as well, high copper levels

    are much more common in many parts of the world, with nearly 90% of patients tested exhibiting a
    chemical profile that - in addition to their own unique chemistry - contained an underlying pattern that
    reflects the impact of copper overload on various opposing nutrients, which include sulfur, chromium,
    moly**enum, nickel, Vitamin C, hesperidin, and others.

  6. #6
    Duke of Earl's Avatar
    Duke of Earl is offline Senior Member
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    thanks brute - good info

  7. #7
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
    InsaneInTheMembrane is offline Anabolic Member
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    I'm an extreme chocoholic and the best thing I ever did was to buy some dutch cocoa powder... put them in my oats, mix them into my cottage cheese, hell.. I even put them in my chocolate flavored whey shakes to make them even MORE chocolatey!!! And it doesnt even have that many cals

  8. #8
    Jakt's Avatar
    Jakt is offline Associate Member
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    same here man!!!!!! great stuff, i eat reg choc too, i dont care

  9. #9
    Duke of Earl's Avatar
    Duke of Earl is offline Senior Member
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    Mar 2004
    Cool - this is the stuff i was after ....people saying it's OK !!!
    I also use cocoa powder in anything chocolatey - low cals - High protein too

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