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Thread: Pw Rice!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Pw Rice!

    KRISPIES! What do you think of swapping oats for a higher gi cereal like rice krisipies? I know many use rice cakes and since rice kripies have a gi of 82, do you think this would be a decent carb replacement with a whey shake? Light on the stomach esp. after heavy back or leg day...thoughts?

  2. #2
    id like to know the answer to this as well...thats an interesting idea

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Bro, I'd be fine. Stop stessin about the small stuff, usually that means that you are missing out on the bigger picture....
    "without your word you're a shell of a man" - Tupac

    ***Giants11 is a fictional character any advice given is purely for entertainment purposes, always consult a physician before taking any supplements, drugs or changing your diet.***

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    SORRRY BRO...You are right!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Rice Krispies with that high of a GI, would give me one hell of a crash half way through my workout.

  6. #6
    Personally, I've noticied a significant improvement in my workout performance, health and overall body comp when I completely dropped the pwo shake along with any grains (rice, etc) from my diet.

    Rice is just sugar to your body. Too much and the excess is converted to fat for storage with increases in triglycerides and cholesterol. Metabolically the effect is the same as a candy bar. Eat it if you choose but I'd suggest tight portion control. In the end, rice and dextrose (among other things), just put too much fat around my waist.

    But again this is highly individual. Just some ideas to tinker with.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    usualsuspect, i suspect that you use fruit pwo for your carb source. What fruit choices do you make (i'm looking for high glucose, low fructose fruits).

  8. #8
    Sometimes I eat fruit pwo. Other times I'll have a protein and fat meal. Whatever I do, I always try to keep my body guessing (randomn variation!). And I usually try waiting at least an hour after I workout to eat.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Staten Island/Tampa
    Would eating something like granola cereal with some milk as a carb source be aright if your just trying to switch it up.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by CoreyTampa09
    Would eating something like granola cereal with some milk as a carb source be aright if your just trying to switch it up.
    your cutting aren't you? If so, no, I wouldn't.

  11. #11
    Not a good idea, regardless of your goals.


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    the dirty
    Rice is just sugar to your body.
    could you please explain this more. when eaten with a lean protein source the gi of white rice is 24 and brown rice is 18. i want to make sure im making good carb decisions as oats have been it for me for a long long time thats why i ask.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by timtim
    could you please explain this more. when eaten with a lean protein source the gi of white rice is 24 and brown rice is 18. i want to make sure im making good carb decisions as oats have been it for me for a long long time thats why i ask.
    he's talking about rice Krispies...the crappy cereal not brown/white rice.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    the dirty
    thanks audi!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by audis4
    he's talking about rice Krispies...the crappy cereal not brown/white rice.
    POST!! WORKOUT....not preworkout..........dextrose, rice cakes, rice, creamry rice...they all work beautifully.........

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Columbus
    POST!! WORKOUT....not preworkout..........dextrose, rice cakes, rice, creamry rice...they all work beautifully.........
    I realize will still crash after your workout if not in the middle. I'm not saying don't do it....I just don't like how I respond with high GI carbs PWO.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    the dirty
    dextrose, rice cakes, rice, creamry rice...they all work beautifully.........
    after trying both hi and low gi carbs for pwo i can finally say there is no difference between the sources. the high gi's make me feel more bloated though.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by audis4
    I realize will still crash after your workout if not in the middle. I'm not saying don't do it....I just don't like how I respond with high GI carbs PWO.
    I guess I am not following you does your post workout meal make you crash in the middle of your workout? LOL......what am I missing here..? I agree, to some, a insulin spike post makes many tired soon after they consume it.. but during your next workout????????????/

    Too each his own. I respond well to high gi....I am sub 7% repairing and growing.....SC appears to be the same way. Others make huge gains going the low route. To each his own. Just different options.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Columbus
    I guess I am not following you does your post workout meal make you crash in the middle of your workout? LOL......what am I missing here..? I agree, to some, a insulin spike post makes many tired soon after they consume it.. but during your next workout????????????/

    Too each his own. I respond well to high gi....I am sub 7% repairing and growing.....SC appears to be the same way. Others make huge gains going the low route. To each his own. Just different options.
    oops, I was talking about preworkout before but my last quote I was talking about PWO. Either way I take in Low GI' well for me.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Low GI pwo, audis? really.....any reasoning or what happens?

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by FaizakaFez
    Low GI pwo, audis? really.....any reasoning or what happens?
    yeah, Johan did a study that's fairly in depth. Try doing a search on it, I'll post it if I run across it. I know Johan, 1buff and a few other guys including myself have found low GI carbs work great PWO. It's definitely worth a shot!

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by audis4
    yeah, Johan did a study that's fairly in depth. Try doing a search on it, I'll post it if I run across it. I know Johan, 1buff and a few other guys including myself have found low GI carbs work great PWO. It's definitely worth a shot!
    I've tried both and actually found a mixture of the two works great..
    Currently using a blend of BCAA's/maltodex/and vitargo in various percentages and then a meal 30mins after containing lean protein and higher amounts of low GI carbs.

    Time of day an individual trains IMO would also make a difference on what approach they took.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    What time of the day do you train? How many meals do you get in after you wo? Just curious as to your approach...

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Columbus
    What time of the day do you train? How many meals do you get in after you wo? Just curious as to your approach...
    Normally I try and do early afternoon.
    I shoot for 7-8meals/day spaced 2hrs apart.

    So it looks something like this:
    8am - meal1
    10am - meal2
    12pm - meal3
    2-2:30pm - meal4 (depending on how my day looks training wise).
    BCAA mixture pretraining
    3:30-4pm - Train
    5-5:30 PWO BCAA mixture
    30 min later meal 5
    7:30 meal 6
    9:30 meal 7
    Depending on macros for the day 11pm will be Prot/Fat meal or homemade shake (1cup water, 3/4cup f/f cottage cheese, 1tbspn PB, 1/2cup eggwhites)
    Occasionally wake up to piss at 3-4am and take in a casein/egg blend from trueprotein. 25g protein.

    Training days matched with diet:
    Sun - OFF (high carb) cardio AM
    Mon - Train (med carb)
    Tues - OFF (high carb) cardio AM
    Wed - Train (med carb)
    Thurs - OFF (high carb) cardio AM
    Fri - Train (med carb)
    Sat - OFF (low carb) cardio Mid-day normally.
    (Just started playing with this dietary approach, so I can't give much feedback on results as of yet).

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