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Thread: Diet Opinion

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Diet Opinion

    Hi Guys, I've been really sticking to a diet and I seem to be gaining too much fat weight. I'm currently 200 lbs 6'1 and 41 year old. My cardio is 3 time s a week and weights 4. I'd appreciate some advice and your opinion. Here is my diet...

    Fat 23
    Carbs 525
    Protein 289
    3589 Calories

    9:00 Meal Fat Carbs Protein Calories
    Egg Starts 1/2 cup 0 4 24 120
    Grits 1/4 cup 0.5 31 3 40
    Grits 1/4 cup 0.5 31 3 140
    Orange Juice 8 Oz 0 24 1 100
    Ham Slices 2 slices 1 2 10 60
    Bread -Whole Wheat 1 Slice 1 19 4 100
    Egg Starts 0 1 6 60
    Bread -Whole Wheat 1 Slice 1 19 4 100
    Orange Juice 8 Oz 0 24 1 100
    Cheese Fat Free - 1 Slice 0 2 4 25

    12:00 Meal Fat Carbs Protein Calories
    Whole Wheat Linguine 1 42 6 180
    Whole Wheat Linguine 1 42 6 180
    Chicken Breast 0.5 0 25 100
    Chicken Breast 0.5 0 25 100
    Tomato Sauce -Classico 1/2 cup 1 11 2 60
    Sweet peas 1/2 cup 0 19 5 90

    3:00 Meal Fat Carbs Protein Calories
    Protein Powder 1.5 4 27 138
    Banana 1 27 1 105
    Yogurt 1.5 19 5 180
    Orange Juice 8 Oz 0 24 1 100
    Protein Powder 1.5 4 27 138
    Apricots 1/4 cup 0 26 1 110

    6:00 Meal Fat Carbs Protein Calories
    Bread -Whole Wheat 1 Slice 1 19 4 100
    Bread -Whole Wheat 1 Slice 1 19 4 100
    Ham Slices 2 slices 1 2 10 60
    Ham Slices 2 slices 1 2 10 60
    Cheese Fat Free - 1 Slice 0 2 4 25
    Cheese Fat Free - 1 Slice 0 2 4 25
    Apricots 1/4 cup 0 26 1 110

    9:00 Meal Fat Carbs Protein Calories
    Protein Powder 1.5 4 27 138
    Banana 1 27 1 105
    Yogurt 1.5 19 5 180
    Orange Juice 8 Oz 0 24 1 100
    Protein Powder 1.5 4 27 138

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Look behind you.
    Jesus bro. That's a massive amount of carbs for your size. Very poor food choices IMO. Also, where the hell are your fats? It's no wonder why you're gaining fat my friend.

    Take a look at the sticky up top for some ideas on how to bulk. Your diet needs to be totally revised.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    I keep reading i need to take in 4500 calories a day. I'm having a hard time keeping the calories up and lowering carbs and sugar. How many carbs, protein and fat should I be consuming?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Look behind you.
    Why do you think you need to consume 4500kcals a day? That's way overboard.

    As for what you should be consuming, did you read the bulking stickies up top as I suggested?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Sorry I'm not sure what you mean by stickies at the top. I don't see anything that refers to bulking. CAn you be more specific?


  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2006
    3,948 the stickies have red beside them

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