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  1. #1
    DNoMac's Avatar
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    Need to add 1000kcals

    What up bros- I used the Harris Bennedict calculator to estimate my BMR and got 3,224 kcals. I'm 6' 190lbs and lift 4-5/week. My bf is roughly 8-9%. I've always been lean, and I'm looking to bulk up to at least 200. I've gained about 5 or so lbs in the last month, and have stayed lean (no cardio).

    However, I calculated my calories and found that I'm way below where I need to be. It's just a rough calculation (I don't weigh or measure ALL my food, just things like flax/olive oil and Protein powder). I'm well aware of the foods I need to eat, when to eat them, and seperating macros. My question is, with my current diet, how should I increase my macros? Here's what it breaks down to:

    Total Protein: 192 gms
    Total Carbs: 150 gms
    Total Fat: 95 gms

    Total kcals: 2,223kcals

    This def seems to be to low because I've been steadily gaining on my current diet. I would guess I'm closer to 2,800kcals. Anyhow, the breakup of my macros is probably proportionate to my estimate. Based on those numbers, how should I increase my calories? I'm def gonna increase my protein to at least 300 gms, what about carbs and fats? Thanks bros

  2. #2
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    I'd lower the fats and up your carbs quite a bit.. how bout a sample of your current eating routine and meals.

  3. #3
    getpumped24's Avatar
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    you should be eating closer to 3800 calories for a good weight gain. stick w/ around 100 g fat, eat some natty p-butter instead of oils. up the carbs and protein. lots of baked potatoes, rice, oats, etc. get them carbs, protein, and calories up and you will gain weight. don't have to completely lose the cardio, just do couple hrs a wk, helps keep fat off. happy eating!!

  4. #4
    yodaddy's Avatar
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    agreed about the carbs uptake, im in a similar situation as you Dn and upping my carbs by 100 grams a day did wonders for my energy levels first off and clean weight gaining....i am also taking r-ala with my highest carb meals dont kno if it does much but ill seeee...good luck man

  5. #5
    DNoMac's Avatar
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    Thanks for the responses. I'll get the diet up soon, I already wrote it up and calculated the calories for each meal, I just got to type it up (gotta go to work though). I do eat quite a bit of natty pb. Most of my carbs come from oatmeal and the dextrose in my pwo shake. I'll get it up soon. Time to feed the diesel!

  6. #6
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by getpumped24
    you should be eating closer to 3800 calories for a good weight gain. stick w/ around 100 g fat, eat some natty p-butter instead of oils. up the carbs and protein. lots of baked potatoes, rice, oats, etc. get them carbs, protein, and calories up and you will gain weight. don't have to completely lose the cardio, just do couple hrs a wk, helps keep fat off. happy eating!!
    This is individual based bro.. Ex. I am currently Lean bulking off of around 3200-3500calories/day and putting on pretty much nothing but LBM consistantly. Someone that doesn't hold as much LBM as myself possibly doesn't even need 3500calories to grow.
    As far as the peanut butter goes, I'd actually drop it in place of say Flax that includes all the O mega's (3,6, and 9) as it's far better for you healthywise and you're probably lacking O megas in your diet as-is.

  7. #7
    getpumped24's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by I**mfkr
    This is individual based bro.. Ex. I am currently Lean bulking off of around 3200-3500calories/day and putting on pretty much nothing but LBM consistantly. Someone that doesn't hold as much LBM as myself possibly doesn't even need 3500calories to grow.
    As far as the peanut butter goes, I'd actually drop it in place of say Flax that includes all the O mega's (3,6, and 9) as it's far better for you healthywise and you're probably lacking O megas in your diet as-is.
    good points, everybody is different. figure out what your body needs. walmart carries a p-butter called naturally more, it is enriched w/flax oil, wheat germ, & egg whites. taste great and is great source of good fat.

  8. #8
    DNoMac's Avatar
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    Alright fellas, here is my average daily diet. Sometimes I switch meals up, but in the end the macros are about the same.

    Meal 1
    7 egg whites
    2/3 cup of oatmeal (just bumped to 1 cup)
    1/2 scoop of protein (for flavor)
    P49 C37 F9 Cals: 429

    Meal 2
    Can of Tuna
    tbsp mayo
    tbsp olive oil
    tsp natty pb
    P 35 C3.5 F22 Calories 360

    Meal 3 (preworkout)
    1/2 cup oatmeal
    1/2 scoop whey
    P17 C28 F3 Total 200

    Meal 4 (PWO)
    Scoop whey (bumped up to 1.5 scoop)
    Scoop dextrose (bumped to 1.5 scoops)

    P24 C29 F1 Total 220

    Meal 5
    ~7oz chicken (couldn't find the macros on this so I guessed. I also don't weigh this, I just estimated)
    2/3 cup oats
    P43 C37 F7 TOTAL 383

    Meal 6
    2 turkey burgers (threw away the box, estimated the fat in this)
    1/2 tbsp flax oil
    1 tsp natty pb
    P 40 C8 F27 Total 451 calories

    Meal 7
    1 tbsp flax oil
    1/2 cottage cheese
    2 tsp natty pb
    P 20 C8 F27 Total 355

    Daily totals
    P228 C151 F96 Total calories=2380

    Like I said, this is a pretty rough estimate, I would guess my calories are a bit higher. I usually snack on precooked food in the fridge which bumps the calories up a little.

    I've also added a bit more proetin, particularly before bed. Let me know what you guys think. Thanks

  9. #9
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    Don't plan on seeing 200lbs anytime soon with that diet.. Your meal sizes are TINY. Shoot for 400-500calories/meal with the same structure above, I like the diet just isn't enough calories. I'd add 200carbs to the plan above spaced evenly throughout the day except in meal 7.

