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  1. #1
    seriouslifter is offline Member
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    Aug 2004

    Veggies or brown rice??

    I am trying to make a cutting diet, with every meal i know lean piece of protein like chicken. Should i eat veggies like broccoli and asapaurgus coming from frozen bags or brown rice? Prob 1/2 cup of whatever in each meal. Should I mix it up veggies in 1 meal and brown rice in another. I want to cut and lose body fat. Also people said you will lose nutrition value if you cook veggies, how do i eat frozen veggies from bag then??

  2. #2
    audis4's Avatar
    audis4 is offline Eat, Sleep, Lift...Repeat!
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    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by seriouslifter
    I am trying to make a cutting diet, with every meal i know lean piece of protein like chicken. Should i eat veggies like broccoli and asapaurgus coming from frozen bags or brown rice? Prob 1/2 cup of whatever in each meal. Should I mix it up veggies in 1 meal and brown rice in another. I want to cut and lose body fat. Also people said you will lose nutrition value if you cook veggies, how do i eat frozen veggies from bag then??
    I would use both in both meals. I don't count veggie cals.

  3. #3
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
    IBdmfkr is offline AR VET
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    Depends on the veggie, if you eat carrots/peas/corn as opposed to Broc/Spinach/Green beans then you'd have a completely different calorie count. So I find it important.

    Give us a sample diet, that's too broad a question if you should include them or not. How many calories will you be taking in? What macros per day?
    These are things you need to figure out.

    I don't see how cooking vegetables would degrade them, I just wouldn't boil them.. either microwave the frozen ones or steam them.

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