  10. #10
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
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    Scotty, beam me up
    Im gonna go against the consensus here and suggest you upp kcal by increasing fats. A couple of handfulls of mixed nuts each day betwen meals. It all depends on how much carbs you need though.

    Do you feel fatigued with the current carb intake?

  11. #11
    DNoMac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    Im gonna go against the consensus here and suggest you upp kcal by increasing fats. A couple of handfulls of mixed nuts each day betwen meals. It all depends on how much carbs you need though.

    Do you feel fatigued with the current carb intake?
    Not at all. I guess I've become used to low carbs, because this is what I've been doing for quite sometime.
    Last edited by DNoMac; 09-20-2006 at 07:26 AM.

  12. #12
    DNoMac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by I**mfkr
    Don't plan on seeing 200lbs anytime soon with that diet.. Your meal sizes are TINY. Shoot for 400-500calories/meal with the same structure above, I like the diet just isn't enough calories. I'd add 200carbs to the plan above spaced evenly throughout the day except in meal 7.

    I swear I must be miscalculating because I feel like I'm stuffing myself at every sitting. Then again, I haven't gained much aside from the 5 lbs I've gained in the last month. I'm definitely gonna try to ensure I'm getting around 500 calories each meal.

    I**mfkr-why do you suggest increasing only carbs vs. fat or protein?
    Last edited by DNoMac; 09-20-2006 at 07:25 AM.

  13. #13
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    You are bulking I presumed, therefore I don't get why you're at 150carbs/day. Not to mention you have a relatively fast metabolism from what it sounds like so I was just throwing a suggestion for you to try. Rotating carbs would be even better IMO.
    day 1: 200g Prot/400carbs/60g fat High carb
    Calories day 1 = approx 2800
    day 2: 250g Prot/300carbs/70g fat med carb day
    Calories day 2 = approx 2800
    day 3: 350g Prot/150carbs/100g fat low carb day
    Calories day 3 = approx 2900

    Get what I'm sayin? Switch things up but keep a constant level of calories and see how it works for 4wks or so?
    Without proper carb intake your body will break down the protein into glucose for the body to use anyhow, so the way I figure why not feed it adequate carbs so your protein is spared and can be utilized for muscle repair/growth.
    Just a thought.

    I get your daily carb intake on my first two meals when I'm on my medium day.
    Meal 1 - 1.5cups egg beaters + 1cup oats + 1piece fruit

    Meal 2 - 4oz Tuna + 8oz yam cooked + 1cup veg

    140carbs by 10am.
    My low carb day I go down to 150-200 though but jack my Prot/fats up by eating more red meats and fattier fish like salmon.
    Last edited by IBdmfkr; 09-20-2006 at 07:53 AM.

  14. #14
    DNoMac's Avatar
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    Thanks for all the advie I**mfkr. I'm definitely gonna try to rotate my carb intake and see how I respond. To be honest, as much and often as I eat, I assumed my carbs and calories in general were much higher. I'm gonna bump up my carbs in each meal and see where that gets me. Thanks again

  15. #15
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    Keep us posted, I like to hear about various results.
    Just FYI.
    I train Mon/Wed/Fri so I do my high carb days on Sun-Tues-Thurs, my Medium on my training days, and my low On Sat in between. Seems to keep energy levels at their peak and keep me very vascular and my glycogen stores full constantly.

  16. #16
    DNoMac's Avatar
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    I like that, but I usually train mon-fri. I'll toy around with the carb up days and see how I respond. I'll def keep you guys posted. Wont stop til I hit 200

  17. #17
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    You won't be happy at 200 either lol.. then 220 will be in your sights. Trust me, I was there too

  18. #18
    DNoMac's Avatar
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    I def assumed that would be the case. People keep asking me why I wanna gain weight, I look good at my weight now, ect ect. Obviously I wanna get bigger, but I also wanna see how well I can manipulate my body. If I can hit 200, what else can I do? Like you said, it doesn't stop there. btw, thanks for the chest routine I**m. I just began swithcing mine up this week, and it looked a lot similar to yours (I removed all of the flies and isolation workouts).

  19. #19
    audis4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DNoMac
    I def assumed that would be the case. People keep asking me why I wanna gain weight, I look good at my weight now, ect ect. Obviously I wanna get bigger, but I also wanna see how well I can manipulate my body. If I can hit 200, what else can I do? Like you said, it doesn't stop there. btw, thanks for the chest routine I**m. I just began swithcing mine up this week, and it looked a lot similar to yours (I removed all of the flies and isolation workouts).
    Everyone tells me the same exact thing. They're like man, your big already, why would you want to get any bigger?!
    Uh, well, I like when people do double takes on me
    Bro, if your trying to bulk, I'll critique your diet best I can
    Last edited by audis4; 09-21-2006 at 11:00 AM.

  20. #20
    DNoMac's Avatar
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    Maybe because getting big is a slow process, because when people say I've gotten so much bigger, I don't notice. Also dudes I used to think were big are only mediocre now. Guess thats a good thing!

    I think my biggest problem was avoiding mixing macros. I find it hard bringing in over 3k cals without mixing. I'm not competing, and I don't gain fat easily, so I don't think I should be concerned about this. I've def bumped the cals up the past few days and will hopefully see gains soon.

    One thing I would like to do is consume more natural fats in things such as fish, but the stuff is so damn expensive! Right now it's more economical for me to consume flax, but hopefully I can squeeze some fish in there. How much to you guys usually pay per lb with things like salmon and talapia? I'm also not experienced at preparing it. I'm so used to the simple stuff like chicken breast on the Foreman.

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